Wednesday 30 September 2009

Alvina, was following behind, being from the realm of the elves', she shrank herself and used her gift of speed, to catch Drpsical's flight. The men, marched forward, in fast stead, following Alvina, fast in pace. Dropsical, flew down, before the stone, reaching out, to grasp it.

Just as he was about to touch the stone with the tip of his fingers', phoenix reared up, causing the spear to fall from Dropsical's hand, landing before the king. Dropsical, forced phoenix back down towards the hole, grabbing the stone with both hands', as he lent out, far and wide, balancing, on the feathered wings', of the bird.

Eros, made - fast; towards the fallen spear. Picking it up, he held it firm , releasing the light from it's wise powers', of knowledge. The earth shook from underneath the entire kingdom, throwing all the people onto the ground. Rumbling and trembling with the force of exploding power from the spear. The realm of the elves' was opened, folding the beautiful paving back, onto it's self, like that of a mechanical puzzle. Dropsical, now in fear of the king, made a speedy exit into the underground realm.

Alvina, stood before the king; singing, encapsulating him, by her beautiful voice. While the men of the kingdom of Ryon, escaped down, into the; now, new occupied city of Ryon. " Said Murcle, looking slightly exhausted, from relaying the events'. He continued; never the less, " Alvina, was the last to enter, descending the stairs'. The king's entrusted men, approached him, taking the spear from his clasp, with a sight tap on his shoulder, a small light shone out and brought him back into the world of reality ". " The story doesn't end there ", said Murcle.

He raised his spear, high up, over the vast number of men, that had gathered throughout the city center. Turning it, in his hand, as he pointed it out, towards the vast crowd. Raising his arm in the air, with a very aggressive encore, he brought his hand down; fast, across the people, as a dark shadow descended, covering the two forces'.

The good men of Abdon, rose high above the crowd, into the air. Shooting across the dark shadows' of the cityscape, with a powerfall force, falling back into the forest that lay on the outskirts', of the kingdom. The good - men, continued to be released from the clutches of the shadowy cloud, that had befallen the kingdom. Some, good - men , from the kingdom of Ryon, found themselves'; being rejected, alongside the men of Abdon. Until, only the badness, of Ryon, stood before, Dropsical.

Dropsical, brought the spear, down to his side, as he stood before them, he proceeded to speak, " Oh, people, ye, people of the upper world. You will join me, in my kingdom, for I will guide you to a new kingdom. A kingdom of knowledge. You will grow with me, as I will protect you, in an eternal life of beautiful bounty ". He said, as he cracked his spear down onto the ground, splitting the earth in two halves'. The palace, of king Eros, began to part, as a large crack drove itself into the front of the palace, leaving Dropsical, levitating in the air. The men parted themselves', following the crack in the earth, as they found themselves', separated; standing on, either side. Dropsical mounted Phoenix. There, standing before him and his new kingdom, was the enchanted courtyard gardens'. Seeing the stone, embedded into the wall, Dropsical, took charge, riding phoenix, up fast , between the parted building, of the palace. The king was approaching the stone, in fast stead, as Dropsical was heading with speed, straight towards' the heart of the stone.


Chapter 21 : THE CHASE

The two kingdoms' rode together, with king; Argon, riding out in front, behind Dropsical. As the men listened to the enchanted voice, of Alvina. Dropsical, being swift, in haste. He flew, phoenix low, towards the ground, rushing forward, leaning down hard onto the bird. Pushing and edging him, on; faster into the chase. As fast as he could, they flew together at great speed.

King Eros, caught sight of Dropsical. After seeking advice, from his entrusted wizard, Azim. Eros knew, almost immediately, that Dropsical had arrived, in search of the stone.

King Eros, raced forward, without delay. Racing against time, as he entered the courtyard at the front of the palace. The courtyard was empty, creating an easy ride. He dismounted his horse, at the foot of his palace, leaving the stallion, behind. The king's guards', being quick in succession, as they ran, hastily through. The three of them, made their way down into the gardens', through all the winding corridors' , that lay at the back of the king's palace.

Dropsical, pulled up his reins', outside the palace. Dismounting with ease, Alvina, following in his pursuit. The two kingdoms', arrived behind them, with king Argon, seated on his stallion leading the crowd into the courtyard below. The men, following their lead, mesmerised. Dropsical mounted the step's, heading towards the kings' palace. He walked, with an easier pace, turning around, as he stood before the kingdoms'.


Tuesday 29 September 2009

Azim, called for the stone, " Oh; stone of life, I have called upon you, to thyself. I will protect you, until you are called for, by your people ". The stone glowed, beating like that of a living heart. Azim took the stone, and covered it with a piece of silk cloth , tucking it away, into his hanging dress. He walked hastily, towards the cliff; as he mounted the rocky surface, mumbling to himself, " Oh, soon, my dear stone. You shell be in the hands', of your King. Your king is awaiting you. Oh, stone of good nature ". And with that, he disappeared into a small, cave dwelling.

Dropsical's mother was enchanted by the stone, and when she returned to the realm of the elves' she related the events' of the stone, to Dropsical, time and time again. Dropsical was curious about the stone, listening to every word of his mother's utterance. He had his heart set on obtaining the stone. Wishing to own it. He asked, if he could go in search of the stone, but his parents' refused, too busy to show him the route through, they had been assigned to further construction within the realm. Dropsical, being too young to work, spent most of his days', dreaming of how to obtain the stone.

Then one dreadful day, news' came to him, that his parents' had been lost in a terrible flood that wiped out the other side, of the city. Devastated, by the news' of his parents'; sudden death, he became withdrawn and reclusive. He employed himself onto a list of workers', lying about his age, having to fend for himself, he worked all hours', and kept himself to himself. That was; however, until Descale, called upon him.



Alvina continued to sing , as Dropsical made his way towards the king, riding phoenix with haste.

Dropsical had spent most of his life being raised by his parents'. He parents' hated the realm of the elves', wishing to live and reside in the upper world. They often made their way to the surface, disguised by draping cloth. They molded into the city of Abdon, well. Occasionally they would trade from people, bartering, and bringing gifts' back to their home, within the realm. One day, Dropsical's, mother wished to venture out of the city of Abdon, curious with what lay beyond, wishing to wonder into the forests' - on the outskirts' of the city. His father was a little bit more refined and hesitated at first, on wondering around. But with the persistent beckoning of his mother, Dropsical's father gave in. They rode on horses', that the borrowed from tradesmen, within the city of Abdon, riding through the landscape, far and wide , covering a great distance in a very short time. Coming towards', a large lake; surrounded by cliff - embedded caves', they dismounted their stallions', leaving them drinking at the side of the lake, as they dropped their, outer garments'; revealing themselves'. Hanging their outer garments', upon their saddles'; as they continued towards' the lake. Looking up at the small cliff's, overhead. Dropsical's mother heard a voice, mumbling, through the trees', coming towards them . Too late, to mount the horses'; they pulled at the horses' hair, leading them into the trees', that surround the path, around the lake.

Azim, came out of the trees', heading straight towards' the water of the lake. Standing over the water, he raised his hands' up , calling into the air. " Oh city of Abdon, what trouble will befall you, when the king call's for the stone. " He bent down, placing his hands' into the water, as he spoke again. " Oh ancient water, of lost time, you are the holder of the heart. The stone of change, is being called upon. Uplift it from the center of your life, and hand it to me" . With an almighty roar, the water gushed-up high, from the center of the lake. Bringing forth the red stone. The red stone, shone out, beaming across the landscape, as Azim, spoke again, " Oh stone of ancient protection, come forth unto me ". He said, as he lifted up his hands', and reached them out, over the surface of the lake. The stone; being touched by Azim's voice, sped out across the water, with haste, settling down into the hands' of, Azim.

The king rode with haste back into the city, as his men galloped forward, ready for a bloody battle. The kingdom of Ryon was speeding with haste at the opportunity of conflict. Galloping forward ; with swords' and spears' raised high.

The men of Abdon separated down the middle, moving over, to either-side, allowing the opposing force, to run straight down the center of the entrance. Once inside the city, the men of Abdon, gathered around them, surrounding them from behind, attacking them, almost immediately. A huge fight broke out, as the battle was in full commence; Dropsical made his overpowering entrance, above the city of Abdon. Swooping down on Phoenix. The men from both cities', were still fighting; not noticing the descent of Dropsical.

Dropsical took flight again, over and above them, coming back round on himself, then swooping down into the crowds', of battling men. All the kings' men, from both cities', stood still in utter amazement, disbelieving, what they saw. Dropping their swords' to their side's; as they watched the unwatchable.

Alvina, was sitting behind Dropsical, using the power of her voice, she sang. Bewitching all the men, that was standing below, within the cities' compounds'. Caught by her elegance; they dropped their weapons'; as they followed the sweet sound of her voice.

The horns' sounded, as the noise flooded the entire kingdom. The sound of the horns', touching the men's ears; from the Kingdom of Abdon. " The men perked up, knowing that; conflict was approaching, after having a few days', to make a settlement within the king's court. The men of Abdon, was ready and waiting for battle. Clearing any sign's away of resting, they took up their weaponry, their swords', and their horses'. And then proceeded, on horseback, towards, the entrance of the city. " The journey WASN'T an EASY one, after travelling from the outskirts of the city; only to have to retrace their steps', once again.

Argon, had prepared his men, for the blowing of the horn, over the course of his rein. So, it didn't take them long, to assemble their kinship. They united with haste, and started tracking themselves' towards' the kingdom of Abdon. A whole day and night passed, before, either side had reached their destination. Both of their destinations, being the entrance of Abdon.

A horse drew up, from in front of the city, beyond the forest, and then retreated back into the trees'. The battle was about to commence. " The king stood at the front of his men, standing firm on his horse , backing; the nation away from the entrance, to allow room for the approaching force. The force drew near, galloping fast, as the horses'; appeared from the trees', of the forest.
Still backing away, the king halted his position, as his men raced forward for an attack, leaving the king in the protection of the surrounding city.


Chapter 19: KING ARGON

Meanwhile; back in the kingdom of Ryon, King Argon, held a family meeting. " No, No ". He said, " This has to stop. I will not let Eros, destroy our kingdom. I know what this is about ". He said, thudding his fist, down onto the oak table. " It's not that he doesn't wish for our son to marry his daughter. He holds' a grudge, firm in his heart, that you left him; and abandoned his kingdom over my kingdom. He will let his people suffer at the cost of your loves' betrayal ". He looked across at his Queen, who, with her head bowed, and tear trickled eyes', retreated out of Argon's presence.

Argon stood up, pacing the room, looking at his entrusted consult, as he spoke; " I should never have married her, she betrayed Eros, and I have no doubt, in my mind that; one day, she will betray me ". He said , his arms' flying through the air. I see my people suffering at the hands' of my forbidden love ". He said. " What should I do now ? He is more powerful, than I. Yet, I see the state of my kingdom, deteriorate before my very eyes' ". He rubbed his hands', over his mouth, and down past his chin, picking at his beard, between his fingers'. " I have to act fast, before I have no means' to defend, either myself or my kingdom. What to do, what to do ? " He said, still pacing the grand floor. " Let me see. There is only one way to resolve an unrelenting king. We will have to push into his kingdom, we will have to start a war ". He said, " Sound the horns', ready for battle ". He demanded, as he turned his back and walked away.

Riding fast and furiously, through all the urban villages'; and towns', the kinsmen, following with haste, in Ira's, pursuit.

The whole court was silenced, as the King stood before his men, overlooking the vast number of his people, that had gathered before his royal court. Looking down, across his kingdom, he addressed the nation. " Oh, goodly people, a desperate time has arisen, I call upon your service ". He said, as he looked into the crowd, pacing the terrace of his palace. " I live in fear, that the city of Ryon, will come in siege of our kingdom. As you know, all trading has ceased, leaving us in a vulnerable condition. I fear that the city of Ryon, will be feeling these ill-effects',too. They will come in pursuit of battle. Being that of a weaker kingdom; their needs', will push them here. I rule this kingdom, and I implore you, oh goodly people, take up your arms' against them and defend your land. It will be a matter of time, before the kingdom of Ryon, rein's down, war on us. So I call upon you, to uphold your oath towards, the king of your country ". He said, as he stood still, looking back out, across the crowd.

The errand boys', sent the king's message, along the rows' of men, that had lined the kings' court. Passing the kings' message, onto those, barely able to hear his speech.

They will be here, reining down war upon us. So I call upon you, to prepare yourself for a battle against their kingdom ". He said, interlocking his fingers', standing firm before his court.

Dawn was approaching; as the group of messengers', hit the last town, on the outskirts' of the city. They drew their swords' high, raising them above their heads', as they sped through the town. Drawing their swords', they lashed - down, hard onto the wooden doors', knocking loudly, as they called the kings' men, to arise.

Confusion rose furiously, through the town; as whole families' came out, waking-up, to the rising sun, peeking red, over the horizon.

Ira spoke, calling-out, loudly across the roads', " Men gather together. You have been called to serve your King . Gather up your horses', oh men of loyalty. The king is calling upon you ". A local man from the town, approached Ira, " Oh messenger of the king, please state what the king calls' for ".

Ira, looked down from his saddle, " You ask me ", he said, with undertones' of pride. " I am unable to answer. I am here, only to relay, the command of the king. We all have to stand before him. He has an announcement to make ". And with that, the towns' men, followed his lead as they gathered together, mounting their horses'. Some men, sat high on saddles'; while other men, mounted on horse -back. They drew up their reins', and galloped alongside , ' Ira's, chosen few.


Monday 28 September 2009


Ira, stood there, unable to understand the urgency of his call. Shocked; at the kings' command, Ira, uttered his question. " Oh, my King, why the urgency ? " .

" Ira " . Replied the king, " There is no time to waste, on questions' that will be answered, before our nation . GO NOW !! " . He demanded, with a deepened, red ~ face. Ira , wearing his white riding robe, bowed before the king, backing away into the shadow's. After many hours, preparing for his journey; Ira took the best, black ~ stallion, from amongst the stallions!!.

He took with him, ten of the best messengers', setting them up, they planned to tackle the journey, starting from the last town and working their way, through to the king's palace. So when they completed their journey; they would return, with the nation behind them.

The night was drawing in, Ira decided that they would ride an easy pace, to get to the back of the city, to begin the Kings' call. The night was cool and a cold breeze was flowing over the opened cityscape, but undeterred by the urgency of the message , they kept their heads' up, struggling throughout the night.

Pushing past the vines', the king placed the stone into the hole. An explosion of red light; shone out into the garden, encapsulating the entire courtyard, for a few fleeting moments'. A very tight brick, slid out from under the hole. There; resting in perfect harmony, was the scroll. The scroll was in immaculate condition. The king reached out; taking hold of the scroll, looking down upon the beautifully encrypted lettering. The king knew , almost immediately ,that he would be unable to protect the safety of the stone. Upon realisation, he walked dimly towards' the gates'; of the forbidden garden.

Returning to his palace, he took a book down, from his enormous bookshelf, and placed the scroll into the safety of it's pages', as he mumbled to himself, " That will do for now ".

The city soon fell into a deep depression, many men hurting from the loss of trade, ceased from the neighbouring city of Ryon. The king knew that if the city of Abdon was incurring such hardship then the effects', of their dispute, was being felt in the kingdom of Ryon; too. He was certain his kingdom would be faced with a hard war, and that the time for battle was nearing.

Eros, summoned the towns' messenger, before him. " Ira, I have a urgent message for you. You need to the spread the word throughout each town. You must go with haste; take the best of the horses' for your journey. Do not miss any man. Call each and every man before me. Take what you need from the supplies. This is an urgent call, all women and children must remain in their homes', until further notice ". He said, as he turned around, clasping his bowing head, in his hand.

The wizard, backed away into the shadowy light of the king's chamber, disappearing slowly out of sight.

The King stood up with haste, " Wait ? ". He said. Azim, walked back into the light. " If I fail to protect the stone, how will I defeat the curse that our city and it's people will incur ? ". The king said. Azim, bowed and kneeled, slightly before the king, as he was still backing away into the shadows'. " There is a small, stone ~ shelf; embodied into one of the walls' that reside at the back of your palace, dear king. Place the red ~crystal onto the shelf, a stone brick will open out from underneath, revealing a scroll. On the scroll, will be an inscription written in gold lettering. You will be unable to read it, take it and place it in your library, in a place only be known to yourself. A girl will come, she will be known as the reader of the maps'. She will be the only one who will be able to read the inscription and the book. " And with that , Azim was gone. " Wait," the King spoke again ", but it was no use; the wizard had already vanished.

The king took the stone to the gardens', unlocking the golden gates'; as he entered in, onto what had been already sealed by his command. Searching the walls', scurrying along the stone bricks' he came to a hand fall of flowers and overgrown thorny vines'. He felt with his hands', pushing in hard. There; to his delight, was a hole, smoothly shaped into the hollow wall of the outer palace .


Sunday 27 September 2009

Chapter 17 : AZIM and the STONE

King Eros, knew that war was inevitable, with the passing of time. He sent for Azim, a well known famous wizard; who resided deep within a cave, on the outskirts' of the city. Azim was well known for his wisdom. And being a favoured consort of the king, the king called upon him first. Azim, brought for him , a crystal stone, of red rouge, holding it in his hands'; before the king ". In this here stone, my king, is the answers' you wish to seek " He said, as he held it out with both hands'. " But I do warn you, dear king, keep it safe, for there is a dark enemy, soon approaching. Neither is he from the city of Ryon; nor is he from the city of Abon. He will come in search of the stone, so guard it well. The stone will offer you protection and guard you from the forces' of destruction. However, if the stone is to fall into his hands', then a terrible curse will before you, and your city. Be wise and be aware, my king " . He said, as the king approached him.

The king reached out, taking hold of the stone, the king walked back to his throne, announcing the words', " Yes', yes ". As he sat down, looking into its' mystical rays' of light. Captivated at its' enchanting glows'. " I will guard it, as it will guard my city ". The king spoke, as Azim was standing before him. " Tell me, dear entrusted, Azim. Tell me, what signs' I should look for, on his entrance into the city ".

" You will know him, my king, he is the darkest ~ elf, from the realm of the elves', he is looking to build a settlement for any aggressor, that he can accommodate, so take heed. If the stone falls' into his hands', there will be a safe haven for the destroyers' of the good . "



Dropsical came sweeping down; towards the gates' of Abdon. Upon his entry, a fierce battle had broken out between the two neighbouring cities. One; being the city of Abon, and the other; being the city of Ryon.

After living next to each other, peacefully for thousands' of years'; a problem arose when Prince Arvad, from the city of Ryon, fell madly in love with Princess Rena, of Abdon. A unheard of love, spread fast and furiously, throughout the towns' of both cities'.

When the news' reached King Eros; King Eros was furious, knowing that his daughter had been using the beautiful gardens'; at the back of his kingdom, for her secret meetings'. This news' sent the king into a frenzied panic, and without thinking, King Eros cut all trading with the city of Ryon . All commerce and communication was shut off almost immediately, sending the city of Ryon into a vast retreat. The king banished the people of Ryon and no further communication of any sort was permitted. The beautiful garden's were shut down, never to be entered upon. No one was allowed to mention the affair again. The King sent for the most entrusted of knights', from the temple of knights'; that was built far away from his city empire. On the knight's - return, the king ordered for his daughter to be sent away, hidden from the clutches' of the opposing~ future, king.

The city of Ryon fell into a deep recession, being banished from the trading markets' of Abdon. And with furthering poverty over lost time, the city of Ryon knew it would be faced with definite war.


Part ~ 2

Saturday 26 September 2009

Alvina, turned towards' me, more beautiful then I remembered, I stood there, stunned at her elegance. " He said . He started speaking again, just as I thought the story was coming to an end. I had a feeling that we was going to be; sitting for a while, so I made myself comfortable as he continued into the story.

" Dropsical, summoned Phoenix, a bird we had owned for many years', well known for its' loyalty, towards' the nation of the elves'. Phoenix came swooping down, from the sky. Dropsical mounted the bird's back, taking Alvina with him . I ran across the field, straight into Lazrag's home. " Lazrag, Lazrag ". I called, as I stood at the foot of his door. Entering in, Lazrag slowly emerged from the small, half wall that stood at the foot of his kitchen. Lazrag peered over the top of the wall. Looking straight at me, he stood up. " What happened ? ", he asked.

" I don't know what to do ?, he has taken, Alvina !! ". I replied, sitting down, hopeless, onto the bench. Lazrag approached, gripping my shoulder, as he said ," Don't worry, Murcle, we will save Alvina and win back our city, the battle will commence, and we will succeed !! ". He said, as he sat down by my side ".

" We have been in this settlement for just over 2000 years', trapped by time and ageless. We have learnt many ways' to walk through the landscape, without disturbing the beast . And many routes' into, what is now known as, the city of; Ryon. The humans' that occupy our city now, keep immaculate records' of their historical events', recorded stories'; and maps' of many kinds'. We have been keeping ourselves' busy and constantly updated; reading their literature . We know the whole story of Dropsical's descent into the city of Abdon and the curse that befell their good people. We know their weakness and we know the legends' to come. Including yours', Corcoran ". He said, looking across the room into Corcoran's face.

End of part one .


Alvina, layed in the same position not moving, as she was gathering her strength from her formal life.

Dropsical stood up before the giant monster, " You, Beast!! ". He pointed with his spear, " You will guard the elves, making sure none of them leave the safety of the landscape. If you see them, you must destroy them. If they find their way back to the old city, you and I, will surly die, disappearing for all eternity. Take heed of my words' Beast ". He said. The beast nodded, with agreement. " Go now, and rest. There is a good dwelling place at the bottom of the lake, ready and waiting, just for you ".

The beast, turned his head towards the settlement, looking straight at me, as I stood there, in full view of him. Stomping away, from Dropsical, the beast headed straight for the lake. Putting his foot in first, he slowly vanished, underneath the depths' of the shimmering water.

Dropsical looked down upon Alvina, as she layed flat on the grass. " Its' time Alvina ", he said, as Alvina arose vertically from the ground, without any support. " Alvina, a sweet voice; I have gifted you with. You will learn how to use it and all about the other new qualities you have. In time; my dear, you will come to know your purpose ". He said.


Friday 25 September 2009

Dropsical caught her, with the pounding light of his spear, bringing her down before him. Levitating in the air, she layed motionless, as he gently eased both of them, towards the ground. He layed her down onto the dead brash that surround the lake.

No one was around. Everybody had sought safety within the protection of their homes'. I had managed to grip onto a wooden pole that supported hanging washing, while the beast came in for the attack. When the beast retreated back towards his master, shaking the entire landscape as he did so; I stood up slowly, looking towards the lake, astounded.

Dropsical dropped to his knees', beside Alvina, she appeared dead; he lent down, breathing life into her, with black steam, arising in the misty air, from his kiss of life. Alvina opened her eyes', as if she had seen the earth for the first time. A strong - glow, of white light, beamed out above the skyline, as her hair turned almost black. I wished to go to her aid, but I remained helpless within the compounds of elf city , knowing that I would almost face certain death, if I tried to help her, all I could do was watch, as Dropsical drove his badness, into the very essence of her soul.

The blood was dripping from his giant fangs', wide eyed, he was hypnotized by Dropsical, who was still chanting words' with a violent passion. The beast stepped out of the lake, dripping with water; as he made his way towards' us.

The earth was still shaking; as the beast's - steps', disturbed the foundations' of our very homes'. Within a few strides', the beast was standing over the entire compound of our settlement; looking down upon us.

The elves' were terrified; running, everywhere and anywhere, for cover'. Looking over us, he came down fast, clenching his teeth, drawing the skin back around his mouth, revealing his fangs'. He came right down close to one of our TWIN - ELF'S', staring at her, as she stood helpless before him. Then, with a tremendous roar, he sent her flying through the air. She flew across the land, tumbling along the flat ground, as he blow again. This time, Alvina flew high into the air. The beast reached over and caught her with his gigantic hands'. Alvina, was Kicking and screaming, as he held her, gently in the clasp of his fingers'.

The beast stood up and put her close to his mouth, snarling. I stood watching from below in horror, thinking he was going to eat her. Dropsical summoned the beast, grasping him with the dark power of the spear. The beast flew back, with the force of the black light; that surrounded his body. He stood before Dropsical, " Drop her ", he said. Pointing to the ground. The beast released her, letting her fall through the air.



The black light hit the shield, bouncing off . With force, the earth shook, sending heavy vibrations' through the compound; falling to the ground, I crawled, tugging at the grass. The rays' of black light, shot out, with tremendous power, covering the whole landscape before us. Everything that the light touched; died instantly. The sound of crunching leaves', and britt-ling trees', engulfed the whole landscape. The lake turned black; and these mountains' and cliff that you see now, they arose; huge, from the earth, blocking the mainstream entrance to our city.

That's when it happened, the life we had always' known, changed forever. Dropsical started rising from the earth, as he stood in the air, before the entire land. Turning to face the blackened stream, as he chanted again, words', unheard of before.

I pulled myself up from the ground, turning to face the scene behind me. The vast expanse of trees' began separating before my eyes'. The water was boiling-up; bubbling from the lake, as a misty steam arose from the water. Than; with a sudden explosion, and an almighty flood of water, across the landscape, something arose from the blackened water, enormous and very strange. I stared in disbelief at what I saw, a huge beast; standing before Dropsical, motionless. Dropsical spread his arm's wide, with his black cape, draping from them, as he chanted more words' , unrecognisable, gifting the beast, with life.

The beast opened his mouth, showing a display of monstrous teeth. The beast swooped down into the lake, grabbing hold of the largest of large fish, gripping it between his jaw, he took his nail -infested, hairy hand ,and ripped it from his mouth, as he stood up straight before Dropsical.


Wednesday 23 September 2009

The forest was overgrown, more wild and harsh than what lies' here now ". He said. " We came up to a clearing, vast in space, with luscious fields' and streams'. We had to start from scratch, building almost immediately; on top of the hard soil that had blown in from the woodlands'. Never the less, we built. It was easy at first, to construct, without Dropsical knowing where we was.
The problems' began; when he found us.

The settlement was almost complete, when we heard a hard crash coming from inside the woodlands'. I went to investigate, walking down slowly to the unseen gate, I stood at the foot of the entrance and looked out. There, standing before me, was Dropsical; he stood with his spear, staring straight back at me, he headed for our entrance. I moved back into the compounds' of the field, as he approached.

Having drank from the goblet of the crystal stream, I was empowered with some new qualities'. He was unable to penetrate our force field. Dropsical stood; looking in, only to see a reflection of the woodlands', before him. he knew we was somewhere, but the pureness of our intentions', blinded him, and diverted him for a short while.

He turned in anger and paced, with speed back into the forest, turning around, he shot at us, with his spear. The spear released a black light, shooting across the beauty of the natural world. I couldn't believe it, I stood with fear, before the shield, as the black light headed straight for us. I could do nothing to protect my people, turning back, I started to run, with haste into the settlement.

A woman walked in, carrying a tray of drinks'. She was a very elegant elf, with blond hair and blue eyes'. Trying to make Murcle feel better, she placed them down onto the table in front of him. " Thank you, Ally ". He said, as she walked towards the door. Winni came running in, she slid herself, underneath Murcle's chair. Hiding, looking at us, as her eyes' glowed - wide. She held onto the legs' of the chair, as if she was flying, like a bird.

I tried to ignore her, as I continued to focus on the history of Murcle's story. Taking his drink, he drank, and wiped his mouth. " We was nervous about being outside. And had to think on our feet - fast, and most of the time. We moved into the forest; away from the mountain rocks', that lined our homes'. It was a very trying time for us. The sacred lake was pure, but Dropsical managed to inject his poison into it, too. We had know idea, what was in store for us, as it was our first time venturing so far away from our homes'. So you see, Dropsical had an advantage on us and our position. What you see now, is only what we have worked for, trying our best to build on what was lost. Fighting a constant battle against Dropsical. Dropsical is fast and moves' without being seen, so sometimes' it can become very difficult to fight what is benign.

Standing before the lake, we started to make our way down, deep into the forest. We was desperate, looking for a good place; to begin a kind of settlement.


Tuesday 22 September 2009

Murcle looked across the room towards' Lazrag, who seemed to be mimicking Murcle's words'; alongside him. As if he'd heard the story, time and time again. Still looking rather sad, he continued. " It was horrific, the passing of friends', burnt to the bone, only recognisable by trinkets' and other personal items'; that never perished in the fires'.

Out on the shore of the lake, we was lost in the woodlands' of unknown territory. The cliffs' you came down from, they weren't here before. Dropsical summoned them, after the battle we had with him, trying to return, to our city. But that's another part of our history. There wasn't many of us left. What you see now, has taken many years' to establish ". He said, brushing his hair back. " Winni, bring us drinks', we have been here a while ". He turned to face a young elf child, " Go now, and ask your mother to prepare for us ". He said, turning again, this time directing his look upon, Corcoran.

" So; there we was, in the middle of what appeared to us; as nowhere. Picking ourselves' up from exhaustion. We shrank ourselves'; as not to be seen; in fear of what might be lurking around. Lazrag, was a trusted reader, from the library of lands', earning himself a title not often given to the elves. Lazrag, the mighty warrior of land. From theory, he was familiar with all the surrounding area's of the city. The books' of knowledge were brought down through the elf travellers', who ventured into human cities', towns' and villages'. It took many years' for us to build up a good collection. Most of the books' were thrown onto the rubbish heap, turfed out by the humans'. We don't like seeing anything go to waste and try to preserve what we can ". He said, brushing his cheeks'. " It was a sad time for us, all of are knowledge, wiped out in a few sweeping moments' of elaborate power ".

Fighting back the flames' with his shield, known for it's versatility, echoing out ray's of cool blue light; distinguishing the fire, as he stepped forward.

He was moving fast across the room, with nothing more then smouldering ash and flames' , remaining. Entering into the room, he stood still; lowering his shield, as he spoke. " I tried to save as many as I could, directing them out, onto the rocky shore, of the sacred lake. This being the only place I know, being free from humans' . You must come with me now, there is nothing left here, the fire took the city - out, in one hit ". He said, raising his shield above his head, leading the way. " Wait ". I said, as I took the goblet, that I'd drank from. Bending down I picked up some of the remaining ashes' that had been left behind by Descale. Covering the chalice with me hand, I followed him out.

Lazrag, leaded the way, taking me down the flame embedded halls'. Still burning hard, we sought protection, from the shield. Enlarging in size, it offered us a cool shade, as we left the city.

I picked up the chalice again, and looked deep within it. I saw my own reflection, as I heard screams' from the city. The water was calling me to drink, so without any further hesitation, I drank. Words' arose from the room, echoing from around me, taking my head round, looking for Descale's voice, as he spoke from the emptiness that filled the room.

" Murcle, the watcher of thy elves', your job is to find - out, Dropsical, and defeat him. You have to regain our nation. If you fail the quest , our nation shell be destroyed and banished from existence, without any trace. Good luck my son ". His voice disappearing into the smouldering smoke; that came drifting in from the burning city.

Not knowing what was ahead, I turned, looking into the room of forgotten voices'. The room was filled with fire and smoke, burning everywhere. Trapped, with no way out, I stood helpless. Just as I thought my end was near, Lazrag called from the corridor. " Descale, Descale. Where are you ?. Coughing and rubbing his eyes' hard, he guarded himself; with the shield of health, as he entered the room, with caution.

" Lazrag, is that you ? It's Murcle, I'm over here. I cant get out, I'm trapped on the other side ". Lazrag called back " Stay there, I'm coming ".

I eased myself up towards' the edge of the door; twisting my neck around, slightly to the side of me. There he was standing, a needle of darkness, ready for his sweeping attack. Standing there, gripping the spear with both hands', horizontally. He thudded it down, hard onto the ground. The spear sent rumbles', through - out the city, rippling, deep within the ground, like waves' crashing against the rocky shores'. Then with another thud of his spear, a sweeping fire arose, spreading through - out the entire city. Deep within the tunnels' and the conjoining rooms'.

Standing firm against the edge of the wall, the fire missed me, by nearing - inches'. Dropsical, took hold of the edge of his silk gown and tossed it over his head, vanishing, without a trace. I wasn't sure at first, about entering the room, so I leaned down to pick up a piece of broken floor, tossing it in. The stone bounced over the smooth surface of the untouched floor, where Dropsical had been standing moments' before. Nothing happened, and all appeared still. So I entered in, taking slow, easy steps'. I found myself standing in the centre of the room.

I couldn't believe it, I twirled around, looking over my shoulder, to the left of me, and then to the right of me. Turning around to face the table where the two goblets' was resting. I lent down onto the table with both hands'. Looking deep within the goblets', one glass still holding the beautiful, crystal water. I took hold of it and lifted it up to my lips'. I hesitated, hands' shaking, as I placed the goblet back down, looking deep within the chalice.

I dropped my head down, between my shoulder blades', disappointed in myself, I never had the courage to drink from the shimmering water.


Monday 21 September 2009

" A yellow beam shone from a golden circle, within the circle, was a spear ". Murcle; looked out at us, as he rubbed his face, taking us back into the story. " Not just any spear, it later became known, as the spear of dark wisdom. "

I looked up at Murcle, as he continued telling us about Dropsical. The spear of dark wisdom, I thought to myself. I was more intrigued by its existence, now than before. And I was certain that it would help in the quest to defeat the beast. Getting lost in my own thoughts', I turned my attention back towards' Murcle, as he continued.

" It was the most beautiful object I had ever seen, stunned by its' magic, I stood there unable to move. As Dropsical summoned it to come. Shooting out from it's floating position, it took it's place, resting in Dropsical's hand ".

Unknowingly; a bad fate was about to befall the realm of the elves'. Standing outside the door, I realised I wasn't in a very good position. I sidestepped, as the darkness of Dropsical's hand rumbled throughout the city. Awakening all forms' of life, leaving no creature or elf unturned. I leaned hard into the wall, grabbing the edges', tight in hope that he wouldn't find me.

Dropsical's eyes', beamed out, with a heavy explosion, of white light; illuminating everything in his vision. Descale was blinded, almost immediately, his eyes' burning hard, he raised his hands' trying to protect himself, from the fate of Dropsical's choice. Exploding into a flame of fire, dropping from the head down into a pile of ash, fluttering from the force of dark power.

The room was overcome by a vast amount of exploding light, as Dropsical's body, jerked forward, pushing his chest out . His arms' rising up, with an overpowering force, reaching high on either side of him, as a beautiful light engulfed his eternal body, disappearing into the darkness of his soul.

Still laying on the ground, I awakened to Descale's screams' of pain, still echoing off the walls'. I looked over my shoulder, not yet recovered and still feeling very weak, I peered into the heavy darkness that shrouded the room. I stood up carefully, looking, deep inside, uncertain of what I could see. Within the room, stood Dropsical. Arms' and hands', stretched wide, with his head bent back. I approached carefully, wide eyed, looking down at the pile of ash, covering the entrance. Mouth gawping, I approached.

Clenching his fingers'; drawing his hands' into fists'. Bending his arms' and bringing them slowly to the front of him. He flicked them out, with a powerful force; as he spoke a language unheard of before. " Inner conshovik, onbya, caninna !! ".


Saturday 19 September 2009

" In one cup, is the crystal water of the accursed stream, in the other, lies' the blood stained water of the stream. They appear the same within the reflection of the goblets', the goblets' hold the key to your future. Take your time, don't rush your decision. For if you choose the wrong goblet, things;' will never be the same again ".

Dropsical looked deep and hard into the goblets', he saw the same reflections' from both, not being able to see any difference in appearance. Looking at Descale, as he spoke.

" Oh Descale, how can I choose, when both goblets' appear the same on the scale of choice. If I choose the stained water of blood and a curse befalls' me, than the elves' will fight for goodness and strive against evil for all eternity. However, if I choose the goblet that has crystal water, and is pure, the elves' will end up corrupting themselves' and fall into an eternal darkness. Losing many living hearts', to the dark realms' of evil. How can I make such a choice ? ".

Descale looked at Dropsical from under his glasses', " Don't worry, you'll take your decision, and live with it ".

" Out of all the elves' that reside in the city, why have I been chosen for this ? ", Dropsical asked, looking at the all wise Descale. " Your the only one, you have alway's been the only one ". Dropsical looked down into the goblets', concerned with his own fate, he said, " I have made my decision ".

" Lifting the goblet to his lips', he said, " In The Name Of God ", and drank.



Descale was still fumbling around, inside the books', as we walked into the room of lost voices'. " Descale ". I said, " Dropsical is here, waiting to meet you ". Descale walked out from around the shelves'. " Ah,ha, there you are ? " . He said, approaching us; clasping Dropsicals shoulder, " Come with me, boy ". He said, leaving me standing at the door. " Is there anything else I can do ? " " No, no ". He said, waving his hand behind me.

There was a side door, in the room of forgotten voices'. Descale approached it, clasping the brass handle with his grip, as he twisted it around and opened it. I was shocked at the actions' taken by Descale. I was forbidden to enter the room. With a slow smooth creak, the door opened, revealing a bright light that shone out, blinding us. I fell to the ground, unconscious.

" He'll be fine ", Descale said to Dropsical, " Don't worry about him. Now come with me, we have more important issues' to deal with ". And with that Dropsical entered the room.

There was nothing in the room, apart from a very large table. On the table was two goblets'. Descale looked at Dropsical, " OK, I'll explain. This will be your choice, no - one will stand over you while you take your decision. Your mind's been preparing itself for this day, since birth. I made my choice, and as you can see, I picked wisely. " Descale said, brushing his long grey beard, with his hand.

" What's wrong with her ? ". Dropsical asked, looking into his overgrown finger nails'. " I don't know ", I said, shrugging my shoulder's and shaking my head at the same time. " I have never seen her like that before ". Dropsical, swung his hand down, dropping it against the side of the wall.

" What does she do ? ", he appeared interested. I frowned, bringing my eyelid's down; over my wide eyes'. I thought to myself, ' before I answered him,' Why is he talking now, he didn't speak earlier ? . Oh, Mumbler ". I said, " She's the one who holds' onto the images' of the mind ". I told him; not really thinking about it, too much. " AH, ha ", he said, again. " Mumbler.., the mind reader. That's' really wonderful ". He said. " I have heard a lot about her, though no - one told me her name before, so I guess that would make you the first ". He laughed, smiling . I stretched out my face, looking to the left of me, and then to the right of me, thinking to myself, maybe I had made a mistake telling him !!. Why hadn't anybody from area Dot- H, ever mentioned her before ? Being to shy to ask, I fell silent.

Dropsical, passed one of his hand's, through his black, shiny hair; with his eyes' glowing white and wide. I gulped, feeling guilty about revealing Mumbler's name to him. He shifted his head to the left of him. " Come on " , he said , " Show me the way, before the night draws' to a end ". I nodded , walking forward, as Dropsical pushed himself; hard and wide, away from the edge of the wall.

" What constructions' are you consigned too ? " I asked, as we walked back the way I came, moments' before. He didn't answer me, he kept walking, keeping his head down. As he avoided all eye contact with fellow elves' that passed by us; on our way. I twitched my mouth, this way and that, as I felt the awkward moment, subside into nothingness. Shoving my hands' into my pockets' ; smiling half heartily.

On emerging from one of the tunnels', I clashed into, ' Mumbler, the mind reader '. Mumbler was very well known amongst the elves', being the only one who could delve deep into the thoughts of any passing, human, elf or creature. " Oh, oh , I am sorry ". She said, as she put her head down and tried to pass me by, hastily.

I had never seen Mumbler behave in such a manner, so grabbing her by the shoulders' with both hands', I said, " What's the matter with you, Mumbler ? Are you not feeling well ? " . She looked at Dropsical, diverting her glance back towards' me. " Nothings' wrong. No,no, nothings wrong " . She said, in a panic, still trying to pass me. " Mumbler, what in the earth is the matter with you ? " . " Nothing !! " She replied, squeezing passed me, nearly knocking me to the ground.

I looked back down the long tunnel into the distance, as I saw her disappear into one of the darkened archways', that lined the ongoing tunnel'. I turned around, looking at Dropsical, who was standing against the wall, with his leg up and bent inwards', covering his mouth as he yawned.
I sat on the edge of my seat, for a few minutes', looking around in the half darkened room. As I brought my gaze, back down towards my hands'. My hands' rested on the top of my knees', as Dropsical reappeared. He had changed his clothes', choosing to wear a black cloth that draped over his shoulders'; falling down past his feet, long and wide, rimmed with embroiled -silver lettering, and carrying a leather case that was strapped, straight down; one side of his body. He turned his head towards me, " Are you ready then ? ". He said, passing me by, leaving me sitting there, as he headed straight for the door.

I looked at him, as I thought to myself, ' why did Descale choose him ?'. Standing up, I followed his heavy steps', towards the door. He released the door, letting it fall back on me; I caught it on the edge of my shoulder, as we left his home.

I spoke; first, fidgeting around next to him. " I needed some help, in running the realm of the elves'. That's why, Descale has sent for you ". I said, as we approached the footing of the bridge. " Ah, ha " , he replied. " Is that the only reason, why he calls me ?" . He said, looking around at me, suspiciously in the corner of his eye. I looked down towards' my feet, biting at my thumb, " I don't know ". I said. " I only know as much as I have been told ". And on that note, we headed across the accursed stream.


Friday 18 September 2009

I looked one way and then the next, I scratched my head, and said, " I am, Murcle ". He looked at me with an interesting glance, turning his head to the side, he said, " And what brings' you here ? " . Still rubbing my arms' from the bitter - cold, chill, I spoke. " Descale has sent for you ". He turned his eyes' upon me. " I don't remember anyone, ever being called by Descale; before ". He took in a long, deep, hard, breath, before he invited me in. " I suppose you better come in then " . He said, opening the door further, to allow room for me to pass. Nervous and unsure about Dropsical's home, I entered , with a big, brave, smile.

Dropsical took a torch from the back of the stairwell, and lit candles' that rested on shelves', carved into the stone walls'; of his home. The home was interestingly different from all the other homes', that I had seen within the realm of the elves'. " Please ". He said. " Sit down, while I prepare myself to meet Descale ". I noticed a difference in the chairs', I was sure we didn't sell them in the market- place, they looked rather oddly. " Where are these chairs' from ? ", I asked in a polite manner, just before he was about to leave; entering in, on a conjoining room.

From Dropsical's voice, I could tell he wasn't the type to be messed around with, he was very serious and a little stiff in his approach towards me. He spoke, " They are from the upper world ". Puffing out his chest, as he walked around. I pushed my lips down into the right hand corner of my chin. " Have you ever been to the upper world ? ", I asked, innocently. He fell silent; walking off into the shadowy entrance of the next room.


Chapter 13 : DROPSICAL

He put his fingers' through his hair, as he continued. " The crossing of the bridge was frightening, but once I was across; I felt more at ease. I was greeted by several members' of, Dot- H . " What brings' you here ". I was asked, as I looked towards the back of them. I had never been into area Dot H, before, and was surprised at its' appearance. Unlike the centre of the city, it had less light and the elves' appeared more older and less friendly. I focused my attention back on the person who was speaking to me. " I am looking for Dropsical ". I said. There was a stifled silence, as they turned, pointing towards' a home at the back of them, embedded into the cave. They parted in the middle; to let me pass, not saying another word. As I made my way through, I turned to look at them, but they had already turned back, in the opposite direction. Undeterred by there actions'; I continued.

I looked at the towering home of Dropsical; dark and uninviting as I stood before it. I walked right up to the old wooden door and knock on it, with a very hard thud. The door swung open on its' hinges'. The room I was faced with, had no lights', so I decided to stand at the foot of the door. The breeze that was blowing from inside the house, was cold and chilling to the bone.

Dropsical ", I called, as I hugged myself; in the thin air of the doorway. I heard heavy foot steps' echo on the cold stone floor, as he made his way down towards the front door. Standing there, with his cold hard features', he looked grimly at me. " Yes, and who are you ? ", he said, as he stood at the foot of the door, blocking the entrance.



I had never seen Descale, so frustrated before. Turning around, I headed straight out of the door. I hurried along the corridors', down winding stairs', and through many conjoining tunnels'. I had no time to think about, meeting Dropsical ".

He looked at us, as he raised his head from the shadow of the dim room. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "

I was approaching a bridge, that crossed over into area, Dot- H. Stopping before the bridge, I looked across into the vast darkness of the area. A shudder of fear went straight through my body, as I stood there; glaring out, into the distance. I could see the elves' on the other side. I gulped, a deep gulp; before taking a step out.

I reached out slowly; touching the first stone that lined the beginnings' of the bridge. Trembling with fear, I grasped onto the rail, holding firmly with strength, as I started to cross into the area of, Dot -H. I wasn't happy with the command Descale had set me, but I knew he was much more advanced in his worldly knowledge, of the realm of the elves'. So I had no choice but to adhere to his command.

The water flowed from underneath the bridge easily, it was known as, ' The Accursed Stream ', one half being of pure crystal water, running into the city, no one was allowed to drink from its' flow. The other half, however, was the stained water of blood, visually black. It was highly infectious, and whoever drank from the stream; as the story would have it, would incur a terrible wrath upon their own souls'. The nation of the elves' had always' been clean and honest, and never drank from the accursed - stream ". He said, stopping to catch his breath.

Descale, flipped the book closed. Taking hold of the paper in his right hand, he began to pace the room . Biting at his middle finger nail, as he began reading the page, mumbling to himself faintly. " Work's all day through. Yes, yes....AH,ha.... Doesn't take breaks'..Ah, ha, yes . Doesn't talk too much. Yes, yes...Good, good . He sounds' like the one ". Throwing the paper down, gently onto the table . Slamming his hand down, as the sheet settled, he said , with a strong tone in his voice. " Send for him at once, Murcle ! ".

" I felt a little confused, at why Descale sounded so harsh in his command, I frowned back at him, in question at the redness of his face, as he spoke again, this time raising his voice. " Are you questioning me, boy ? " He said. " I shook my head. " Good then. The elf's name is Dropsical, he lives' in the area, marked, Dot - H , on the other side ".

I looked up again at Descale, " On the other side ", I said. " I can hear the fear in your voice, boy, what's the matter with you ?. Do you fear what you do not know, boy ? ". I stood there, looking up at him, quiet, I knew not answer him, he seemed rather annoyed. " Go " . He said, waving his hand in anger, as I backed away, leaving the room, that was known as; ' The Forgotten Voices '.

Taking his hands' down, as he took us back into the story. " Nobody was allowed to visit Descale, apart from me. I had been orphaned when I was a child. There was a terrible flooding, and my parents' drowned. The flooding was fatal, claiming many lives'. I was a baby and had been left with some older children, earlier that day.

As the only orphaned child of the flood', Descale had mercy on me. He adopted me as a student, to learn in his knowledge of wisdom. Him; being the eldest elf amongst us, I knew I was privileged to grow up alongside him. I was the only one in our community to gain his trust. That was however; until the appearance Dropsical ". He stopped again, looking into his hands', as he was reflecting.

Descale placed the newly sealed book; down onto the fountain of words'. Writen in elflip; at the top of the book, was a title inscribed; ' The Dedicated Workers' . Descale, split open the wax seal, and continued to flick through, the pages' being rough and hand writen. " Let me see ", he said , as he slowed down, taking hold of one of the pages' to inspect it more closely. " Ah, ha ", he said, as he started to speak to himself. " That's it, he is perfect ". He said, as he untied the red - ribbon; releasing a page from the middle of the book.


Thursday 17 September 2009

" The different cities' and mazes' throughout the underground world, didn't exist, back then. There was only one city; our city ". He leaned out towards us. " It took our nation thousands' of years' to complete, but once it was finished , it was magnificent, unlike what you see now. The Cities' Of Ryon, is currently owned; by an accursed nation, from the upper world ".

" Descale was busy, sorting through; years' of books', and records', and records', and books', of all kinds', and all sizes'. Stacked up high; he stood there; with his back towards me ".

" Descale ", I remembered saying, raising my voice to get his attention . " Can you spare me some free time, I need your advice on something ". I said, as he was fumbling around, taking down, one of the many books', that lined the high shelves' . He turned to face me; with one eyebrow raised, lifting up his glasses' from his face. He walked forward, leaning out, and over; ' The Fountain Of Words' '. An ancient oak table, crafted especially for our sacred books' ".

" What troubles you, Murcle ? " He said , with glows' of green, waving in and out of his knowledgeable aura. " Well ", I said. Biting at my bottom lip. Descale spoke, " Say no more. You need help running the realm ". He said, turning away, as he headed straight for the records', that lined the bookshelf, he pulled down a book, entitled ' Indexes ', of all the workers' within the realm.

" Ah, ha, ". He said . " I think this will do it ". Walking back towards the bookcase. Reaching his hand over a newly sealed book, taking it out from an orderly selection. The books ranged from new to old, the further away I could see; down into the shelves', the older the books' would appear. The higher the shelf, the bigger the status of the book ". He said, as he moved his hands' apart, to describe a visual image of distance.


Chapter 11 : THE LOST CITY

The night was drawing to an end. The crowds' dispersing from around us, leaving us seated before; Murcle, Lazrag, Sabad and Wizle. There was other's there too.

Murcle stood up, " Come ". He said. " It's time for me to tell you about the destruction of our city and how we came to be here ". He said, as he headed for a wooden hut, at the back of us. On standing up, we followed his lead into the huge canopy. " Take your seats' " , he said, as he sat back; comfortably on his silk encrusted; wooden furniture; with huge hand woven cushions' that lined the hard backed panels'. As we awaited for the entertainment of his beckoning stories', to begin.

We seated around to hear; ' The Watcher's ' tale . Murcle began his opening statement; with; " The city was different back then. It was known as ' The Realm Of The Elves' '. Life went on as usual, I was close to Descale. I helped him organise the realm of the elves', and the order of life was simple and basic, the standard of living was good. We helped each other, working hard, hidden away from the world above, we lived; reasonably well ". He said, as he drew himself back into the audience.

" The burden of running the realm was heavy, and I found I couldn't manage it well, by myself. I needed help, and I needed it fast. After running things' for several years', I finally took the time to speak with Descale ". He said, bringing his head down; drawing his vision away from us, as he continued.

I gently closed the door behind me, as I followed Wizle back up; towards the celebrations'. Ample was making his way down the hill, looking bemused and bewildered. " Hi " . Wizle said, lowering his gaze upon the ground, as he passed by, avoiding eye contact. Ample said nothing; shoving his hands' into his pockets'; lowering his head further and deeper towards the ground.

As I continued to walk with Wizle, I turned my head gently over my shoulder to embrace a fleeting glance, back towards Ample. As he was making his way down towards the shop, Ample took hold of the door; turning his head towards me; looking back, with a serious silence. Turning his head again, he entered the small stone cladded building; releasing the door from behind him, letting it fall back onto its' frame; naturally.

Wizle looked at me, " He doesn't talk much anymore; he concentrates' on his work, and keeps' himself to himself, most of the time . Everyday without fail, he polishes' the spear, over and over again; until it shines', leaving it sparkling clean. He refuses' to tell us why he does so, but I am guessing, he knows' best ".

I tucked my lips' in, folding them over and in towards my teeth. I would keep my many questions' for Ample, maybe he would talk to me me.


Wednesday 16 September 2009

I turned around, startled and wide eyed, as I heard an approaching noise, outside. The door opened, on its' creaking hinges'; fast and furious. There, standing in the doorway, was Wizle, staring straight back at me. Turning quickly around, he grabbed the door and closed it sharp, behind him. " Stop right there ", he said . " You have know idea what you are about to do ", he said, as I dropped my hands', down beside me. I turned to face him.

" I would like to hold it ". I said. "

It was beautiful and mysterious, at the same time ". He looked at me , shaking his head, putting his index finger, up to his lips', pressing hard . " Hush, you don't know what you say !! ". He said, moving in, closer towards me. " It belongs to Dropsical. He is searching for it. If he finds it, or it falls' into his hands', along with the strength of the stone, he will be able to destroy us all. Ample has been appointed; ' The Watcher Of The Spear '. A title he gave to himself . We don't know why he has chosen himself to guard it, and he refuses' to tell us. We are a nation of elves' that share everything, including this. But Ample, refuses' to give us any answers', so he is forbidden to join us . The only reason why we allow him to remain here with us, is because we know that his intentions' are good. We put our trust in his judgement, but at the same time, we will not allow Ample to educate our children' in this manner, it isn't from our teachings'. Come now, we must get back to the celebrations', before we are missed. If they discover us here, Murcle will question us, and that's the last thing I need right now ". He said, holding the door, wide open, waiting for me to leave.

I turned to look at the spear again, watching it sparkle from the shinning rays' of the moon, it was elegant and ready for use. As I was leaving, I felt my heart pull towards it, knowing right then, that I would be the holder of the spear. Turning my back onto its' mysterious glow, I walked out of Ample's shop.


Tuesday 15 September 2009

Dizzy from dancing, I had to take a break. Leaving Vivi, I returned to my seat. Still wondering about Ample, as I slipped off behind the crowd. Making my way down, towards Ample's work place, I stopped just in front of the entrance. As I was about to knock, I heard some shouting, stepping back behind the wall, I saw Lazrag storm out, looking frustrated and angry, he stamped away, slamming the door, hard behind him.

Looking into the crack of the splintered wood, I saw Ample, half shadowed by darkness with some trickles' of moon light, sparkling over his body. Hanging his head down between his hand's as he rested his elbows' on his knees'. His anguish was made apparent.

I was just about to introduce myself, as Ample flew out of his work shop, stomping up the hill, after Lazrag. The door banged several times', before resting on it's frame. I waited until Ample was out of sight, and then I took the handle of the door, slowly opening it, with a short, sharp, creak, I walked in.

There was anything and everything inside the tiny work place. I didn't know why I had entered, and as soon as I did, I felt really bad. But still, there I was inside, looking around. It didn't take me long to spot, the spear I had seen earlier. There it was, hanging in the sight of the moon, on a two - hook, shelf. It was magnificent and even more alluring in the glamorous and gleaming - moonlight. I walked over to it, with both hand's stretched out, and fingers' spread wide .

Murcle drew up his chair, close to Corcoran, " We have much to discuss ", he said , leaning over next to his ear. " You will have to know everything, before we make our plans' to kill the beast. Descale spoke about you often. He told us, many things' about you. Your name has travelled far and wide, more further than you think. But that can wait for later. Right now, we are here to enjoy ourselves', so don't be shy ". And with that, he got up and walked over towards, Lazrag.

The sound of drums' and flutes' was high and it was not the best of conditions' for talking. Leaning over towards Lazrag's ear, Murcle whispered, " Fetch; Ample, to prepare the tent for our meeting ". Lazrag nodded, and headed off, down and away from the crowd.

Peering over the heads' of the elves', I saw Lazrag enter the half closed market stool, that I had seen Ample working in earlier. ' Umm ', I thought to myself, as I wondered why he had not come for the celebrations'. Fledgling had moved away from me and was now sitting with the men, leaving me with the women. A woman came in front of me, taking me by the hand, she drew me, into the crowd of dancing elves'. The elves' separated, leaving open a wide circle. Shouting into my ear, the elf gave her name. " I am Vivi " , and with that she pulled me straight into the centre of the circle, and danced me round and round , again and again, until I could dance no -more.

I didn't much like it at first, but after I got the hang of it, I started to free my spirit, letting all my worries' go.



Coming out of the house, we followed him down to the centre of the village. Where the people had gone out of their way; to prepare a night of wonderful entertainment.

To begin the celebration, Murcle stood before the huge crowd. " We have some amazing news' ", He said, as he swung his arm around towards' us. Taking Corocran by the shoulders', he pushed him forward; before the gathering crowd. " This is he, ' The Warrior Of The Stone ' ". Everyone paused, as silence fell over the village. Then all of a sudden, from nowhere came cheers' of applauding, as happiness engulfed the village once again.

" Come ", He said, " Sit here ". Pushing him down onto a chair, that faced out towards the villagers'. Murcle clapped his hands' twice, and on this command; a group of dancers' came out . Swinging there hips' this way and that. Followed by a stream of welcoming elves' baring silver trays'; full to the brim with food.

The celebrations' of the elves'; was unlike any celebration I had experienced before. The elves' were not mere watchers', willing to try their hand, they quickly joined in. And before we knew it, the night was in full swing.


Monday 14 September 2009

The child stopped shivering for a brief moment; as she opened a small gape between her tiny fingers'. She looked out at Corcoran; who appeared upside down to her. Snapping her fingers' shut; she began to tremble again; with fear. Cocoran spoke. " Don't be scared ", he said. " Here, take my hand and I'll help you out ". The child stopped trembling and opened her fingers', staring wide eyed straight into his face. Her yellow eyes', looking into his soul. She moved out her hand and grabbed hold of his. With a gentle tug, he pulled her out from underneath the bench.

She brushed her dress down and pulled herself up, sitting delicately as she spoke. " It's time for you to join us ", she said. Corcoran looked around the main room; realising at that point that Fledgling and Elena wasn't with him. " One moment ". He said, as he walked over to the banister. " Are you up there ? ", He called out.

While myself and Fledgling was gazing out upon the landscape, a voice came gently up the stairs'. It was Corcoran. " Are you up there ? ". He said; stepping up.

I lent my hand onto Fledgling's shoulder; as I stood up and walked across the floor. I lo0ked down, to where Corocran was standing at the bottom. " Come on " , he said. " We have been sent for ".

Another head appeared from around the curtain, it was Lazrag. " Are you not ready yet ? " . He said, as he took hold of his daughters' hand. " change your clothes' and make your way down to the village, we are waiting for you ", and on the note he turned around and left.

Leaning my hand onto the end of the banister; I looked up curiously, towards the top. There was a landing with an open view, facing out above the main room of the house. There was a beautiful dim light, that came flooding through; beaming in and over the entrance of the door.

I stepped up onto the first; dark - wooden plank that supported the stairwell. It had splintered and cracked with age, creaking, as I made my way up to the top. Walking across the empty landing, I headed straight for the tiny window. Kneeing down; as I looked out onto the landscape that backed onto the village. The moon was enormous in size, as it shone down onto the glistening stream that ran through the fields'.

I heard Fledglings' feet on the stairs'. Following me; he came right up next to me, kneeling down as he looked out onto the open landscape.

A small hand came around the curtain, pulling back at the red woven cloth, as it hung motionless, in the entrance of the door. The elf child walked over to where Corcoran was sleeping. Not much taller than the bench itself. The child was curious about the appearance of Corcoran, as she reached out her hand and pinched his ear, tugging at it hard. Corcoran woke up, jumping from the bed, frightening the child. The child dived head first; under the bench, covering her eyes' and trembling with fear. Corcoran rubbing his ear and frowning, walked over to the opposite side of the room, placing his hand down onto the bench; as he brought his head to the level of the floor.


Sunday 13 September 2009

I lifted my hands' up and embraced my face; taking my hands' over my hair towards the back of head and bringing them back down, towards my chest. Laying there for a few minutes', I raised myself up into a sitting position; turning my legs down towards the floor. I sat beside Fledgling who was still kneeling; half leaning on the bench. As he turned around, he backed onto his hands' and lifted himself up beside me.

Both staring out towards Corcoran, who was still sleeping. Fledgling looked down', " What shell we do now ? ", he said. Playing with his hands' . " I guess, we just wait for them to send for us ". I said in response. " We could go and meet them ", Fledgling said. " No, I think it's better to wait. Lazrag said; he would send someone for us. We might offend them if we go during their preparations' ".

Getting up off the bed, I started to look around at the rest of the house. Corcoran was still sleeping, snoring a little with his mouth open. I walked across the tiled flooring, leaving Fledgling sitting on the bench. " Where are you going ? ", he said , his eyes' following me across the floor. " This house is amazing, it has captured me ". I said , as I was approached the wooden banister.

Fledgling opened his eyes' to a semi darkened room. Rubbing them to clear the his sight, he turned to look at Elena, who was still sleeping. Sitting up and bending over; perched half up onto his knees'. He yawned, raising his arms' out, stretching them into a full circle in the air and bringing them back down to his side. His stood up and walked across the stone tiled floor.
He approached Elena. He took out his hand and touched her gently on the shoulder, moving her body gently backwards and forth to wake her up.

I opened my eyes' to see Fledgling standing over me, " What is it Fledgling ? " I said, as I looked up at him from the bench. He crouched down beside me, " I had a dream ". He said. " I saw you and Corcoran making it back to the upper world; but I was nowhere to be seen . I didn't like it so much and when I woke up to find you still sleeping ", he began to whisper, " I just needed some company ". He said, resting his head against the ledge of the wooden bench, down next to mine.

There was some sounds' coming from outside. The elves' were preparing for a celebration - ry feast. " I think theres' going to be a good night of company ". I said, as I turned over onto my back, moving Fledgling a little, as I did so.

Corocran had already started to make himself comfortable along one of the three long benches' that lined the main room. There was cushions' wrapped and pleated with the finest of material, hand woven and stitched. Corcoran layed down gently on his back, placing his hands' under his head, prompting up on a pillow; he closed his eyes' as he did so. " Make yourself at home, you heard the man ". He said, yawning. Fledgling sat down on the bench that was furthest away. Rubbing his eyes', " Well ", he said, " If we are going to eat well tonight than its' best we sleep ". And with that he layed down too, turning his face towards the stone surface.

I looked around at the simplistic setting of the house, I was impressed with the humble lifestyle and how the elves' had carried their culture so well after being forced from their natural dwellings'. I sat down on the bench that was opposite Corcoran. The benches' were small in size, knee high to be exact. As my head wondered around at the bronze pots that hung above on hooks'; attached to the ceiling. There was other things that had been piled up too. This house was used for partly storage and partly accommodation.

The house had it's own character, rather oddly home - ish . I followed Corcoran and Fledglings' advice, as I layed down and made myself comfortable, ready for sleep. I didn't sleep straight away , I had many things' in my head. Many questions' about the whole mess that each city had found themselves' in . I hadn't got a clear vision about what had happened; my ideas' were very fragmented about the stories' and events' that had taken place many years ago; between the three different nations'.

Maybe the elves' would throw more light on the stories and events' that had taken place all those years ago. I was fidgety and unable to sleep, waiting in anticipation of the tales' to be told. I eventually slept.


Saturday 12 September 2009

We all stood still before him, Sabad stepped out, " It is I " . She said, with her head hanging down . " What troubles' you , Sabad ?. Is this how you treat our guests' " , he said. Moving in closer to her.

Standing before her, he lifted her chin up with his hand. I expected better from you, Sabad ".

" I am sorry ! ", she said .

" It's not me you need to say sorry to ". He said, turning his head towards' me. Sabad turned back to look at me. " I'm sorry ", she said. " Please forgive me for my hostility ". I nodded at her. " It's already been forgotten ". I said, " Good ", said Lazrag. " Lets' continue. "

We was approaching the elves' houses' that layed scattered far and wide across the back of the village. Children running in and out of us, as we made our way down thorugh the stone cladding homes' built firm and with strong hands'.

As Lazrag guided us, we came to a stop; in front of what I thought, must have been his home. He pulled his hand up, to open a woven piece of cloth that was hanging over the entrance of his door. As he done so, he revealed the beautiful inlay of the house.

Amazed at its' beauty, I stood there admiring it for a few moments'. Lazrag, invited us in. " Please be our guests', make yourselves' at home. We are very happy that you are here with us. Now you must get some rest. I'll send someone in for you later. There are many clothes' for you to choose from, feel free to pick whatever you wish ". And with that, he stepped out; letting the cloth down over the door, as he left.

The compound of the village was quite unique and well organised. Being somewhat different to the elves', we stood out; and was soon drawing attention to ourselves'. The elves' were a very busy people; creating tools' and they seemed to be very fond of weaponry. Their weaponry was displayed all around them and on their outer garments' too. Small children and women also had bows' and arrows' attached to their upper clothing.

" Get back to work, Ample ! ". He said, raising his voice a little bit over my head. I looked towards Ample; who, with his head down, continued to polish the end of a golden spear. As Lazrag carried on, I turned half around to look at him, as I continued to walk. I wanted to get a closer look at what he was doing.

The spear was beautiful, with a golden head and a long silver handle; engraved. I really felt like going over to have a look at it, but I thought it was better to stay with Lazrag. I didn't wish to appear rude in the sight of our hosting company.

Sabad, who had been walking with Fledgling; behind, caught up with me. Sabad turned to look at me and with a smile she began to speak , " We heard about ' Shadow '. Yes,.... I know that to be true. He is ' The Warrior Of The Stone '. But you...". she stopped talking and looked at me in the corner of her eye. " No, no, I am sure we haven't heard anything about you ". She said . I felt her suspicions', being unable to conceal them. Lazrag turned around, " Who is it that holds' suspicion in their hearts' ", he said, as he looked at me and Sabad behind him.

Standing up straight, he ushered the children away from the horses'. " OK kids', that's it for today ". He said, as he walked over to help the children down. The horses' trotted on as he slightly tapped them on their thighs', encouraging them to run. Moaning, as the children walked on, he gently patted them on their heads', as they each passed him in turn.

Murcle spoke, " OK then, we'll see you later; Sabad will make you at home and introduce you to our best warriors' and our local villagers' ". He said, as he tapped Wizle on his shoulder. " Come on lets go, Wizle ". They walked away leaving us standing there, waiting for Sabad.

Sabad and the strong elf man walked over to us , " This is Lyzrag. Lyzrag I would like you to meet, ' The Shadow ". Lyzrag standing tall, with a very Stern face; drove his attention towards us. On hearing Corcoran's name, he lanced out his head with surprise; his emerald eyes' popping out, glowing as they did so .

" This is Shadow !! " He exclaimed. Embracing Corcoran and holding him tightly. On releasing him, Corcoran had to drew in a deep breath from the heavy exasperating squeeze of Lazrag. " Oh, I have been waiting a long time for this day to come ", he said . " There's so much planning to do ". Cheering up, he continued, " There will be a night of celebration at your arrival, but first you must rest ". He said, " You must be tired from your journey, please follow me ". As he walked us away from the green fields'.

We walked for sometime; before reaching an opening, deep within the forest'. Murcle, Wizle and Sabad stood before the village. Standing with their backs to us, in a strong straight line of three, legs' apart and feet firm on the ground. Their beams of glowing light; radiated outwards', as they expanded into full size. Sabad turned; half around, smiling as she waved her hand to beckon us into the village. " Come on ", she said. " We have tales' to tell and planning to do. No time to waste !! ". Turning around to face the front, swinging her long red- brownish hair, back into the breeze, as she began walking into the village complex, with Murcle and Wizle not far behind.

There was many things' happening in the village. It was busy and thriving with life. There was children learning how to ride horses'. There was elf men practising archery. A thriving market place. Women working in fields' with fresh vegetables', and cultivating the lands'.The atmosphere of the elf village was that of a happy one.

Walking in; Sabad said, " Come on; I want you to meet someone ". Bringing us over to a strong elf, who was teaching the children horse riding. " Wait here a moment ", she said as she opened the large wooden gate, leading into a a green lush field with beutiful hills' resting far behind.

Strolling over, she took hold of the horse reins' and lent in towards the elf. She whispered something in his ear, as he looked over his shoulder at us.


Friday 11 September 2009


The three elves' gathered together in a circle, with their heads' down, they whispered. Then standing back up again, Murcle spoke. " Yes we know about the beast that lives' inside the cave at the bottom of the lake ". He said. We have been living in fear of him for many years', now. When he comes' to the water's surface; we all run to hide. He is hideous, drenched with hair and gigantic in size, he floods' the entire woodland; when he comes' in search of us ".

" Why would he look for you ? ". I said, slightly confused. " Don't you get it, we are part of his food. If he catches' us, he eats' us whole, without remorse. We try to be back before darkness comes', but sometimes' , some of us are not so lucky ". He said, looking down at his feet. A glow radiated from his body, three times' in all my count. As I was struck by an overwhelming feeling of respect.

" I am Murcle. I am the appointed watcher over our nation of elves' ", he said. " It's nice to meet you. We would like to invite you to our village, that's where we reside. We have no intention to remain. We had to learn how to live outside of the city of Ryon. It was once known as, ' The Glorious Kingdom Of Descale '. Our king and our good master, Dascale. His voice became bitter, as his body shone out with red beams'. I felt an overwhelming feeling of betrayal; wash over me from head to toe. As his feelings' subsided; with calmness and calmness returned, I felt this too. " How did you do that ? ", I asked him. " When we feel; our feelings' get lifted from the root of our stomachs' and they radiate outwards' touching the air; they get carried to whoever is around. There is no hiding of feelings' amongst the realm of the elves' ". He said, turning around. " Come on, its' time for you to meet our nation ". He began walking; leading us slowly through the harsh brash forest.

Within a few fleeting seconds', Sabad was back with two others'. Stopping before us, Sabad spoke, " This is Wizle and Murcle. Murcle and Wizle; meet, ' The Shadow ' ". She said, as she waved her hand out to introduce us. Murcle's eyes'; though big already, nearly popped straight out of his head as he stuttered, " Th th th, this iis the shadow " . He said, as he turned towards Sabad, with a kind of questioning in his face. Then turning back; he peered up at Corcoran. Squinting hard with his big eye lid's, he said, " What is the other name you go by ? " .

I interrupted. " His name is Corcoran and we are here to obtain the stone of shanzan to free the people of Abdon ". Murcle opened his eyes' turning them towards me, " Oh I see " . He said, and how do you propose to do that ? ". Looking down at him . I said , " well to begin, I have the book that shows us the way through the city; also known as,' The Maps' Of Ryon '.

Murcle stopped blinking and turned towards Sabad again. " This sounds' like the real thing ". He said, turning back towards me. Murcle waved his hand in the air, with regal overtones', as he said, " Continue ". " Well ", I said. " I am the only one who can read the intricate drawings' of what is contained in the book. The book tells' of a beast raising its' self from this here lake. Do you know about the beast ? ". I said, looking towards Murcle and the other elves' that were standing next to him.

Then, she pronounced a name, " DROPSICAL !! " She shouted, stepping back with fear, as if she wasn't with us anymore. Taking hold of her shoulder, I said, " It's OK, Sabad; you are still here with us. What did you see ? ". With her hands' clasped over her eyes', and shaking her head, she spoke. " We had a good elf leader, he was good and kind ". She said, as tears' dripped from her hands'. " He looked after us, and he made sure we was safe; hidden away deep in our city, from humans'. His name was Descale.

" What ! . You mean to say that the city of Ryon was once owned by the tribe of Descale ". Corcoran said, brushing his hand over his chin, as he rose up and walked out in front, facing towards' the lake. Then turning around; he spoke. " I live in the forest, on the outskirts' of the city of Abdon. I have heard many tales', but this one, I don't seem to recall. Though the name, " he stopped and paused for a brief moment. " Sounds', sounds', so familiar. Oh, I remember now, Descale and the tribe of his elves'. You are well known through out binding stories', of passing travellers'. I bare my name with pride, I am the shadow of the forest ". He said, as he turned around lowering his gaze upon Sabad.

Sabad looked up, lowering her hands' down from her face, with her red- eyes', beaming out. " You are the shadow of the forest ! Oh my, Oh my. I have to tell the others' you are here. Your our hope of having our city back ". She said, as she turn around on her heals', singing down the smouldering trail, as she sped off into the distance. " I'll,lllllllllllllllllllll beeeeeeeeeeeeee backkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ".

Then all of a sudden, it stopped dead. Poking out; fast from the leaf covered ground. A small elf like creature looked up and across at me with beaming red eyes'. Covering her eyes' with her stubby fingers' and small hands', she continued to plead with me. " Pl, pl, please don't look into my eyes' " . She said, as she disappeared underneath the leaf covered ground. Turning around in her track, she came up fast, leaving a trail of smouldering brash behind her. Poking her head out , she stuttered, " N,nnn, no ", you mustn't look ". Lowering her gaze. Corcoran and Fledgling made their way over. Still covering her eyes', with her brownish red hair hanging over the front of her head as we all bent down to be next to her.

" Who are you ? ", Corcoran asked with a gentle tone. She turned around with haste so that her tiny back was facing us. " I am Sabad ". She said, " I am the twin sister of evil elf Alvina, who guards, ..." .

" Say no more " , Corcoran said. " We know who she is, but you, you are shy and timid unlike your sister, why is that ? . He aked, as he brushed her hair with his hand. " I use to help guard the stone of shanzan along with my sister, she was a good elf fairy before... " . Then she stopped. " Before what ? ", Corcoran asked...

Still standing in the inch thick water, a gentle breeze blow in, across the lake. Creating tiny flickering waves' on the surface of the bluish water. The breeze was coming in from around a curving cliff that was towering high over the landscape.

The trees' began to rustle behind us. Turning half around towards the back of me, I caught a glimpse of something inside the wooded area. Frowning, as I pulled my dress up from my ankles', I started to walk curiously over towards the wild nettles'; tilting my head as I did so. Fledgling turning a quarter way round, standing in the water with his feet bare, holding onto his Boot's, with his muddy laces' dangling over . Spoke, " What are you doing ? ".

" Shh!! " . I said, patting my hand down from behind my body, as I asked him to be quite. I spoke just above a whisper, " I saw something moving in there ". I said, still easing my head forward in front of me, slightly bent over. Then, just as I was looking into the heap of brash and broken twigs', I saw something shoot straight across, from under the sticky leafs'. Leaving an opened lined trail, directly behind it.


Thursday 10 September 2009

We was no longer inside the compounds of the maze. The night was brightening as the sun was rising slowly over the horizon. Touching the scenery of natures' beauty, as the line of darkness slowly faded away.

Getting back up onto the hollow root, we watched the sunrise as it enlightened the landscape that surround us. It was the first time we had seen sunlight since we entered the city or Ryon. Raising our arms' above our heads' to block out the sharp yellow rays' from blinding us; as the sun came up, wide and beaming. The sun was so much closer to the earth , creating intense heat as it shone out onto the timid landscape. The rays' of sun encapsulating all and everything in its vision. Then with a sudden dashing back and without warning, the sun jetted off into the distance. Like that of a shooting star across the vast ocean of space; on a warm summers' night.

Dumb founded; with our gaze upon the sun, we pushed ourselves' down off the hollow root. As we stood in sheer amazement, eyes' wide open and mouths' hanging down; we watched as the sun settled into a clear position. Turning my head to look at the others', as they stood still before the water's edge, I spoke. " Well, I'm not going to ask you if you saw that !! ". I said, impressed with the lands' first appearance.

Fledgling turning around, fast to look at me; still wide eyed, said, " How could we have missed that " . Returning his gaze back towards the settled sun.


Wednesday 9 September 2009

The beast's hand emerged half in, and half out of the water, wavering in the air; as it sank back down into the depths' of the steamy mist, surrounding the water. The water rippled hard, causing flooding over the muddy edge of the lake. Already saturated in rain, the shore was unable to absorb the access flooding that had filtered through. Laying there shimmering; three inches'- thick, across the wide, muddy terrain; entering the wooded area that surrounded the lake's district.

Looking down, I raised my foot slightly, out of the wet mud that was eating away at our feet. Sticky and sinking; we had to move. Lifting my head slowing over the wood, I peered across the settling water. " It's OK for now, I think ". I said, as I cocked my leg over the rounded outer shell of the root. Leaving a thick trail of mud, as I did so. Corcoran and Fledgling headed up and over; to join me. The mud thick; up to our knees', Corcoran bent down to take off his boots', and slipped in, down towards the remaining water, as he began rubbing his legs', and feet clean. I got down, standing inside the water, bending to wash my feet too . " Fledgling; wash your feet ". I said, looking towards him as he sat, still perched up on top of the hollow root.

Fledgling. began to roll the ends' of his trousers up, leaning his left foot across the top of the wood, as he did so. Taking his hands' down beside him, he began to untie his bootlaces'. He eased himself into the water, that had already started to subside back into the lake. " He put the tip of his feet in the water, testing it, before drawing his feet into it. Wriggling his toes', as the mud dispersed, clean away. Following the current back down to the waters' edge.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

Bending round in a curve, hiding beneath the cliff, was a wild forest backing into the distance. Standing at the foot of the lake, looking out over its' vastness. I started to see a change in the behaviour of the water. The current was becoming more ferocious as lightening came down, striking the cliff. Larger rocks; fell away, easily into the lake. Hitting the water hard as they tumbled down from where we had been moments' before. Big rain drops' came pelting down, into the ferociousness of the lake's water. The atmosphere was changing before our very eyes'.

Backing into the forest, we took cover under some very old trees', the roots' of the trees' were very large and well established. There was a hollow one, facing outwards' in fall view of the lake. We took shelter in it, scrunching ourselves' up into tight balls', as the rain soaked the forest and lake around us.

As we sat there inside the shelter of the root, a tremendous burst of water came up from the middle of the lake. There, arising from the middle, was the first sighting of the beast. Raising his hand out; up into the air. The water was moving ferociously from the current caused by his bodily force '. Unhappy with our position, Corcoran said, " Come on, he will spot us here ". And with that he lept over the large root of the tree and hid down into the tall grass on the other side. With out further hesitation, myself and Fledgling followed him over the top.

Nervously peering over the hollow wood, we focused our vision on the beast. Awaiting tentatively for his fall appearance, we needed to see what we was dealing before we could devise a plan.

We moved into the large entrance, reappearing out of the other side. We looked out onto the huge wide lake that surrounded us. From beneath our feet, we was standing on a beautifully tiled floor. It was apparent it had been apart of a very extravagant building, at one point in the cities' history. I carried my look across the half tiled ledge; to where the rest of the tiles' must have fallen into the misty lake, with the deterioration of age. The ledge was thin and surrounded by heavy boulders', leading down to a path on the ground.

Corcoran eased himself along the edge of the wall, holding his hands' out flat, to grip the surface of the cliff face; as he started making his way down the rocky terrain. We followed him down, in the half darkness of the night. The rocks' were very crumbly from the moist condensation of the surrounding water. It was hard to make our way down to the bottom. Every now and then our feet would cause the rock to crumble and fall into the lake.

As we reached the bottom, the water flowed onto a small mud bank that lined the side of the lake. Looking cool and refreshing, I bent down next to it, clasping my hands' together as I lifted the water gently to my mouth, sipping it. " It's good ", I said. Corcoran Spoke as i continued to drink, " Elena " , he said, " Don't get to close to the water, we know the beast is residing here somewhere, so we have to tread carefully along our path " .

I looked up at him from my half bending position, turning my upper body slightly clockwise to face him. " Your right ". I said as I stood up, brushing myself down.

As Corcoran pulled me up to the top. The stony ledge cut into my skin, like that of a thousand needles', grazing me, hard from under my dress. Gathering myself up, I sat, with my hands' wrapped around my waist, face scrunched up, revealing some of my pain.

Corcoran, lent down again, I could see graze marks' up the side of his arms', as he reached to help Fledgling off the ground. Fledgling, jumping up several times' before managing to get hold of Corcoran's hand. He rotated round, bumping on and off the side of the wall, , as he held on. Corcoran, again battling with all his strength, he offered out his other hand. Swinging it down, Fledgling reaching up to grab it, as he did so. Catching the ends' of Corcoran's fingers', Fledgling lost his grasp; as his hand slid downwards, facing to the ground. He Swung his arm up, this time with more force, getting a good firm hold onto Corcoran's hand.

I could see Corcoran slipping slowly over the edge; with the weight of Fledglings' body attached to his own. I flung myself over his legs', pinning him down to the ground. As he drew Fledgling up alongside us. Rolling over onto his side, he closed his eyes', " Thank god that's over ", he said. " I was beginning to think that I would never make it ". He said, opening his eyes', casting his vision at us.

Corcoran standing up, offered his hand out to me, pulling me up from the surface of the step. " Come on Fledgling its' time to go ". He said, as Fledgling picked himself up.

Our heads' turning towards' the exit and then back again; as we faced each other. " We're all in agreement then ? " . Fledgling said, as he stepped out towards the exit. I looked over to Corcoran, who looked back at me. He nodded confidently; as I confirmed with a hesitant affirmation. Picking up our steps', we followed on behind him.

Corcoran came to a stand still at the entrance . Looking at me again with his head slightly tipped to one side, raising his brow as he did so. He gulped heavily into the back of his throat. " Fledgling, give me a lift up ", he said, as Fledgling put his hands' under Corcoran's feet. Pushing down hard with his foot into Fledgling's intertwined hands'. Corcoran reached up to grab the ledge of the gigantic step, scarring up with his feet. He found small ridges' to rest on, as he did so.

" Are you alright up there ? " , I asked, as we watched him struggle. " I am fine ", he called back, slightly straining his voice as he spoke. Reaching the top; he swung his leg over the edge, using all of his strength to pull himself up. He threw his body down flat onto the top of the step, laying there for a brief moment before he began gathering himself up onto his feet.

Lowering his head to eye level, Fledgling turned to look at me, " OK ", he said. " It's your turn ". Walking over to me, he crouched down holding his intertwined hands' out, " Ready ", he said . As I lent over towards him , gripping his shoulder as he lifted me into the air. I stood up gently ; easing away from Fledgling, as I lent next to the dusty surface of the gigantic step. Corcoran bent over the ledge, half hanging out. Extending his hands out towards me, I reached up as he grabbed both of mine and pulled me up to the top.
