Tuesday 15 September 2009

Murcle drew up his chair, close to Corcoran, " We have much to discuss ", he said , leaning over next to his ear. " You will have to know everything, before we make our plans' to kill the beast. Descale spoke about you often. He told us, many things' about you. Your name has travelled far and wide, more further than you think. But that can wait for later. Right now, we are here to enjoy ourselves', so don't be shy ". And with that, he got up and walked over towards, Lazrag.

The sound of drums' and flutes' was high and it was not the best of conditions' for talking. Leaning over towards Lazrag's ear, Murcle whispered, " Fetch; Ample, to prepare the tent for our meeting ". Lazrag nodded, and headed off, down and away from the crowd.

Peering over the heads' of the elves', I saw Lazrag enter the half closed market stool, that I had seen Ample working in earlier. ' Umm ', I thought to myself, as I wondered why he had not come for the celebrations'. Fledgling had moved away from me and was now sitting with the men, leaving me with the women. A woman came in front of me, taking me by the hand, she drew me, into the crowd of dancing elves'. The elves' separated, leaving open a wide circle. Shouting into my ear, the elf gave her name. " I am Vivi " , and with that she pulled me straight into the centre of the circle, and danced me round and round , again and again, until I could dance no -more.

I didn't much like it at first, but after I got the hang of it, I started to free my spirit, letting all my worries' go.


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