Friday 11 September 2009


The three elves' gathered together in a circle, with their heads' down, they whispered. Then standing back up again, Murcle spoke. " Yes we know about the beast that lives' inside the cave at the bottom of the lake ". He said. We have been living in fear of him for many years', now. When he comes' to the water's surface; we all run to hide. He is hideous, drenched with hair and gigantic in size, he floods' the entire woodland; when he comes' in search of us ".

" Why would he look for you ? ". I said, slightly confused. " Don't you get it, we are part of his food. If he catches' us, he eats' us whole, without remorse. We try to be back before darkness comes', but sometimes' , some of us are not so lucky ". He said, looking down at his feet. A glow radiated from his body, three times' in all my count. As I was struck by an overwhelming feeling of respect.

" I am Murcle. I am the appointed watcher over our nation of elves' ", he said. " It's nice to meet you. We would like to invite you to our village, that's where we reside. We have no intention to remain. We had to learn how to live outside of the city of Ryon. It was once known as, ' The Glorious Kingdom Of Descale '. Our king and our good master, Dascale. His voice became bitter, as his body shone out with red beams'. I felt an overwhelming feeling of betrayal; wash over me from head to toe. As his feelings' subsided; with calmness and calmness returned, I felt this too. " How did you do that ? ", I asked him. " When we feel; our feelings' get lifted from the root of our stomachs' and they radiate outwards' touching the air; they get carried to whoever is around. There is no hiding of feelings' amongst the realm of the elves' ". He said, turning around. " Come on, its' time for you to meet our nation ". He began walking; leading us slowly through the harsh brash forest.


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