Friday 18 September 2009

I looked one way and then the next, I scratched my head, and said, " I am, Murcle ". He looked at me with an interesting glance, turning his head to the side, he said, " And what brings' you here ? " . Still rubbing my arms' from the bitter - cold, chill, I spoke. " Descale has sent for you ". He turned his eyes' upon me. " I don't remember anyone, ever being called by Descale; before ". He took in a long, deep, hard, breath, before he invited me in. " I suppose you better come in then " . He said, opening the door further, to allow room for me to pass. Nervous and unsure about Dropsical's home, I entered , with a big, brave, smile.

Dropsical took a torch from the back of the stairwell, and lit candles' that rested on shelves', carved into the stone walls'; of his home. The home was interestingly different from all the other homes', that I had seen within the realm of the elves'. " Please ". He said. " Sit down, while I prepare myself to meet Descale ". I noticed a difference in the chairs', I was sure we didn't sell them in the market- place, they looked rather oddly. " Where are these chairs' from ? ", I asked in a polite manner, just before he was about to leave; entering in, on a conjoining room.

From Dropsical's voice, I could tell he wasn't the type to be messed around with, he was very serious and a little stiff in his approach towards me. He spoke, " They are from the upper world ". Puffing out his chest, as he walked around. I pushed my lips down into the right hand corner of my chin. " Have you ever been to the upper world ? ", I asked, innocently. He fell silent; walking off into the shadowy entrance of the next room.


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