Wednesday 16 September 2009

I turned around, startled and wide eyed, as I heard an approaching noise, outside. The door opened, on its' creaking hinges'; fast and furious. There, standing in the doorway, was Wizle, staring straight back at me. Turning quickly around, he grabbed the door and closed it sharp, behind him. " Stop right there ", he said . " You have know idea what you are about to do ", he said, as I dropped my hands', down beside me. I turned to face him.

" I would like to hold it ". I said. "

It was beautiful and mysterious, at the same time ". He looked at me , shaking his head, putting his index finger, up to his lips', pressing hard . " Hush, you don't know what you say !! ". He said, moving in, closer towards me. " It belongs to Dropsical. He is searching for it. If he finds it, or it falls' into his hands', along with the strength of the stone, he will be able to destroy us all. Ample has been appointed; ' The Watcher Of The Spear '. A title he gave to himself . We don't know why he has chosen himself to guard it, and he refuses' to tell us. We are a nation of elves' that share everything, including this. But Ample, refuses' to give us any answers', so he is forbidden to join us . The only reason why we allow him to remain here with us, is because we know that his intentions' are good. We put our trust in his judgement, but at the same time, we will not allow Ample to educate our children' in this manner, it isn't from our teachings'. Come now, we must get back to the celebrations', before we are missed. If they discover us here, Murcle will question us, and that's the last thing I need right now ". He said, holding the door, wide open, waiting for me to leave.

I turned to look at the spear again, watching it sparkle from the shinning rays' of the moon, it was elegant and ready for use. As I was leaving, I felt my heart pull towards it, knowing right then, that I would be the holder of the spear. Turning my back onto its' mysterious glow, I walked out of Ample's shop.


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