Saturday 19 September 2009

I sat on the edge of my seat, for a few minutes', looking around in the half darkened room. As I brought my gaze, back down towards my hands'. My hands' rested on the top of my knees', as Dropsical reappeared. He had changed his clothes', choosing to wear a black cloth that draped over his shoulders'; falling down past his feet, long and wide, rimmed with embroiled -silver lettering, and carrying a leather case that was strapped, straight down; one side of his body. He turned his head towards me, " Are you ready then ? ". He said, passing me by, leaving me sitting there, as he headed straight for the door.

I looked at him, as I thought to myself, ' why did Descale choose him ?'. Standing up, I followed his heavy steps', towards the door. He released the door, letting it fall back on me; I caught it on the edge of my shoulder, as we left his home.

I spoke; first, fidgeting around next to him. " I needed some help, in running the realm of the elves'. That's why, Descale has sent for you ". I said, as we approached the footing of the bridge. " Ah, ha " , he replied. " Is that the only reason, why he calls me ?" . He said, looking around at me, suspiciously in the corner of his eye. I looked down towards' my feet, biting at my thumb, " I don't know ". I said. " I only know as much as I have been told ". And on that note, we headed across the accursed stream.


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