Saturday 19 September 2009

" What constructions' are you consigned too ? " I asked, as we walked back the way I came, moments' before. He didn't answer me, he kept walking, keeping his head down. As he avoided all eye contact with fellow elves' that passed by us; on our way. I twitched my mouth, this way and that, as I felt the awkward moment, subside into nothingness. Shoving my hands' into my pockets' ; smiling half heartily.

On emerging from one of the tunnels', I clashed into, ' Mumbler, the mind reader '. Mumbler was very well known amongst the elves', being the only one who could delve deep into the thoughts of any passing, human, elf or creature. " Oh, oh , I am sorry ". She said, as she put her head down and tried to pass me by, hastily.

I had never seen Mumbler behave in such a manner, so grabbing her by the shoulders' with both hands', I said, " What's the matter with you, Mumbler ? Are you not feeling well ? " . She looked at Dropsical, diverting her glance back towards' me. " Nothings' wrong. No,no, nothings wrong " . She said, in a panic, still trying to pass me. " Mumbler, what in the earth is the matter with you ? " . " Nothing !! " She replied, squeezing passed me, nearly knocking me to the ground.

I looked back down the long tunnel into the distance, as I saw her disappear into one of the darkened archways', that lined the ongoing tunnel'. I turned around, looking at Dropsical, who was standing against the wall, with his leg up and bent inwards', covering his mouth as he yawned.

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