Saturday 19 September 2009


Descale was still fumbling around, inside the books', as we walked into the room of lost voices'. " Descale ". I said, " Dropsical is here, waiting to meet you ". Descale walked out from around the shelves'. " Ah,ha, there you are ? " . He said, approaching us; clasping Dropsicals shoulder, " Come with me, boy ". He said, leaving me standing at the door. " Is there anything else I can do ? " " No, no ". He said, waving his hand behind me.

There was a side door, in the room of forgotten voices'. Descale approached it, clasping the brass handle with his grip, as he twisted it around and opened it. I was shocked at the actions' taken by Descale. I was forbidden to enter the room. With a slow smooth creak, the door opened, revealing a bright light that shone out, blinding us. I fell to the ground, unconscious.

" He'll be fine ", Descale said to Dropsical, " Don't worry about him. Now come with me, we have more important issues' to deal with ". And with that Dropsical entered the room.

There was nothing in the room, apart from a very large table. On the table was two goblets'. Descale looked at Dropsical, " OK, I'll explain. This will be your choice, no - one will stand over you while you take your decision. Your mind's been preparing itself for this day, since birth. I made my choice, and as you can see, I picked wisely. " Descale said, brushing his long grey beard, with his hand.


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