Wednesday 30 September 2009

Alvina, was following behind, being from the realm of the elves', she shrank herself and used her gift of speed, to catch Drpsical's flight. The men, marched forward, in fast stead, following Alvina, fast in pace. Dropsical, flew down, before the stone, reaching out, to grasp it.

Just as he was about to touch the stone with the tip of his fingers', phoenix reared up, causing the spear to fall from Dropsical's hand, landing before the king. Dropsical, forced phoenix back down towards the hole, grabbing the stone with both hands', as he lent out, far and wide, balancing, on the feathered wings', of the bird.

Eros, made - fast; towards the fallen spear. Picking it up, he held it firm , releasing the light from it's wise powers', of knowledge. The earth shook from underneath the entire kingdom, throwing all the people onto the ground. Rumbling and trembling with the force of exploding power from the spear. The realm of the elves' was opened, folding the beautiful paving back, onto it's self, like that of a mechanical puzzle. Dropsical, now in fear of the king, made a speedy exit into the underground realm.

Alvina, stood before the king; singing, encapsulating him, by her beautiful voice. While the men of the kingdom of Ryon, escaped down, into the; now, new occupied city of Ryon. " Said Murcle, looking slightly exhausted, from relaying the events'. He continued; never the less, " Alvina, was the last to enter, descending the stairs'. The king's entrusted men, approached him, taking the spear from his clasp, with a sight tap on his shoulder, a small light shone out and brought him back into the world of reality ". " The story doesn't end there ", said Murcle.


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