Tuesday 29 September 2009


Alvina continued to sing , as Dropsical made his way towards the king, riding phoenix with haste.

Dropsical had spent most of his life being raised by his parents'. He parents' hated the realm of the elves', wishing to live and reside in the upper world. They often made their way to the surface, disguised by draping cloth. They molded into the city of Abdon, well. Occasionally they would trade from people, bartering, and bringing gifts' back to their home, within the realm. One day, Dropsical's, mother wished to venture out of the city of Abdon, curious with what lay beyond, wishing to wonder into the forests' - on the outskirts' of the city. His father was a little bit more refined and hesitated at first, on wondering around. But with the persistent beckoning of his mother, Dropsical's father gave in. They rode on horses', that the borrowed from tradesmen, within the city of Abdon, riding through the landscape, far and wide , covering a great distance in a very short time. Coming towards', a large lake; surrounded by cliff - embedded caves', they dismounted their stallions', leaving them drinking at the side of the lake, as they dropped their, outer garments'; revealing themselves'. Hanging their outer garments', upon their saddles'; as they continued towards' the lake. Looking up at the small cliff's, overhead. Dropsical's mother heard a voice, mumbling, through the trees', coming towards them . Too late, to mount the horses'; they pulled at the horses' hair, leading them into the trees', that surround the path, around the lake.

Azim, came out of the trees', heading straight towards' the water of the lake. Standing over the water, he raised his hands' up , calling into the air. " Oh city of Abdon, what trouble will befall you, when the king call's for the stone. " He bent down, placing his hands' into the water, as he spoke again. " Oh ancient water, of lost time, you are the holder of the heart. The stone of change, is being called upon. Uplift it from the center of your life, and hand it to me" . With an almighty roar, the water gushed-up high, from the center of the lake. Bringing forth the red stone. The red stone, shone out, beaming across the landscape, as Azim, spoke again, " Oh stone of ancient protection, come forth unto me ". He said, as he lifted up his hands', and reached them out, over the surface of the lake. The stone; being touched by Azim's voice, sped out across the water, with haste, settling down into the hands' of, Azim.


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