Friday 25 September 2009


The black light hit the shield, bouncing off . With force, the earth shook, sending heavy vibrations' through the compound; falling to the ground, I crawled, tugging at the grass. The rays' of black light, shot out, with tremendous power, covering the whole landscape before us. Everything that the light touched; died instantly. The sound of crunching leaves', and britt-ling trees', engulfed the whole landscape. The lake turned black; and these mountains' and cliff that you see now, they arose; huge, from the earth, blocking the mainstream entrance to our city.

That's when it happened, the life we had always' known, changed forever. Dropsical started rising from the earth, as he stood in the air, before the entire land. Turning to face the blackened stream, as he chanted again, words', unheard of before.

I pulled myself up from the ground, turning to face the scene behind me. The vast expanse of trees' began separating before my eyes'. The water was boiling-up; bubbling from the lake, as a misty steam arose from the water. Than; with a sudden explosion, and an almighty flood of water, across the landscape, something arose from the blackened water, enormous and very strange. I stared in disbelief at what I saw, a huge beast; standing before Dropsical, motionless. Dropsical spread his arm's wide, with his black cape, draping from them, as he chanted more words' , unrecognisable, gifting the beast, with life.

The beast opened his mouth, showing a display of monstrous teeth. The beast swooped down into the lake, grabbing hold of the largest of large fish, gripping it between his jaw, he took his nail -infested, hairy hand ,and ripped it from his mouth, as he stood up straight before Dropsical.


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