Tuesday 15 September 2009


Coming out of the house, we followed him down to the centre of the village. Where the people had gone out of their way; to prepare a night of wonderful entertainment.

To begin the celebration, Murcle stood before the huge crowd. " We have some amazing news' ", He said, as he swung his arm around towards' us. Taking Corocran by the shoulders', he pushed him forward; before the gathering crowd. " This is he, ' The Warrior Of The Stone ' ". Everyone paused, as silence fell over the village. Then all of a sudden, from nowhere came cheers' of applauding, as happiness engulfed the village once again.

" Come ", He said, " Sit here ". Pushing him down onto a chair, that faced out towards the villagers'. Murcle clapped his hands' twice, and on this command; a group of dancers' came out . Swinging there hips' this way and that. Followed by a stream of welcoming elves' baring silver trays'; full to the brim with food.

The celebrations' of the elves'; was unlike any celebration I had experienced before. The elves' were not mere watchers', willing to try their hand, they quickly joined in. And before we knew it, the night was in full swing.


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