Thursday 17 September 2009

Chapter 11 : THE LOST CITY

The night was drawing to an end. The crowds' dispersing from around us, leaving us seated before; Murcle, Lazrag, Sabad and Wizle. There was other's there too.

Murcle stood up, " Come ". He said. " It's time for me to tell you about the destruction of our city and how we came to be here ". He said, as he headed for a wooden hut, at the back of us. On standing up, we followed his lead into the huge canopy. " Take your seats' " , he said, as he sat back; comfortably on his silk encrusted; wooden furniture; with huge hand woven cushions' that lined the hard backed panels'. As we awaited for the entertainment of his beckoning stories', to begin.

We seated around to hear; ' The Watcher's ' tale . Murcle began his opening statement; with; " The city was different back then. It was known as ' The Realm Of The Elves' '. Life went on as usual, I was close to Descale. I helped him organise the realm of the elves', and the order of life was simple and basic, the standard of living was good. We helped each other, working hard, hidden away from the world above, we lived; reasonably well ". He said, as he drew himself back into the audience.

" The burden of running the realm was heavy, and I found I couldn't manage it well, by myself. I needed help, and I needed it fast. After running things' for several years', I finally took the time to speak with Descale ". He said, bringing his head down; drawing his vision away from us, as he continued.


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