Friday 18 September 2009

Descale, flipped the book closed. Taking hold of the paper in his right hand, he began to pace the room . Biting at his middle finger nail, as he began reading the page, mumbling to himself faintly. " Work's all day through. Yes, yes....AH,ha.... Doesn't take breaks'..Ah, ha, yes . Doesn't talk too much. Yes, yes...Good, good . He sounds' like the one ". Throwing the paper down, gently onto the table . Slamming his hand down, as the sheet settled, he said , with a strong tone in his voice. " Send for him at once, Murcle ! ".

" I felt a little confused, at why Descale sounded so harsh in his command, I frowned back at him, in question at the redness of his face, as he spoke again, this time raising his voice. " Are you questioning me, boy ? " He said. " I shook my head. " Good then. The elf's name is Dropsical, he lives' in the area, marked, Dot - H , on the other side ".

I looked up again at Descale, " On the other side ", I said. " I can hear the fear in your voice, boy, what's the matter with you ?. Do you fear what you do not know, boy ? ". I stood there, looking up at him, quiet, I knew not answer him, he seemed rather annoyed. " Go " . He said, waving his hand in anger, as I backed away, leaving the room, that was known as; ' The Forgotten Voices '.


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