Monday 14 September 2009

The child stopped shivering for a brief moment; as she opened a small gape between her tiny fingers'. She looked out at Corcoran; who appeared upside down to her. Snapping her fingers' shut; she began to tremble again; with fear. Cocoran spoke. " Don't be scared ", he said. " Here, take my hand and I'll help you out ". The child stopped trembling and opened her fingers', staring wide eyed straight into his face. Her yellow eyes', looking into his soul. She moved out her hand and grabbed hold of his. With a gentle tug, he pulled her out from underneath the bench.

She brushed her dress down and pulled herself up, sitting delicately as she spoke. " It's time for you to join us ", she said. Corcoran looked around the main room; realising at that point that Fledgling and Elena wasn't with him. " One moment ". He said, as he walked over to the banister. " Are you up there ? ", He called out.

While myself and Fledgling was gazing out upon the landscape, a voice came gently up the stairs'. It was Corcoran. " Are you up there ? ". He said; stepping up.

I lent my hand onto Fledgling's shoulder; as I stood up and walked across the floor. I lo0ked down, to where Corocran was standing at the bottom. " Come on " , he said. " We have been sent for ".

Another head appeared from around the curtain, it was Lazrag. " Are you not ready yet ? " . He said, as he took hold of his daughters' hand. " change your clothes' and make your way down to the village, we are waiting for you ", and on the note he turned around and left.


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