Saturday 12 September 2009

Standing up straight, he ushered the children away from the horses'. " OK kids', that's it for today ". He said, as he walked over to help the children down. The horses' trotted on as he slightly tapped them on their thighs', encouraging them to run. Moaning, as the children walked on, he gently patted them on their heads', as they each passed him in turn.

Murcle spoke, " OK then, we'll see you later; Sabad will make you at home and introduce you to our best warriors' and our local villagers' ". He said, as he tapped Wizle on his shoulder. " Come on lets go, Wizle ". They walked away leaving us standing there, waiting for Sabad.

Sabad and the strong elf man walked over to us , " This is Lyzrag. Lyzrag I would like you to meet, ' The Shadow ". Lyzrag standing tall, with a very Stern face; drove his attention towards us. On hearing Corcoran's name, he lanced out his head with surprise; his emerald eyes' popping out, glowing as they did so .

" This is Shadow !! " He exclaimed. Embracing Corcoran and holding him tightly. On releasing him, Corcoran had to drew in a deep breath from the heavy exasperating squeeze of Lazrag. " Oh, I have been waiting a long time for this day to come ", he said . " There's so much planning to do ". Cheering up, he continued, " There will be a night of celebration at your arrival, but first you must rest ". He said, " You must be tired from your journey, please follow me ". As he walked us away from the green fields'.


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