Monday 31 August 2009

I looked straight into Myron's face, squinted my eyes' at him and spoke firmly, " I have know idea what you are talking about and my name is Georgie, not Elena as you say, I think it must be a case of mistaken identity ", I said. Shifting my head slightly down towards the floor, looking at him, this time from underneath my eyes'.

" No ! ", he exclaimed harshly, banging the arm of his chair. " You are lying, now give it to me ! ".

Corcoran eased the bag gently under him, as the old man became more aggressive towards me. " You have it, don't you ? " , he said. This time with panic in his voice. " You have the book, the maps' of ryon, I need it. Now give it to me ! ", he said, as he lent forward, in his chair moving even closer towards me.

Fledgling stood up and handed me a drink from the tray as to distract Myron from his questioning about the book. I sipped at the drink, easy from the steaming glass, holding it at my lips for a few more moments' as not to reply him in such a hurry. I eased the glass down next to the edge of my chair and spoke directly at him.

" What is this book that you are asking me about ? ".

Myron eased back in his chair and sighed with disappointed, " I have been waiting for it, I need it to get to the stone of Shanzan ". He said, hanging his head in a very disheartened way.

As I slid back into my chair, leaving the drink resting on there, the little old man put the tray down onto a small table in the middle of the room. He walked over to a chair, backing onto a very old bookshelf and continued to sit down. " My name is Myron, the sweet smell ", he said. As he held tightly onto the brim of his chair. " I know who you are , " he said, looking directly at me once again. I turned to face Corcoran and Fledgling, they appeared to be very comfortable about the whole situation. I frowned in my uneasiness, as I turned in apprehension, back towards Myron. " Yes, " he said, " I have been waiting for you ".

I pouted my lips', tending an unhappy smile, before I spoke. " What is it that you think you have been waiting for " , I aimed back at him.

" I have been waiting for you, Elena ". He said, as I swallowed a gulp of air with a shock of exclamation. " Have you something for me " , he added.

" What do you mean ? " , I replied, tending to misunderstand him.

" Maybe a little something to add to my collection, behind me " , he said. I gave him a sly sidewards glance, then looked on in the direction of Corcoran, who had already started to drink from one of the sweet smelling cups', that was resting on an eloquent gold tray. There was something very wrong here, I remembered thinking to myself.


Saturday 29 August 2009

Placing a bent key into the lock, he turned around and looked straight into my face, as he began to turn it in the door. The door opened with a very suspicious, creaking sound, as he stepped inside, widening the entrance for us to follow him in.

Fledgling was eager to go inside and without fear he stepped into the man's apartment. Corcoran turned to look at me, without saying anything he turned again and headed straight in. I still had my doubts' about going in but they had already entered. I had a very brief look around into the dimness of the corridor, before I stepped in.

Fledgling and Corcoran had already started to make themselves' comfortable, before I had even enough time to shut the door. As I was closing the door, another door across the landing opened very quickly. There stood a very old, almost crippled looking lady, back bent, holding a cat.
She was peering straight into the man's door, as I was slowly shutting it. I wasn't sure if she had seen me and I was slightly worried for a few moments' about the new situation we found ourselves' to be in.

As I turned around, moving on into the apartment, I noticed many curious objects', surrounding me. I moved into a very tiny room, where Corcoran and Fledgling had already settled down onto some beautiful wooden chairs' that rested near the window where I had spotted the peculiar man, moments' before.

The man was in another room, boiling something up, the smell was delicious. I found a small chair to rest down on. The man greeted us with glasses' filled to the top, with a steaming yellow drink. The aroma smelt so sweet, it enticed me to take first. So I lent out my hand and without thinking, I touched the hot glass, burning my fingers' as I did so.

Being out numbered, I started to walk in line with Corcoran's steps'. The man was hastening his arms', waving them around, in a hurry he began to retreat quickly towards' the towering building.

Fledgling being in front, hurried along, catching the pace that the man set. Me, being the last in the building, the man looked down from the stairwell, he hung his hands', heavy over the rail and made a very hard gesture to pull the door shut , without further hesitation I grab the semi circle handle and slammed it as hard and as fast as I could.

Corcoran and Fledgling had already started to climb the stairwell, following close behind the man. I stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the vast journey to the top. As I stood there I felt dizzy, loosing my footing slightly before reaching out and grabbing the end of the banister.

The lights' in the building were dim and every now and then, they would flicker as we continued to climb the stairs'. The man didn't make any sound on the stairwell, while he was leading the way. We followed him with surety it was for our own benefit. Reaching the landing, I managed to catch up with them, as the man took out a strange looking bunch of keys', he fiddled around with them, as if he was in a panic to get into his apartment.


Friday 28 August 2009

The man peered out, stretching over the edge of his windowsill , his balding head shining against the tall lamps' that lined the streets' of the city. I saw him trying to see under the branches of trees' as we crouched down out of view. Then with a heavy huff, he slammed his curtains' down, scaring the birds' away.

We waited behind the roots' of the tree, for a few minutes', before we started out again, just as we was approaching a new section of the maze, the peculiar man reappeared onto the steps' in front of his building. He walked briskly behind us, calling us with a whispering utterance.

" swish, swish , " he said, waving his arms' around, calling us to follow him. He was backing away, slightly , still beckoning us to follow him. I looked at Fledgling and then followed my look around towards' Corcoran, we wasn't really sure what to do next.

The man stood there, waiting for us to make a decision. " Come on , " Fledgling said, being the first one to make a move towards the man.

" I don't know about it, we should get on, it might be a trap, " I said, as I started to walk forward, encouraging Corcoran and Fledgling to follow me. Corcoran was more in favour with Fledgling's decision to follow the man.

" If he is a good man, we will get shelter and food and maybe even a place to rest for a few hours', " he said, as he continued to walk behind Fledgling, on towards' the old man.

I closed the book and handed it straight back to Corcoran. " Follow me, it's this way ", I said, as I disappeared around a hedge of thorny rose bushes' that lined a web of buildings', binding together, growing up the side of the walls', gripping like the tightest of vines'. The buildings' appeared to be interwoven, as we entered upon the maze, walking in, both curiously and cautiously.

The people hadn't awoken from the night and the day was following close in our steps'. Though there was some signs' of life around us, the fluttering of birds'. Strange at first glance, not like the birds' from the world above, they appeared to be bred in some kind of contained captivity, then released into the entanglements' of the city.

The birds' grouped together and huddled in close onto the towering roots' of dangling tree stems'. As we passed by, knocking onto some of the roots' in our path, we appeared to disturb them as they fluttered above, passing straight over our heads'. The noise was enough to waken the lightest of sleepers', as the birds' settled back down again, this time on the opposite side of a very protruding windowsill. The lights' from the inner window went on, as a very peculiar looking individual pulled back, on what appeared to be, root woven curtains'.


Chapter 5: RYON

The fairlits' had fled with speed, I saw the trail of their light as they disappeared into the darkness of the city's skyline. We stood before the gigantic city, looking up, at the magnificent, mesmerising view of complexity, as we stepped forward together. Thinking we was about to enter the place where the precious stone lay, when all of a sudden, we was hit with an invisible shield, knocking us back yet again.

I reached out to touch the shield with my hands', placing them over my eyes' to block out the beaming light's that the city was yielding. I saw for the first time, inside this city of wonderment, gasping at its' beauty.

" Take out the book " , I said to Corcoran, who was still rubbing his head with his hand. Corcoran reached into his sack and pulled it out, handing it over to me. Holding it up towards the shield of the city, the book shone it's brightest light, as the shield became speckles' of dust, falling down and fluttering away, before our very feet. The entrance was finally clear, we stepped forward, not knowing what to expect on the other side.

We walked in together, it was easy to hide amongst the bushes that lined the city, so that was where we took our cover. I opened the maps' of ryon, flicking through the page's to find out exactly where we was.

I came upon our position, there on the beautiful plan view, was the way through the maze, straight into the heart of the city.


Thursday 27 August 2009

Struggling to climb down, I had to resist the force of the fairlits' pull. I managed to get to the next ledge and yet with more resistance, I was slowly climbing my way down, still being pulled by the hook of the fairlits' grip. It wasn't an easy descent, as I was nearing the ground, Corcoran and Fledgling reached out either side of me, bringing me down to the ground next to them, they started to beat the fairlits' away. The fairlits' were becoming more aggressive towards' us, still focusing on me, they were more determined then before. Coming in at us from all directions', their light was shining outwards', I knew it wasn't a good idea to stand there too long, so I pulled at Corcoran's shirt, as I started to back down the alley, where they had just come up from.

Corcoran and Fledgling followed me with the fairlits' still surrounding us, as we headed straight for the main entrance of the city. The trail of light was obvious and I was sure that we would find ourselves' in more trouble if we didn't manage to get away from them soon. I was determined on getting us into the city of Ryon, as I started to run faster down the alley, with Corcoran and Fledgling alongside my pace.

Turning the corner of the city's wall, we started to approach the main entrance, the entrance ready for arrivals', we was ready to embark into the maze of buildings' that lined the beautiful city of Ryon.

As we was running from the light of the fairlits', we came up close to the opening. The fairlits' stopped dead in their tracks' and retreated back with haste.

The fairlits' flew out of the cave and descended with speed around me. They hooked onto my dress, thousands' of them, trying to pull me from the side of the ledge that I was clinging too. I wasn't sure at first, if their intention was to bring me down gently to the ground, but after a minute or two, it appeared that they wished to take me back to their home.

The fairlits' pulled harder and faster with more force, I thought I was going to fall as they continued to pull at my dress. I hung onto the side of the wall with as much strength as I could, in hope that they would leave me there and continue to go about their day.

I took action of the situation, I tried to climb down, even though I was surrounded. As I was in the mist of confusion, I could here some faint sounds' of movement from below me. I pushed away from leaning inwards' and looked down past my feet. I could just about see Corcoran and Fledgling running up the side of the city wall.

Corcoran stopped in his step and looked up, " look, there she is. " He said, as Feldgling halted, nearly bashing into him from running behind.

The fairlits' still busy pulling at my cotton dress, it seemed they wasn't in any hurry to give up. I didn't wish to go with them and I was sure in myself that I wasn't going to be dragged somewhere without my own choice.


Monday 24 August 2009

I lifted my head to peer into their homes', I saw no reason why these little fairlits' could change their condition from being so friendly to being so fierce, ready for an attack. Previously told by Corcoran, who retold the stories' to myself and Fledgling.

There homes' were beautifully simple, nothing like I had ever seen before. They made their own unusual food, it appeared sweet and sticky, they had stored plenty for many years' to come.

I thought, as I layed there, I just couldn't imagine them attacking anyone. So I wasn't really in any hurry to leave the narrowness of the cave. I wasn't sure why they had brought me up so high, but being able to see the whole of the city, was a sure miracle. I Looked around into the narrowness of the small cave, as I gathered myself up and crawled down to the cave opening.

Again before me was the city, I looked around to see if there was anyway to get down by myself. There was some foot ledges', sticking out of the side walls'. That was my only hope, so without any hesitation, I eased myself away from the foot of the entrance. The hole seemed to tighten around me, as I was leaving.

I managed to grab the first ledge ,as I pushed my foot across, squeezing through the best I could. The ledges' were to thin to get a good enough grip on, so I had to pace down fast, with no time to think about my own safety, I continued to descend to towards the ground.


Sunday 23 August 2009

They ran along the main front of the maze, that protected the heart of the city. Dipping down along the front row of houses', as they slid up the side wall of the cave. Running along the darkened alleyway, looking above in search of the fairlit homes'.

The fairlit's came close to the wall of the cave, above the cityscape. They stopped before the entrance of their home, they floated there for a few moments'. As the holes' widened to allow them in.

I could see before me the fall view of the city, outstretched, a plan view of the entire maze. There I could see the beautiful stone of shanzan shining out at the heart of the city. Like the brightest of reds', glowing, like the beating of a heart.

I fixed my gaze upon the stone, as I entered the home of the fairlits'. Seeing the stone fade before me, as I was taken into their deep dwellings'.

The fairlits' settled me down along a very narrow corridor, where they greeted me with kisses', as they rotated into smaller holes'. Being smothered with thousands' of them, I couldn't see into the holes' until they had all disappeared behind the smaller walls' of what appeared to be, where they lived.



Corcoran and Fledgling was left standing at the foot of the city, indecisive about what to do next. Corcoran pulled Fledgling over to the foot of the rose bushes', that lined the maze of the city.

" We have to find Elena " . He said, as he tapped the side of his bag, " She is the only one who can unlock the code of the maps' ". Fledgling looked up into the darkened skyline. " And how do you propose that we do that ?. " He said, seeing the fading light disappearing, as the fairlit's glided , gently away, taking Elena with them.

Corcoran, lifting his head up, followed the fading light with his eyes', " I have been told of the places' where they live, so that's' the best place to start. We have to go up the side of the city, avoiding the main path through. The Fairlits' are extremely temperamental and can change their condition as fast as the speed of light. So when we find their entrance, we have to conduct ourselves' with a friendly stance, as not to confuse their condition.

Fledgling looked at Corcoran with apprehension. " Don't worry," Corcoran spoke again . " Their homes' are easily spotted along the side walls' of the caves', there's no missing them. What we have to do is, go in when they are at there weakest point, that would be around about now. Elena will bring us out of it, for the keys' to finding the stone of shanzan lay with her. No time to waste, we go now ". He said with sure confidence.


Saturday 22 August 2009

The horses' reared up, high into the air, thudding down onto the remaining ground. Bellowing as the centurions' raised their spears' in my direction. Their black eyes', glazed over, focusing solely on their target, me. Just as their spears' came shooting down, thousands' of small fairlits' descended from the darkness above. Gently floating down, they surrounded me, hooking themselves' onto tiny pieces' of thread, attached to my dress, I felt myself being lifted, into the upper darkness of the city's skyline.

The spears' came shooting down from every direction as I was lifted up higher into the city's sky, just missing my own death, by inches'. Higher and higher they took me, across the path, into the city of ryon.

As I passed over the path that the centurions' were guarding, I saw Corcoran watching me from above. I thought that the fairlits' would bring me down gently to be reunited with my two companions', I was sure that the fairlits' had seen them, it appeared as if they had just ignored them and continued to glide along in the darkness.

Corcocran and Fledgling were no more then mere dots' on the ground, as the fairlits' desended higher into the skyline of the city.

I felt an enormous shudder, as the centurions' started to wake, their bodies washing over with flesh before my very eyes'. In a fit of panic, I gathered myself up onto the cracking surface, still finding it difficult to get my balance on the shaking ground, I had to take a calculated risk. I started to jump the gigantic cracks' in the earth's surface, in hope that I would make it to the other side before the centurions' returned to full life.

I could see Fledgling in the distance, trying to reach me, but it was no use, I was just too far behind on the path and he knew it. He stopped at a massive crack in the earth's surface, there was no way that he was going to get across it, the earth had opened too wide.

There I was, standing in the middle of the path, caught between one side of the path and the other with the centurions on either side, with gigantic cracks', preventing me from moving forward.

I looked across at the towering centurions, knowing I was about to face sure death, as the horses' steam rose from their nostrils', I looked up at the face of one of the giant figure's. Looking direct into his huge eyes', as he slowly opened his deep dark lashes'. I looked around at the other centurions' that were lining the last connecting routes', as the stone of earth's ground was moving further away from them .

The ground was still shaking with tremors', making it more difficult for me to cross the cracking terrain. Corcoran and Fledgling appeared to be in the far distance, nearly reaching the other side, not realising that they had left me behind. They continued to press on.

I was crawling at that point, along the shaking floor, grabbing the ledge of the cracks' and stretching out across them. I couldn't stand up, the shaking of the earth was just too fierce for me to obtain a good balance. Getting across the path from one crack to the next, stretching my body across, I was slowly catching up with them.

Corcoran and Fledgling had just entered the city, excited about getting across they hugged each other with joy. Corcoran tapping Fledgling on the shoulder with smiles', relieved at their success. Corcoran lent his hands' down on his knees, puffed out, shaking his head and said, " I am so glad that's over ". As he pulled himself back up into a standing position, Corcoran realised that I hadn't made it across with them. Still struggling on the path, one of them knew that they would have to go back for me. Fledgling looked across at Corcoran " I'll go ". He said, leaving Corcoran standing there, as he made his way back onto the path's entrance.

I could just about hear Corcoran from the sound of the swirling winds'. He was shouting from under his arm. " Run for it, NOW !! ".

I heard, his voice sounding faint across the wind. Without hesitation, I pushed all my fear to the back of my mind and started to run, along the wind swept path.

The path shook from under us, as we was running faster down, towards the city. Cracking with violent force, I stopped and crouched down to peer into it. Seeing the sand escaping down into the depths' of the earth, I could see only darkness and the echoing of silence. Corcoran and Fledgling was furthering on. With another shudder and tremendous shake, the gape widened. I found myself separated from the others'. The gape was growing larger and I had to act fast. I backed up on myself, to get a good jumping distance, I embraced the fierce air and started for the jump. As I reached the large slit in the earth, I felt my entire body lift from the foot of the ledge as I lept. I managed to get across, nearly loosing my balance, as I landed both feet down onto the other side. Arms' stretched out, I felt my body sway back and forth on the edge of the earths' crack, as I leaned forward to prevent myself falling down into the ongoing darkness of a cold fall.

The centurions' were still grounded in sleep while the earth was cracking from under us. The cracks' in the earth stopped at the hooves' of the horses' , not effecting their stature in the least. Leaving them in perfect condition for an attack, if they were to wake before we were could get to other side.

No time for stretching, Corcoran grabbed my hand. We walked slowly around the corner of the wall, we stopped, standing at the entrance of the city, in fall view of the Centurions'.My heart was pounding fast upon my chest, I thought it was going to jump out and land before me. Eyes' staring in front, I knew I had to gather all of my courage together, to cross the Centurions. With anticipation, Fledgling eased his foot forward, nervously placing it down onto the sandy surface that lined the frontier of the city.

As he took his first step onto the fluttering sands', blowing strong towards us. With force, it blow into my eyes', hard and dry. I had to shield my face from the burning wind, with Corcoran and Fledgling following suit.

Coughing and choking as the fierce winds' pushed us back onto the smooth surface of rock. Again we found ourselves' outside the fold of the Centurions'. Pushing forward, we walked , this time, without stopping, pushing harder and faster, we entered upon the path once again.

The Centurions' stood above us, with stone features' showering down threats' of death upon us. No time for breathing, I pulled up my dress a little, clasping it around my mouth and tying it at the back of my neck to protect me from swallowing the sand.


Friday 21 August 2009

Corcoran came up against the nearest edge of the city walls', looking on, towards the centurions', he dipped his head down to see if he could see any signs' of movement. The air was freezing, blowing out of the city hard. The horses' nostrils', opening with steamed filled breath. The horses' towered above us, would they even notice if we crept past them.

Cocoran had reservations' about passing the centurions' and hushed us back against the hard stone wall. " Keep your head in ." He whispered, waving us back with his hand. " When I give you the word, we will make a run for it, straight down the middle, in fall view. We have to stay close together and run as fast as we can. No holding back, we all go together." He said, as he crouched down on the corner of the gigantic wall, ushering us down, again with his hand.

I cant remember how long we remained at the corner of the wall, but the time Corcoran gave the word, I had almost fallen to sleep.

Corcoran turned his head towards us, " It's time. " He said. I had to shake myself, to wake myself up again. Corcoran was on his toes', ready for the run. I had to find my strength, not as quick as Corcoran, I got up.


I lent back on my hands' and pushed myself up in a standing position, I offered my hand to Fledgling. Grabbing it with both hands', he pulled himself up, tipping me over onto the tips' of my toes'.

As he stood above my head, he steadied me with both hands', as I got my balance back again. He turned towards the path that Corocran was leading and started to follow in pace. I straightened my clothes' and began to walk on behind him.

Treading carefully along the smooth floor, staying close into the walls', we walked, what seemed to be miles', before reaching the front wall that was closing the city off from the cave surroundings'. The surroundings' that we nearly drowned in, from the cracking of the weak formation, almost coal like, cold and damping.

I remember thinking that it would be good to get back into a city again, but I wasn't sure about what lay on the other side of the wall.

Only one way to find out, I remember thinking to myself, no time for delaying.


Chapter 3 : THE ENTRANCE

" I had a good look at the city, when I came through the first time round. Every now and again they appear to turn to stone, paving the way through. I cant' see another way to get inside, so it has to be done from the front. "

I pushed my breath out, through my pouting lips', as I realised that we wasn't in such a good position after all. " Look at their spears', if they return to life as we are passing, they will surly rein them down on us. I mean, we are quite far and their spear's seem to tower above the city, like the peaks' of the highest mountains'. How many do you count ? I count at least ten on either side. So perfect in stature, it's hard to tell if they're even alive. "

" Well, we cant sit here all day, we will have to make a move soon. " Corcoran said, as he reached over to take his bag from my grip.

He reached inside to pull out his dry clothes', standing up, shaking the remaining water down from his body, as he began to dress. Flicking his hair back, drying the water from his face, with his hands'. Jumping up and down a little to squeeze the water from his boots'. He started to walk close against the wall, heading down along the inside of it, lining the outskirts' of the city.

The water was moving in towards' me, as I nudged slightly away from it.

"Fledgling was just telling me about how he ended up in the work chamber. It looks like you entered the city from behind." I said, turning around to face Fledgling again." He nodded at me with agreement.

Corcoran crawled over to where we was seated, exhausted in himself, he turned around and fell hard against the outside of the wall, joining us. Leaning his head backwards' against the wall, he closed his eyes' for a few seconds'. Then turning his head towards me, slowly opening his eyes', he said, " Well, there will be no entering from behind now, we have no choice but to go in from the front."

" And how do you think we will to do that ? " I said, rather worried at the prospects of approaching the strictly guarded entrance. I leaned outwards' to see over Fledgling's knees' that were pitched up in the air. " Look at it, it has centurions on either side, huge in height and fierce upon intruders. The stone of Shanzan in hidden in the depths of the maze. They will surly put us to death if we are caught in their sight ". I eased my head towards Fledgling, who was looking down at the ground, as I leaned back against wall.


Saturday 15 August 2009

They walked me into the middle of the bustling city and they just left me there. I looked around confused, not really knowing what to do. I was SO hungry by that point, I needed to eat. So I went into the inner market, where I found some very appealing bread. I took it from the table thinking that someone had just left it there and I began to eat. I heard someone shout across at me, " Stop, thief ". I looked around the market square and everyone stopped what they was doing and just stared at me, in a frantic move to get away, I try to run, but it was useless. They caught me. They took me to a lower part of their city that's' when they put me in one of their cars and flew me through the tunnels at great speed.

I felt the car stop dead, the driver flicked his hand across a red beam of light and the next thing I know, I was being thrown into a chamber filled with water, with many other people swimming around. There wasn't any route out, so I had to think quick. I dived down into the water and found a hole through to another chamber. Gasping for air, I went back for the other people. Listen to me, I've been down into the depths' of the water and I can see a way through.

As Fledgling was about to tell me some more of his story, Corcoran rose out of the water, dripping wet. He slid across to where I and Fledgling was sitting. Gasping for air, he hung his head down, as he spoke. " What did I miss ?."

I came up close to the gates', flat like the floor, no signs' of a way in, only a thin line that ran from the bottom up, I couldn't see to the top, it ran up too high. I tried to grip my fingers' into the tiny slit between the rim of the gates', but it was hopeless. I walked against the edge of them, running my fingers' across one of the shimmering gates', listening to the squeak of my skin against the silver surface.

I felt a tremor beneath my feet, I turned to face the giant gates' and stood as still as I could, as they slid slowly open, before me. An amazing beam, shone out and blinded my vision, I remember raising my hands' across my face to shield me from the brutality of the light. I don't' remember much after that.

I woke up to find myself surrounded by strange looking people, they were gathered around me in a circle, looking down at me in a large crowd. Fighting to get a look at me. I felt like a new pet in town. Opening my eyes', I remember just laying there numbed, then one of them spoke to me.

" Where you come from, boy ? ." The voice rang out above the crowd of gathered people. The large crowd parted in the middle to reveal a man covered in a black cloth, hooded, hiding his face. " Stand up now ". He bellowed as I stood up, stumbling to my feet, I walked over to him. He looked at me and walked around me, studying my appearance. " Umm, you would make a good worker." He said , as he ushered two people from the crowd to take me down to the citie's centre.

I cant remember how long I was running for, I must have been running most of the night through. Feeling tired, I peered over my shoulder, I couldn't see any signs' of my home zone and slowed down my pace. I started to walk, knowing that I would die if I stopped, so I just trod on, struggling towards' the end of my journey, not knowing what to expect when I reached my next destination. Would the people be hostile, would they greet me, throw me to the giant red ants' in the arena ?. I wasn't sure about anything, the only thing I could do was move on towards' the next zone.

As I was losing hope of ever finding a different city zone, I saw a shimmer in the distance, silvery speckles' running along in thin horizontal lines', across the horizon. I knew I wasn't far, I started to pick up my pace once again, in hope that the people would welcome me with compassion and mercy. Maybe they would take pity on me and help me. It was a chance I was prepared to take, not knowing if I would live or die, I knew if I didn't take the risk, I would die anyhow.

Approaching in hesitation, I came up to gigantic, silver metal gates' that shielded the cities' zone from incoming adventurers and enemies'. The wall ran along the whole frontier of the horizon and I remember feeling like the smallest insect ever. There was no gape between the shielded doors' and the floor and I remember feeling completely shut out and very scared at that point.

Fledgling looked at me, this time over his shoulder," so you see, " he said, " its' been hard for me, a real struggle." He put his head down and continued his story, while we waited for the appearance of Corcoran.

It was getting late and I knew if I didn't make a move soon, I wouldn't be able to go. Just when I was losing hope of getting out that night, I heard someone calling from one of the houses', from the other side of another curving hill route.

"Centurion, Centurion, over here, the game is about to start." The voice called out, casting a slight echo as he spoke. The guards' shut off there flamed lit touches' that hung over their cabin walls' and walked casually away from their post. I couldn't believe my luck, they would surly be punished if they were discovered away from their posts' but still they left.

I peered around the corner of the house and saw the tall wooden gate shut behind them as they greeted each other, shaking hands' and laughing, walking into a wall covered garden. As I saw the last pieces' of light fade away from inside the gate, I made a dash for the new zone. I ran as fast as I could to get onto the next boarder, panting hard as I crossed the invisible line.

As I left behind my old life, standing before me was nothingness all around, empty to what appeared to be miles' in front of me. A flat hard stone surface, nothing to hide behind, only the distance. So I had to move fast or the guards' would have spotted me. I ran far across the flat surface for as long as I could. Not stopping, but looking back every now and then to make sure I wasn't being chased.

I was heart broken, my parents' left me. Leaving me to tend the fields' and the house. I had very little food left and my work wasn't sufficient enough to feed me. I asked around for help but my co workers' refused, they never had mush to live off, so I was left to fend for myself.

After spending several days' without food, I had to leave my house and make my own way out of the zone. I had to leave in the dead of the night when all was silent and all the other slaves', appeared to be sleeping. I walked mile after mile, down steep narrowing paths', that curved around all of the houses', bending in and out of street darkened routes', I finally came to the of the end of the zone.

I could see the guards' with there metal whips', attached to heavy belts' that hung from their waists'. Talking, laughing and joking as they bantered about their lives'. I wasn't happy about passing them but I had no choice, it was either that or starve to death. So there I was looking at them. How was I going to pass them and what if I got caught ? I thought to myself as I stood there. There would be a heavy punishment for me if I wasn't careful.

So I waited, hiding behind the corner of the last house on the darkened path, waiting for them to lose their concentration or become distracted, so that I could escape into the next zone.


Friday 14 August 2009

After a few more days' of being alone and frantic with worry, rumors' got back to me regarding my parents' disappearance. Friends' in the working fields' began to speak to me. Acorn being the first to approach. " Fledgling, he whispered across the golden wheat threads', whisking around as we picked them one by one. " I heard some news' about your parents' ". He said, as he continued to walk, work and pick. I stopped dead in my track and turned towards' him. " What did you say, I didn't catch it ?". Acorn moved onto the next batch of wheat threads, ready for the picking. " Come closer, Fledgling, I have some news' about your parents." I moved in closer, running my hands' across the threads' to appear as if I was working. The guards' of the fields' were very strict and gave anyone who was showing weakness of lagging behind, a whipping to get them going again. " You've heard something about my parents', Acorn. " I said, reaching my head towards him further.

" You Boy, what is it ? Why are you slowing ? ". I saw the guard raising his whip, dashing it against his stern hand. I put my head down and started to pick the wheat as fast as I could. " Fledgling, rumor has it that your parents have gone to look for an ancient stone, that could release us from this enslavement. " He said, as he placed the golden thread of wheat into his woven basket. " What ! They have gone to search for the stone, I cant believe this. " I said to Acorn, as I reached out for the next pick. " My mother said nothing to me, she just went. ".

" I know ", replied Acorn. " She told my mother, she didn't wish for you to follow her just incase you was caught. You know the punishment is very harsh on slaves' that try to escape into any other zone."

Fledgling raised his hands' up to his head placing his elbows' down onto his knees', looking at the floor in almost despair. " I returned home from working heard in the slaves' field that evening. That's' where all the people from different city floors' are placed, if found wondering in forbidden zones'. Made to work only for food and shelter and when we need new clothes', they are kind enough to give us what they have spare. The golden thread that the fields' produce, feeds' the wealthy people. They established themselves' on the floors' of the underworld cities', from the time of ' Ryon's ' banishment from the upper world. I hate it, enslaved to a people that enslaves it's own men and women.

When I opened the door to our small home, built into the giant hollowed roots' of the old trees', I found some food on the table, a small piece of bread and then I returned to my bed. The bedding is carved outwards' from the inner roots', flattened against the floor but smooth and comfortable enough to sleep on. I layed down and drifted off to sleep, eventually. I done well for my first night alone, I didn't like being on my own though, because I had heard many rumors that slaves' get kidnapped in the night and taken down to darkened places' within the city, never to return. The slaves' rarely talk about the kidnapping and it almost goes unnoticed, until in the dead of the night when all is silent, then it starts'. The screams' can be heard echoing throughout the darkness. When the kidnappings' occur, the slaves' do not speak the next day and most work hard and retreat back to their quarters', early.

Anyway, I made it through the night and awoke the next morning expecting my parents' home, but to my surprise they hadn't returned. " He looked at me again, this time from under his stretched out arm. " I had some bread that I had found in an old bag hanging on the wall and went out of the house. I looked left and then right, not sure really what to do with myself, but there was no trace of them. I was left days' on my own, working the golden fields'. I asked the other slaves' about my parents', but no one seemed to know anything...



Fledgling eased himself down next to me, crouching, he turned, looking towards the city, " Look at it, its' magnificent. This is the first time I have ever seen it, it's more beautiful than the legend has it. From what I've been told, it is easy to get lost inside the mazes and many people from the upper parts' of the city of ' Ryon ', have lost their lives' here, never to return to their families'. The cities' that line the floors' of our lower world are complexed and each city has its' own people and towns', but this is the first time I have ever seen the heart of our world." He said, dipping his head down into his knees'. This is the city of interloping mazes', this is where my friends' tell me my parents' went missing. I am here to see if I can find them, I hope that they are still alive somewhere, maybe they couldn't find their way back and have started life afresh. " He said, turning his head towards' me, crystal eyes' glazed over.

" My mum told me to finish working in the 'Field of Golden Thread' and that she and my father would be back to our home before the next morning. She didn't mention where they were going or what they were doing, she just left and that was the last time I saw of them. My mother told me that we wasn't originally from the ' City Of Ryon ' and her and my father had ended up here, by wondering around a forbidden garden from a City known as Abdon. I was born here in this place. My mother told me that her and my father had climbed over the most beautiful golden gates' to an enchanted garden that had been forbidden to all the inhabitants of the City Of Abdon. Her and my father had heard of an enchanted legend about a garden of wonder, books never spoken of, and finally a stone. ' The Stone Of Shanzan '. Now you know why I was so upset at the mentioning of its' name, I am sure that my parents' had gone in search of it, to release us from the darkness of this cities confinements. Even though the cities' and floors' are beautiful more beautiful the further you venture down, my parents'; told me it is nothing compared to the daylight of the ' City Of Abdon '.

He waited a few moments before questioning me about Corcoran, " Is he coming ? " He said, as he looked down towards Corcoran's sack. " He is on his way." I said, as I placed my hand over the bag, tucking it in towards my body. Still suspicious over Fledgling's motive. I patted the bag several times' lightly, in a passive manner, wondering, ever so curious about this character.

He rubbed his hands' over his head, sweeping back his long hair, bringing it down around his chest and squeezing it hard to drain the water from it. He plaited his fine brown hair and threw it back over his shoulder, not so concerned with my behavior.

" I need to get my clothes' from the sack ". He said, as he reached his hand out towards it. I hesitated , refusing to hand it over. I whisked it up onto my legs', pulling out his clothes' and handing them to him. He began dressing himself, shaking a little from the chilly air that was blowing in from the city.

Fledgling came up close against the wall, he stood right over me and said nervously, " Are we going to wait for Corcoran ". I blinked, flickering my eyes' in disbelief. " Of course, I am going to wait for as long as possible, if you wish to leave and settle yourself back into your city, than you do that. " I said rather irritated by the prospect of leaving my partner behind. " I started this journey with ' Shadow ' and I will finish my quest with him . "

I swam harder and faster, panic driven from the darkness. I couldn't wait to get out of the tightly lined edge's of the rocky tunnel. Just when I thought I had lost all vision of returning to the water' surface, I saw the flickering light that Corcoran and Fledgling must have seen previous to me. Hastening to the light, losing my breath, I came out of the hole and resurfaced hard and fast. Shooting strongly out of the water, with an explosion of breath, arms' in the air, I pushed up. I inhaled and felt my hole body return down into the water, my head going under, I pushed back my legs' and swam underwater, trying to reach out onto something solid.

As I reached out my hand I felt the cold hard surface of the wall that lined the water pool, struggling to get a grip, onto it, I felt myself going under again. Just then, as I was finding it difficult to resurface, a hand came down and pulled me hard out of the water.

Shuffling up onto the hard surface of land, Fledgling was there, standing straight over me. He didn't waste anytime, he took both of my hands, belly facing downwards and slid me into the side of the wall that towered above the pool. Embracing me with two arms under my chest, he lifted me up and helped me rest against the edge of the wall for a few minutes'. Breathing hard and silently coughing, I pushed my hands down and drew myself up straight against the hardness of the wall into a good sitting position. Fledgling knelt down beside me taking the sack from across my chest, he eased it over my head and dropped it lightly onto the floor next to me.

My dress was barley dry, with sand still stuck to it, I was warmer than earlier and feeling a whole lot better. " Should I take your bag through with me ". I said to him, as I picked up the strap that was laying over his stretched out legs'. " It might be better if I hold onto the book, until we meet up again". Corcoran nodded, as he slowly closed his eyes', resting his head firmly against the rock. I eased the bag up and swung it over my shoulder, allowing it to cross my chest as I positioned it behind me.

" OK, I am out of here, I will see you in the city, try not to rest too long here, I need you with me on this journey. " I said to him, as I slid down into the cold shimmering water.

I held onto the ledge with both hands', put my feet onto the surrounding wall and pushed up to take a breath, I followed this action three times' before pushing backwards off and rotating down towards' the opening of the tunnel.

Swimming down, pushing against the current, I found it hard to swim with the bag on my upper body but still just about managed to push myself into the small surrounding tunnel. Swimming in, hard, I could see water bubbles from where Fledgling had been minutes before. I followed them round swimming harder in return to catch the fainting bubbles that I was trying to catch up with. As I swam around the tunnel the light began to fade in front of me dispelling the bubbles and any signs of the motions that Fledgling had left behind him.

Fledgling was steaming up, he knelt down beside the water pool and gathered together in his hands', some water to splash on his burning face. Cooling down, the redness subsided and he returned to his normal composure. Standing up, he moved towards Corcoran's sack and picked it up from where Corcoran had layed it down. He opened the flap and continued to put the dried clothes' into it. " I have had enough of waiting around, I need to get back into the city ". He said, as he picked up the remaining shirt from the boulder. Screwing it up in a ball and shoving it into the sack. Closing the sack down and throwing it over to Corcoran. " I am off, I hope you decide to join me ". He said, as he eased himself into the water.

Holding onto the ledge, he said, " Tell me the way through ". Corcoran was playing with the dried sand in his fingers'. " The entrance is straight under your feet, dive down as deep as you can go and you will see a small shady entrance. Follow the route round and it will bring you up into another water pool. The next water pool has something to do with the main water supply to the city, so don't reside in there for too long." He said, as Fledgling pushed away and headed straight down into the water, head first.

I could see that Corcoran was tired after his swim and he needed to take some rest. I wasn't happy about staying behind, I didn't trust Fledgling and wished to follow him through. " I should go on behind him ". I said, looking at Corcoran for some signal of what to do next. " I don't trust him so much, he might betray us, then where will we be. What do you think ? ". He looked at me under his eyes' and said " Go, its the safest option, I want be far behind you, I will just sit here a while to get my energy back and then I will follow you in. " He said, as he layed back against a smooth faced rock, that was sitting behind him.


Thursday 13 August 2009

Fledgling's face was stern and unhelpful, " I know nothing ". He said, as he headed towards the water's edge. Gazing into the water, with his head down, he turned to look at us.

" Well ". Said Corcoran, " You must know something, you was born amongst them and we need to know as much information as possible, before we head into the city ".

Fledgling hesitated as he was about to speak, then again with a sidewards nod, he said " Sorry I can't help you. "

I placed my hands' onto the sandy floor and picked myself up, I walked slowly over, to stand next to Fledgling. Gazing into the water, with my head down, I spoke to him. " Please Fledgling, you have to help us, the more we know about the people, the better we will be at making our way through to the stone of Shanzan. " I said, without thinking. He turned quickly towards me, " Shanzan ! ". He said, his eyes' were glaring wide at me, " What the deckle do you know about the stone of Shanzan. Who are you and why are you so interested in the stone ? " . He said, as his face was turning red.

I got the feeling that I had irritated him slightly and backed off, coolly sliding away. Fledgling wasn't impressed as his breathing hastened. He became redder and hotter, sweating, the water was falling over the deep red of his cheeks'. The steam vaporising into the air. At that point I knew it best to be next to Corcoran, so without a second thought, I walked quickly back.
As I began to get nervous, I spotted some air bubbles' and sighed with relief at the appearance of life. There, from the depths' of the water, came the fast rising figure of Corcoran. As he surfaced, he looked at me, with trembling lips, moving next to the water's ledge. " I found the inner dimensions of the city ". He said, breathless, as his eyes' wondered back and forth, in a slight daze. " I think the oxygen must have gone to your head ". I said to him, as I helped him out of the water. I pulled him right back onto the sand and covered him with it, to dry him off.

Fledgling came over and helped pull Corcoran's, weak heavy body, into a seated position. " Tell me what you saw ?." He said, crouching down, looking straight into Corcoran's face.

" I saw the heart of the city, a maze of buildings', interloping into one another, thorny rose bushes', trees' of all shapes' and sizes'. I saw animals' of strange appearances' and flying glows' of light, they must have been fairlits'. I have heard of them before from the people of Abdon. They live in small holes' in the walls' of caves' and build their homes' inside them. The fairlits' are kind and helpful, as the legend has it, but if anyone angers' them, they want think twice of tying you up and torturing you with their pin swords'. I haven't seem them before this day and always' doubted their existence. The maze of buildings' will be hard to get through, the structure is complicated and we might get lost or even discovered, so we will have to be careful. I have heard that the people of ' Ryon ' are ferocious. You might be able to tell us more about them, what do you say, Fledgling ?."


Wednesday 12 August 2009

As he pulled himself up, out of the water, sliding onto the hard surface of land, he was faced with the most mesmerising, magnificent city that he had ever seen. More astonishing than the city of Abdon, gigantic in size, he layed there for a few seconds', before he slid himself over to the nearest wall . He studied his new environment, looking for his next move into the city.

After studying the city for a few minutes', he decided it was time to go back for the others'. He slid himself back into the cold water and took two deep gasps' of air, before diving gently into the
the semi darkness of the illusive water.

" Where is he, I hope he's OK ". I said to Fledgling, who appeared to be unconcerned at the prospects' of Corcoran's return. " He's been gone too long, I don't like it ". I said, as I stood over the waters' edge, looking into the shadowy, rippling depths' of transparency. " Maybe one of us should go to look for him, he could be stuck down there, somewhere ". I said, looking across to Fledgling, he looked back at me and just shrugged his shoulders', mouth turning downwards'. I started to get the distinct feeling that Fledgling wasn't too interested in mine or Corcoran's fate. " Umm " . I said, underneath my breath. Questioning his reasons' for joining us......

Corcoran was swimming fast against the current of the water, falling from above, the force of the swirling water was hard for him to push against and he struggled to get into the tunnel.

As he swam deeper into the rocky cave, the light faded fast from in front of him, until he was swimming in complete darkness. Feeling scared and unable to breathe, he quickened his pace, he couldn't go back now, it was too far for him to make it. He would surly die before reaching the others'.

He swam around a curve and saw in front of him a small flicker of light, shinning through the cave's passage. Swimming faster and with more haste, he reached the opening of the next water chamber and headed straight for the top, releasing the last bits of air from his lungs' as he reached the surface. Face first out of the water, mouth wide open, he inhaled as hard as he could, to get as much air into his body. Breathing hard, he moved to the closest edge of the wall. The edge was higher than the last chamber, he just about managed to reach his fingers' into some small holes' that lined the walls' edge. Corcoran could hear the bustle of life as he could hear people talking faintly.

Corcoran wasn't sure what to do next, he pulled himself up against the wall and strained himself to see over the ledge.

Corcoran, stamped out the fire, collected the cooking pieces' and put them in his sack. He walked over to the water pool , knelt down and touched it with his hands, rubbing the cold water over his body to get used the feel of the cold next to his skin. " Its' time to move ". He said, as he turned his head towards me. " I will dive down to see if there is a way out, like you said, there must be an entrance down there somewhere ". Then with that, he stood at the edge of the water and lowered himself into it, easily. He rested on the side for a while before he edged himself down into the clear blue of the pool. I saw his legs', his toes' and then he was gone.

Corcoran swam down into the depths of the water, hunting for a way out . The water was misty and very cold, he felt himself panic and had to resurface. He swam over to the ledge and leaned against it. " I cant see much, its very deep and might take a while to find ". He turned away again and was gone. Again, he swam down, further this time than before, staying close to the wall, he came to a rocky cave entrance, the bubbles of air filtering from his lips' he couldn't venture into it without resurfacing. Coming up fast against the edge of the rocky pool, he resurfaced with exhaustion and gasping for air. Leaning against the edge, with his head down, breathing hard, he looked at me, still panting, he tried to speak. " I found it, its' straight below me, I will try my hardest to get as far as I can, this time ".

" Are you sure you want to go , you don't want one of us to go instead ". I said, as I looked at his shivering body. He nodded his head to say no, he brushed his hair back away from his face and with that he was gone again.

" You should have gone, why didn't you volunteer ?. " I gave Fledgling a funny look as he glared at me, across the semi circle, of sandy floor. "

As I woke, I found Fledgling standing over me with his eyes' popping out, glaring down at me. I couldn't see him so well, I had to rub my eyes', to clear the haze. I looked up at him from where I was laying down, I could hear Corcoran snoozing as I continued to sit up. I don't think I slept that long, the fire was still smouldering in the corner. I spoke first, bring myself out of the uncomfortable situation I found myself in. " Have you slept yet ". I asked him, as he continued to stand over me. I backed away a little, shuffling more towards Corcoran but not so much as for Fledgling to notice. He nodded his head in a sidewards motion as to say no. " So what have you done then ". I asked him, as he stood glaring towards me.

Fledgling's head fell slowly to his chest, as he turned away from me. " What is it that you wish to know ". He said, his voice became harsh in response. Again, I decided it was best to ignore him and leave the questioning until later. I stood up and walked over to where Corcoran had fallen asleep. I reached down gently to tap him on his shoulder, he came around to my gentle touch. I didn't say anything to him as he opened his eyes', in full view of me. I looked at him and bent down further so that he could see my eyes', I gave him a signal, so that he knew something wasn't right with Fledgling.

Corcoran sat up and yawned, as he brushed the smokey air away from his face, coughing a little from the dust that was rising from the fire. He put his hand up towards his mouth as his coughing continued. " Are you feeling OK ". I asked him, as his arms were pushing away more of the smouldering fire. " I'm fine, its just the ash, it gets to my chest sometimes' ". He said, as he stood up.


Tuesday 11 August 2009

As I sat there, smelling the roasting rat, I heard the rumbles' from my tummy. The hunger pains' got the better of me. I was the weaker of my two companions'. " Eat first ." Corcoran said, as he handed the wooden stake to me, of what appeared to be more bone than meat. I took it with slight hesitation, I had to shut my eyes' as I crunched into it, the best I could. I slowly opened my eyes to find Corcoran and Fledgling staring at me with their mouths' wide open , waiting for me to pass over the freshly cooked food.

I took three small bites', but the taste was too intense for me to handle, so I passed it over to Fledgling. Fledgling grabbed it with haste and shuffled backwards to the edge of one of the protruding boulders'. He looked at Corcoran, as he gulped down the bits' of remaining meat.

" Pass it on, don't eat all of it, Corcoran needs to eat as well ". I said, as he continued to eat, paying no attention to my instructions'. " Please Fledgling, hand over the food ". I said, but he just continued to eat, staring at me in a mad kind of way. I thought it best just to ignore him and I proceeded to lay down on my side ready to sleep again.

The fire was still burning and I could see Corcoran setting down the net for the next meal, if that's what you would call it. I gathered my arms up towards my chest and squeezed as hard as I could to keep myself warm and I remember just drifting into a not so comfortable sleep.


Monday 10 August 2009

The rat was middle in size and wriggling frantic, from inside the small net, dangling from Corcoran's hand. " I will catch another before the night is out. " He said. Placing the net down onto the sand. The rat was bouncing around all over the place, panic stricken in his own fate.

Corcoran reached into his sack and pulled out a small cooking set, contrived of a small wooden stake and a two piece wooden tripod stand. He set it up, firmly in the ground. He took the netted rat and broke its neck with a clean break. Crunch, and crack, I cringed in disgust, mouth facing downwardly, he didn't expect me to eat such a thing, I remembered thinking to myself, as he continued to open the net, pulling the rat out by the tail.

He walked over to the water pool, with his back facing towards me, I couldn't see what he was doing, but when he returned, he returned with a nicely presented piece of meat, ready for the stake. He took hold of the pointed sick and pierced it from the top, placing it down onto the tripod stand, he began to cook. The smell was enough to make me sick, after not eating a good cooked meal in a while, I felt faint. Fledgeling said, " It smells great, cant wait to eat it. " A shudder ran down my body. " Awe, I don't know if I can eat that, it doesn't look so great. " In a not so, impressed voice.

After resting for a short period of time, Corcoran got up and started to look around.

" There is a breeze coming from the inside of the rocks', I can feel it. " He said, as he held his hands' over the ridged, sharp formation of the protruding boulders'. " There must be away out under them. " He said, as he walked around the small semi circle of sand ridden floor.

I looked up at him from under my cold shivering body, hardly able to speak from my chattering teeth, I continued at best. " There must be a tunnel somewhere inside that pool of water,
otherwise we would find ourselves' flooded out. I bet there is a route that can lead us out of here. " I suggested. Corcoran looked at me from his sand covered face.

" Well I think we should rest before we make our next move. " He said, as he reached for his sack. He pulled out a small hunting knife and a little string like net, he placed it down next to the edges' of the boulders' and retraced his steps' back towards me, moving slowly, with the attached string, he lowered himself into a crouching position. " Beetles', rats and other small animals run along here in the dead of night, we might be able to catch one or two, if we stay still enough. " He said. So we waited and waited and waited some more, until finally there was a slight tug on the string and with that he pulled as fast as he could. " Yes!." He exclaimed, running over to his catch, " we are going to eat tonight ". He said, with a giant smile, reaching from one side of his face to the other.
