Sunday 23 August 2009


Corcoran and Fledgling was left standing at the foot of the city, indecisive about what to do next. Corcoran pulled Fledgling over to the foot of the rose bushes', that lined the maze of the city.

" We have to find Elena " . He said, as he tapped the side of his bag, " She is the only one who can unlock the code of the maps' ". Fledgling looked up into the darkened skyline. " And how do you propose that we do that ?. " He said, seeing the fading light disappearing, as the fairlit's glided , gently away, taking Elena with them.

Corcoran, lifting his head up, followed the fading light with his eyes', " I have been told of the places' where they live, so that's' the best place to start. We have to go up the side of the city, avoiding the main path through. The Fairlits' are extremely temperamental and can change their condition as fast as the speed of light. So when we find their entrance, we have to conduct ourselves' with a friendly stance, as not to confuse their condition.

Fledgling looked at Corcoran with apprehension. " Don't worry," Corcoran spoke again . " Their homes' are easily spotted along the side walls' of the caves', there's no missing them. What we have to do is, go in when they are at there weakest point, that would be around about now. Elena will bring us out of it, for the keys' to finding the stone of shanzan lay with her. No time to waste, we go now ". He said with sure confidence.


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