Wednesday 12 August 2009

As he pulled himself up, out of the water, sliding onto the hard surface of land, he was faced with the most mesmerising, magnificent city that he had ever seen. More astonishing than the city of Abdon, gigantic in size, he layed there for a few seconds', before he slid himself over to the nearest wall . He studied his new environment, looking for his next move into the city.

After studying the city for a few minutes', he decided it was time to go back for the others'. He slid himself back into the cold water and took two deep gasps' of air, before diving gently into the
the semi darkness of the illusive water.

" Where is he, I hope he's OK ". I said to Fledgling, who appeared to be unconcerned at the prospects' of Corcoran's return. " He's been gone too long, I don't like it ". I said, as I stood over the waters' edge, looking into the shadowy, rippling depths' of transparency. " Maybe one of us should go to look for him, he could be stuck down there, somewhere ". I said, looking across to Fledgling, he looked back at me and just shrugged his shoulders', mouth turning downwards'. I started to get the distinct feeling that Fledgling wasn't too interested in mine or Corcoran's fate. " Umm " . I said, underneath my breath. Questioning his reasons' for joining us......


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