Wednesday 12 August 2009

Corcoran, stamped out the fire, collected the cooking pieces' and put them in his sack. He walked over to the water pool , knelt down and touched it with his hands, rubbing the cold water over his body to get used the feel of the cold next to his skin. " Its' time to move ". He said, as he turned his head towards me. " I will dive down to see if there is a way out, like you said, there must be an entrance down there somewhere ". Then with that, he stood at the edge of the water and lowered himself into it, easily. He rested on the side for a while before he edged himself down into the clear blue of the pool. I saw his legs', his toes' and then he was gone.

Corcoran swam down into the depths of the water, hunting for a way out . The water was misty and very cold, he felt himself panic and had to resurface. He swam over to the ledge and leaned against it. " I cant see much, its very deep and might take a while to find ". He turned away again and was gone. Again, he swam down, further this time than before, staying close to the wall, he came to a rocky cave entrance, the bubbles of air filtering from his lips' he couldn't venture into it without resurfacing. Coming up fast against the edge of the rocky pool, he resurfaced with exhaustion and gasping for air. Leaning against the edge, with his head down, breathing hard, he looked at me, still panting, he tried to speak. " I found it, its' straight below me, I will try my hardest to get as far as I can, this time ".

" Are you sure you want to go , you don't want one of us to go instead ". I said, as I looked at his shivering body. He nodded his head to say no, he brushed his hair back away from his face and with that he was gone again.

" You should have gone, why didn't you volunteer ?. " I gave Fledgling a funny look as he glared at me, across the semi circle, of sandy floor. "


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