Saturday 15 August 2009

I was heart broken, my parents' left me. Leaving me to tend the fields' and the house. I had very little food left and my work wasn't sufficient enough to feed me. I asked around for help but my co workers' refused, they never had mush to live off, so I was left to fend for myself.

After spending several days' without food, I had to leave my house and make my own way out of the zone. I had to leave in the dead of the night when all was silent and all the other slaves', appeared to be sleeping. I walked mile after mile, down steep narrowing paths', that curved around all of the houses', bending in and out of street darkened routes', I finally came to the of the end of the zone.

I could see the guards' with there metal whips', attached to heavy belts' that hung from their waists'. Talking, laughing and joking as they bantered about their lives'. I wasn't happy about passing them but I had no choice, it was either that or starve to death. So there I was looking at them. How was I going to pass them and what if I got caught ? I thought to myself as I stood there. There would be a heavy punishment for me if I wasn't careful.

So I waited, hiding behind the corner of the last house on the darkened path, waiting for them to lose their concentration or become distracted, so that I could escape into the next zone.


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