Monday 30 March 2009

I looked at the map before my hand, writing upon writing, picture upon picture, story upon story, layer upon layer...; how would I ever depict it ?. Slowly; with a long inward glance, I started to see shapes' forming in my mind, the images' of paths' leading into the depths' of ancient tomb like chambers' and much more...... besides'. These images' were that of something truly amazing and I being the only-one, able to decode them. A gift of light embedded in the heart, untainted from the curses' of society. It was time for me to announce the route.

" OK ". I said to him. " We have to make our way out of here, back the way we came, it's the only way into the city. But I must tell you, the maps' haven't' revealed anything about the stone in the heart of Shanzan " .

So, without a second thought, Corcoran drew up the reins' with his sleek lead and headed straight for the entrance.

We flew straight into the heart of the traffic flow, disturbing and awaking the inhabitants from the city, they came at us from every direction. The traffic stopped dead in mid - air, as we flew straight into the first available tunnel. The speed that phoenix was travelling at, was amazing, we held on for dear life. Faster and faster he pumped through the tunnel, bending around the curving walls', heading deeper and deeper into the core of the earth. From behind us we could hear loud noises', something unfamiliar, like that of a calling, informative coding being spread throughout the city. An alarm had been raised and panic was at a high, everywhere.


Sunday 29 March 2009

The bird started stretching out , becoming larger in size, his noise increasingly frantic. It was time to act and act fast. Phonenix came in for another attack, Corcoran pulled a very tiny sleek piece of metal rope from the inside of his waistband. He flip it out, aiming for the bird's neck. The sleek metal rope, elongated in size, and gripped the bird's neck, tight. Corcoran pulled the bird, hard into him.

Flipping himself over, onto the giant bird's body, like mounting a horse. Corcoran then proceeded to chant some words in ancient Abdonic language. The bird started to ease, becoming more settled. Corcoran landed him, down, by my side. " Get on, we are going for a ride ". He said, and with that; I mounted the giant bird .

The bird banged it's golden tail onto the floor and roared a giant roar; before it proceeded to take flight. Not knowing our direction, Corcoran announced, " Take the book from my sack and find our direction into the city."

I fumbled around in his sack; pulling out the dusty book and opening it with ease. I layed down heavy; pushing Corcoran forward. I was holding on as tight as I could, to the bird's -feathers' . As the bird flew around the room, I looked at the pages'; not knowing where to begin.

Corcoran was in a hurry, he didn't like messing around or time wasting and continued to badger me in giving him the information. " Land the bird down; so I can read the map ". I shouted at him above the bird's squawking.

" Read the map and tell me what direction we have to take ". He said, again.

" The maps are so elusive, I dont know where to begin " . I said to him.

" Read them, this is your insight, you have the gift, so use it and use it now " . He said.

I found him very pushy and I didn't like his tones', but at the same time, I found that results', were gained from his demands'.


Saturday 28 March 2009

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in, over to the side of the chamber-wall, as so we wouldn't be seen by any of the inhabitants' of the City. We headed straight for the central door of the chamber, huge in size and empty of the cities' traffic. Scurrying along the side of the wall, we came up close to the huge door. Slowing our pace; Corcoran peered around the frame, ushering me in behind him, as we crept slowly inside.

The room appeared to be abandoned by the city and looked out of place from the chamber we had just left. The room was lined with golden chairs', separated by a path in the middle, approaching a stage. Giant, red velvet curtains' hung from brass railings'; as we walked slowly to the foot of the stage, we noticed slight movements' from behind one of the curtains'. Corcoran showed no fear as he spoke, " Who is it ? " . He said, in a brave tone. The movement seemed to stop as the curtain started to shake violently with timidness.

Corcoran pulled back the curtain that had been gathered around the small figure, to reveal a very precious looking bird. " It is known as the phonenix bird " . He said. The bird stopped shaking and looked around at us with a strange awareness. As Corcoran went to pick up the bird, it flew out; around the room; squawking in the most profound manner. Before we knew it, it came in for an attack as we ducked down to avoid a clashing. The bird spread its wings' across and expanded itself in size, as the squawking got much louder. We knew at that point; we was in trouble.


Friday 27 March 2009

On our way down towards the first tunnel, a car flew out; missing us by inches'. Not realising we was hanging there, as the air pushed us right back, further; into the corner of the chamber as we swung back and forth for a while, before the ladder settled-down, once again. My feet slipped off from the rope and I found myself dangling for a second; as Corcoran held onto my wrist. I was eager to return to the step. I started to pace down the rope; faster and with more energy to reach the next tunnel, or the ground, any kind of floor, really would have pleased me. We hadn't had any time to plan our next move.

I asked Corcoran if we should try the next tunnel or continue towards the bottom. He replied, " You are the gift of the quest, it is your choice " . So I decided we would continue to the bottom. There wasn't any people walking around and it seemed to be the safest option. The cars' seemed to be using the tunnels' as tube like, roads'. I didn't much fancy like being hit by a flying car, so we headed straight for the ground.

We was almost running down the ladder, towards the ground; the distance was vast and we seemed to be wasting too much time on the way down. I could feel, we was both very heavy on the ladder and every time we stepped down, we heard more snapping and breaking from above. After some time of climbing, we came towards the ground. My legs' gave way to me as my feet hit the ground. Under the strains' of exhaustion; I straightened, myself-up and shock myself down, I needed to feel my own energy. Corcoran wasn't far behind me; I reached out to help him, but he slapped my hand away and simply said, " I am no girl " .

As I stood above the ledge, I felt faint from the height and nearly lost my balance. Corcoran grasped hold of my arm, and in a rough-manner, pulled me back from the edge. With his long arms', he hooked in the rope-ladder and swung around onto it. As he got some swing in motion, he grabbed me from the ledge and pulled me into him; close. It all happened so fast that I couldn't even catch my breath.

Now, holding onto Corcoran and the ladder, I eased myself down onto the rope. Below him, moving over the back of his body, easing down gently. The dust was flying around and I could hear the snaps of breaking rope and creaking noises from the age of the old ladder. It must have been hanging there for years'. I was in a hurry to get down and at the same time, fearful of the height, not knowing what to expect; once we hit the floor, if we hit the floor, safely.

" Move-down, Now !! " . He said, as I hung onto the rope, with dear life. I was unable to move or even answer him, stunned with fear.

He began to get agitated with me, " Move- down, move -down, move -Down " . He said.

I inhaled a deep breath and with a very small movement, I lowered my left foot down onto the rope.

" You will have to move faster then that." He said, shouting-slightly.

" I 'm trying my best, let me get my balance first ", I said to him. With a return tone of agitation.

I began the journey downwards. Scared of falling; as he was pushing me, by quickening me, with his pace, nearly treading on my fingers'. Annoyed at him, I lost my temper and shouted in a bust of heat, " SLOW DOWN, Will you !! " . And with that, he replied, " You will bring attention to yourself; now quite down, before we find ourselves' in a place that we don't wish to be ".


Wednesday 25 March 2009

" Who is Alvina ? " . I asked him.

" Alvina is a female elf, who guard's ' Shanzan ', the stone is in the middle of the city. It was stolen from it's resting place in Abdon, 2000 years' ago. Alvina's voice, sings out and encapsulates any ears' that happen to befall her eloquent tones'. She is beautiful in appearance and as legend has it, she befriends the cities' inhabitants' and when they least expect it, she pounces on them and in prisons them for all eternity. She trusts no one and her charms surpass every natural sense and perception. A very dangerous creation indeed ".

" There is only one who can overcome Alvina's charms', and that is the girl of the legends'; you, Elena. The stone lay deep in the heart of the city, and there are many maze like features', and tunnels', that loop into one another, that is what you need this book for; Elena. A guide to help you; us, out of here " . He said, as he gently released the Map's Of Ryon' from my hand. Corcoran placed it in his leather bag that was strapped onto the side of his jacket.

We was getting closer to the end of the passageway as strange-noises' from the city echoed out on our approach; towards the cave entrance. We found ourselves' looking down at a huge city, much more advanced in time, then the kingdom of Abdon. It had appeared to surpass all timezones'. The distance from where we was standing; was enormous in height, to where the bustle of the underground life; lay. A very fast way of life; with small cars' that sped past us, with haste, in the air. Each car in turn, entering tunnels' that lined the walls' of the chamber, many in number.

There was a very old rope ladder that hung-down from the corner of the enormous chamber. It was thread bare and breaking with age. It was the only way down to the next tunnel, and to the ground.


Monday 23 March 2009

Corcoran was the first one to jump down onto the landing, between myself, and the landing, was a huge-gap. I reached out and held Corcoran's hand, as I made my leap from the stairwell.

The light was much brighter and I could see for the first time Corcorans' face. I was stunned at his appearance, breath taking in ambiance, he drew up close to me, I thought he was going to kiss me. I felt his breath on my face; at that point he turned his head away to avoid the embrace.

The passage was long and darkening. There was flamed - lighting; lining the passage as we walked steadily down towards what lay in the distance.

" So now you know your quest, Elena, are you not afraid of what you will encounter ? " . Corcoran's voice was just above a whisper.

" I am, but I am here now, so I might as well deal with it " . I said to him, uncertain of my own fate.

" Do you know the legend of this city, Elena? Do you know the story? Did you talk with King Eros about anything that happened here ? ". For every qestion he gave me, I had to answer him with a firm; no.

" Not anything about this city ", I said.

" I didn't ask him. All I know is; I have to find an ancient-stone, that belongs' in the Kingdom of Abdon."

" Oh, is that what he told you, I guess he forgot to mention, Alvina "....


Sunday 22 March 2009

I began walking; down-slowly, approaching the darker-steps' in turn. The stone pushed up into my shoes' as I felt the coldness of the concrete upon my bare-feet. As I entered upon the darker side of the stairway, I heard a voice call to me, "Elena, are you going down there alone? ". To my surprise, it was Corcoran . I was unable to see his face clearly, the sun-shone directly over his head; and blinded my vision.

Before I could answer him, he seemed to swing over the edge of the stairs' and headed straight by myside. As we walked down together into the darkness, I staggered a little; falling against the hard bricked wall of the chamber.

I must have triggered a mechanical device, I looked at Corcoran the best that I could. The floor paving, with a harsh sudden reflex, folded over us, flooding us in complete darkness. We stood -still; trying to get a grip on the new situation. We had to tread carefully; downwards', as on the otherside of Corcoran, was a deep drop into the unknown. The stairwell pushed up alongside the brick walls' of the chamber that we found ourselves in. There was only one way and it was downwards' towards the unknown. As we walked together; step by step, the bellowing noises' became louder, on our approach to the first floor. Making me feel very uncomfortable, with what was at hand.

There was more light growing and we could see a clear, way ahead of us. I was scared alittle, so I held onto the shirt of Corcoran. As we came to the first landing, I stopped and looked down further into the depths' of the chamber, the drop seemed to go on forever without any kind of mercy. Many thoughts' echoed in my mind, I wasn't sure if I would ever see daylight again....


Wednesday 18 March 2009

Slowly, lowering the book down, laying it flat onto the ground. The title of the book, started to glow as a great sound, came-up, from where I was standing. A small round stone platform pushed upwards, towards me, through the mounted paving, with the book resting peacefully upon it. Then another stone platform pushed upwards, this time with myself standing upon it. The paving moved slowly away in fragments, retracting backwards into itself, like that of a mechanical puzzle.

When I looked down to what was beneath, I saw a very deep-curving-stairway; leading into the dark-depths', of the earth. Stoney and cold looking, a chill came over my body and a cold draft entered upon the spring atmosphere, almost spoiling the pleasures' of the day.

'The Maps of Ryon', flipped open-with inspiration; I looked down upon the pages' . There upon the dusty pages', was an image of me embracing the book; and taking steps' down towards the first floor of the City of Ryon. I looked down again, onto the half-light of the stairs' and beyond that I saw only darkness. With courage, I embraced myself, picking up the 'The Maps' of Ryon', leaving the scroll flat onto the table. I thought I had no need for it, as I carried forth with me, only the book. I began with one- small -step towards the city, beneath the Kingdom of Abon. I heard some very strange noises bellowing out from the stairwell, as I reached with both feet, upon the first step...


Monday 16 March 2009

As I came up to the golden rails'. I felt very attracted towards what was behind them. I peered in, placing my hand into my side pocket. After having a brief look, I pulled out the key. My hands' trembled more violently then previously. I placed the key into the heavy lock and as I unlocked the garden, I pushed the gates' open. Walking slowly and with an extra push, I found myself inside the strange yet beautiful courtyard.

I stood at the foot of the courtyard, when all of a sudden it began to grow in size, seeming even more extravagant. The rose bushes' clung to the side of the King's palace and with energy they seemed to grow at speed. Every plant and tree increased in size as the courtyard widened out. I stood there in disbelief and fear. When the garden appeared to stop growing, I embraced my steps' into the depth's of the unknown.

There was a stone path leading straight into the middle of the courtyard, with stone based, rectangular ponds', either side of me. The narrowness of the path prevented me from walking in a normal manner.

As I came to the center of the garden, I was surrounded by a circular terrace of flowers' that met in the middle above my head. There was a gold outline engraved onto the stone-paving, of this, I knew that the' Maps' Of Ryon', needed to be placed down onto the, engraved pavement....


Sunday 15 March 2009

Down the corridors', I ran, following the windows' round, on-towards the gardens'. I didn't know the way to the courtyards', but I found the windows' gave me good- direction. I came to a small set of stair's, and standing before me, at the bottom of the steps', was what appeared to be a backdoor. I placed the text down onto a small, side-table, next to the darkened polished grain of the wood as I reached out to turn the brass handle. It was far to big for gripping. The door opened revealing a footpath of overgrown wild flowers'. I stood there for a minute enjoying the sunshine beaming upon my face, before I decided to take my first steps', out onto the path.

I picked up the book along with the scroll and began to walk out through the door. The path was stoney ,and the prickles' of overgrown nettles', stung-me on my walk. I had to tread carefully around broken glass and old pieces' of clay pottery. The breeze was more gentle this day and the smell of the flowers' blossomed in the air. The sun was extremely high, as I continued through the flowers', along the broken path. The path followed around to a clear patch of grass; as the path, was becoming more solid. I found myself standing outside the high; white- walls' of the courtyard.

The walls' towered above, with a little touch of dusty; sand-stone in the appearance. I walked alongside the walls', as I approached the first golden-gate -entrance. The path widened, leaving a smooth walkway for passers' by. Though it appeared that nobody had ventured upon this ground, for a very long while.

I came before the gates'. The gates' had been laced with the most beautifully decorative golden flowers' of all shapes' and sizes', with small golden rails', running down towards the ground. The beauty of the gates' was incomparable to what I had ever visioned before. I rolled my eyes' up towards the top of the gates', with my head following. The gates' had a great mesmerising-hypnotising, feel. I walked slowly over to them, ready with courage to embrace my quest....


Friday 13 March 2009

I stood up and walked slowly over to the book. The silver key lay upon the pages' as if it was staring at me, rather than me staring at it. The strength of the silver was blinding to the eye and I couldn't hold my vision upon it, for long. I reached over to pick up the key, as I placed it into a small side pocket on my dress. With that the book shut hard it's pages' and made me jump up on the spot. I tried to open it but the pages' of this curious book, refused. Stubborn and unrelenting.

I decided to look around the room and left the ancient text sitting upon the table. I came right up to where King Eros had stood a few minutes' before, as I looked in towards the books'. I placed my finger upon each book that was level to my eyes'. As I moved across the shelves', with reflection rather then concentration, Noam entered, and with another fright, I jumped again.

" Elena, can I be in your company this afternoon? ", Noam said. I replied, " No thank-you, Noam, I was just on my way out for some fresh air, I would rather be alone ". And with that Noam disappeared behind the door and out of the room, once again.

I hurried over to the table with a feeling of excitement, I grabbed, with both of my hands' and haste, the book and the scroll and without paying any attention to anything else, I made a dash forward-towards the door. I was so eager to get out into the courtyard gardens', I was sure that this was the key to the golden-gate, entrances' that lined the courtyard of the King's land.


Thursday 12 March 2009

I was amazed at the king's haste to leave. I placed the box, along with the encryption, back down upon the table , as I opened the book. It was dusty and browning with age and seemingly difficult to hold. As I opened the book to the first page, it pronounced :

' The Maps' Of Ryon ' encased in the deepest part of the city. No permission is given, that this book should be removed, by any who occupy the sacred grounds' of the, City of Ryon.'

How was it, that this book came to be sitting upon the shelves' of The Kingdom of Abdon? I thought, as I continued to open the second page of the book. Upon the second page lay a picture of the entrance to the city, it wasn't a simple drawing, with many complicated maze like features' with in the cities structure. I wondered if I would ever find my way into the city and how would I ever return?

I began to relax my shoulders' and found myself sitting in a slumping position. Surely it was a task of courage and conquest, much too heavy for a mere girl like myself.

It appeared to come without warning. The book started to lift from my hands' into the air, with a golden glow. The pages' opened to the center as it rested itself onto the table. Upon the book, in the middle of the pages', rested a silver key....


Wednesday 11 March 2009

The box slowly opened and before my eyes' was an amazing gold encrypted scroll. Ageless of time. Upon opening the scroll, I felt a powering feeling of knowledge sweep over my entire body and with a shudder, I started to read from the encryption.

" Here in your hands' Princess Elena, are the very words' that will redeem the kingdom of Abdon. Your quest Elena begins here and now." I read the words' with a slow methodical sounding. As I continued to read, I started to feel myself being pulled into the encryption.

" You shell begin your journey, Elena, with the key to the garden of the courtyard. The garden of the courtyard has not been entered upon since the curse of Ryon befell the city of Abdon". The city of Ryon is buried deep beneath the garden of the courtyard. You Elena, will enter upon the city of Ryon and retrieve the lost stone of Abdon. Upon doing this, the kingdom of Abdon will return to it's full glory and the Kingdom of Ryon will be banished for all eternity." I stopped and placed the scroll down, gently on my lap.

" Where will I find the key " , I asked Eros. The King looked across at me and replied, " Only you know the answer to that my child ", and with that, the King stood up and walked slowly over to the heavy loaded bookshelves'. He placed his hands' on one of the book's, entitled ' The Maps' Of Ryon'. " You will need this; Elena, if you are to return. All our hopes' of freedom our in your hands'. Good luck on your quest, my child ". He said as he handed me over The Maps' Of Ryon and then without any warning he vanished from the room, back down the corridor that I had previously entered , in-from.


Sunday 8 March 2009

Noam was staring at me, into the shinning reflection of the mirror, casting her eyes' down upon my hair. As she started to speak, " You don't know what lays beneath the unseen screen of this city ". She said, as she gently lifted my hair up into her delicate hands, running the brush through it, bringing the brush down, towards the straggly ends of my tangled hair. She lowered her face down next to mine, pulling her arms' around my shoulder, and rested her hand upon my cheek, as she began to speak again, of the cities' whispers'.

" In the deep heart of the woods', lies' a cold-well, abandoned by the many people of the city. When I was a small child, smaller then you are now ", she said, placing the brush down onto the table, she started to part my hair into sections', before continuing.

" All the children knew that it was forbidden to tread the path down towards the water-well. But the temptation of our curious feet, took us, eventually, towards it. A little further each day, we would edge nearer to the accursed attraction.

Than the day came, when we, as free as the wind, took to the path, like birds in the sky, we stretched out our hands to fly, into the cool air of the woodlands', straight down towards the forbidden area. Dancing as we sped into the forest, listening to the crunching sounds' of the brittle leafs', as we stamped, speeding over them, with our fast and furious, bare-feet. Then, of a sudden, I came to a stop, with my hands' stretched forth, nearly toppling over, into the deep darkness of the water- well.

We all stood at the top of the brick well, in deep silence, peering into what could have been a disastrous fate, for all of us.

Akkad, shouted down the well.

" Whispers' ", the echo, sounding up and outwards " Whispers', whispers... ", said the well, reversing Akkad's voice.

Akkad shouted again, " Water ", the well, again, reversing his voice, " Water, water... ".
" No water ", he shouted back at his own voice, " No water, no water ", echoed the well.

Silence fell again, looming over us, as we stood, staring down into the cold, dark- shaft of the abandoned well.

Scrambling down onto his knees', grabbing the crumbling top, of the bricks' that lined the well, he pushed his head, down into the shadowy darkness, stretching his body into the emptiness of the echoing well, all the while, holding on as tight as he could.

There was a great bang of exploding light; that sped out from the top of the well, knocking us back off our feet. We shot across the scattering floor of the woods'. The woodland darkening all around us, as we landed with a thud into the hard surface of the ground.

Akkad slowly raised up; leaning on one hand, brushing the dusty accumulation of broken brash that smothered him, down onto the barely visible floor. Choking; and coughing as we all followed in pursuit to rid ourselves' of the dust and dried dirt. Standing- up, Akkad was the first to approach the water-well, once again.

" Akkad; whats' it you doing ? ". Noam, called across the circle of friends' that had been scattered into the, not so faring distance.

Peering over the top of the well again, Akkad listened carefully, as he bowed his head back into the depths' of the well. Lifting his head up, looking-over, towards' us, he beckoned us with his hand.

We all approached the water-well, again, but this time with extreme caution. Standing above, not as brave as Akkad, Noam peered slightly over into the depths' of the well.

From below; in the depths' of the well , came a noise, of tapping, pattering feet,

" Theres' is, something down there ". Noam whispered, looking-down, towards' the crouching Akkad. " Cans' you hear that. " Noam suggested.

Akkad nodded.

The City Of The Elves, another book, first film, aka the maps of ryon

Meanwhile; deep inside the depths of he water-well, resided the city of the elves', unbeknown to the young warriors, the footsteps of scattering sounds could be heard faintly from the top of the well. There was a sudden beam of light, that came shooting out of the water-well, Akkad and the group shot back into the forest clearing, a hard invisible force, forcing them off the ground. They landed spruced-out and dis-orientated. The walls' of the well crumbling back into the well, as they lay dazed at the bright beams' of light that was flooding the sky line.

There was a strong wind blowing up, into the rest of the darkened forestry. A snow storm lurking in the midst's of the wilderness. The young warriors' scrambled together, to keep warm, keeping well clear of the crumbling well.

They waited patiently, huddling together, in a circle of no choice, as the intensity of the atmosphere, passed through the evading prescents of time. The wind moving in through the brittle trees, like the whirling of a cold chill.

The snow began falling in increasing amounts around the circle of friends', higher it rose, within minutes the snow had reached their shins'.

In just minutes, they would have frozen to death, when all was looking bleak, Phoenix bird came shooting down from no-where at all.

The Warriors' were even more dismayed at this huge bird's arrival. There was no other option, but to attempt a flight, the gathering warriors jumped onto the bird, and held on with all their powers of inner strength, not knowing what their future would hold, in taking such a risk of unprecedented measures'.

Shadow was the last one to board, as Phoenix flew into the air, gaining height, and flying off into the unknown darkness.

There was a pause......

" Ahh ", said Noam, " Maybes' I'll frighten you if I continue. You will find out soon enough, my child. " She said as she finished the pleating of my hair, she gently let the plate fall down, tapping my back, as it was dropped from her gripping hands'. She turned, walking slowly towards' the door, " Giggles', will be up shortly to call down to the banquet, dear ". She said, as she disappeared out of the huge wooden door.

When I was ready, Giggles' escorted me back down the corridor, once more. I was able to view the courtyard, at the back of the king's palace, through the small narrow windows' that lined the bleak long- winding, corridors'. The daylight shone in with trickles, through the narrowness of the iron frames'.

The courtyard was enriched with the most well manicured flowers', of what was enormous in size. I noticed several entrances' to the courtyard, none appeared to be unlocked. I didn't pay much attention to this and carried on, down towards the King.

Breakfast was prepared , with Noam standing at the side of the table, awaiting for me, she eased the chair out, as I seated myself down. King Eros was no-where to be seen. I was in a small petite breakfast room. After I ate a little, I was invited to join the King.

Moving slowly around the maze like building, I came upon King Eros. He was seated in a relaxed manner upon leather enriched chairs'. In the middle of the King's Library was a table, upon it was a well crafted, ancient looking box, it appeared to be the one I saw early.

" This box can only be opened by one " . He said.

" My child, it is you. Proceed to open it ". With caution, I walked over to the beautiful looking box. My hands' were trembling in the most profound manner, as I reached over to pick it up. I sat down to open it, and with a strange feeling of anticipation, I slowly lifted the catch.


Saturday 7 March 2009

I awoke in the morning, to a strong breeze on my face. I turned to face the window, it must have blown open in the night from a gust of wind. With the pain of feeling cold, I returned to the window once again, placing my hand upon it's sharp rigid bars', to close it.

I noticed a man running across the huge sandy forecourt, towards the king's residence. In his hand, he was carrying a very well crafted , wooden - box, it shone out with radiance, with it's ancient, antique, nature. Dark in colour, and highly cared for. The man continued in towards the King.

I closed the window and sat lightly on the end of the bed, I wasn't sure how long I sat there for, but I remember feeling very uncertain about leaving my chamber unaccompanied. As I was without instruction, I began to dress myself in my own garments'. Halfway through dressing, a maid introduced herself through the huge wooden oak- door.

" May I enter upon you ?, Elena ", she said. I hesitated a little, before answering, and replied,

" One minute, please " . I rushed my body back through my clothes' and pulled over the night clothes' that had been kindly left for me. I approached the door, opening it slowly and steadily.

" Yes, do come in ." I said, and with that I continued to open the door.

" I am Noam, your chamber maid " . She announced, in a light way.

" I will help and assist you, in your every need ", she continued.

Carrying on her arm, a brand new dress-draping down towards the ground, more simple in nature than the dress I wore, in the presence of the King, the night before.

" You will do nothing for yourself , at the bequest of his kingship ", she replied .

Noam began helping me. When she had finished, she walked over to the beautiful dressing table. There upon the shimmering surface of the dressing-table, layed a silver handled hairbrush, she picked it up and with it's silk bristles', she gently stroked it across the palm of her hand, as she asked me to sit down on the fine cushioned, bedside-stool. I hesitated at first, not sure, for aunt May's house was never dressed in such finery. But with timid grace, I sat down, as Noam began to groom, and brush my tangled hair.


Friday 6 March 2009

As I was pushed into my chamber, the maids' shut the door hard on me, and left me standing there in a state of utter confusion. I brushed my dress down lightly, as I walked over to the window. I lifted my hand up, grasping the rigid iron frame, as I peered down onto the steps', that I had earlier embraced, with courage.

There upon the steps', stood a knight, dismounting from his horse. Dagan was the first to greet him. With a stance of strength, the knight dismissed the very presence of Dagan, by pushing him roughly out of the way, he continued to walk towards and the King. I could hear the metal crunching- down, hard onto the sandy-rocks', that lined the forecourt of Abdon.

I couldn't hear the words' exchanged between them, but their actions appeared harsh towards one another, and with that the knight mounted his horse, drew up his reins' and with speed, retreated out of the city. I refused to think about this event and began to prepare myself for a good night's rest.

I changed my clothing, though this wasn't such an easy task, with the corseting being pulled in tight.

I entered in upon the King, who summond me to sit next to him. We sat alone; away from the feasting of the cities people. The table was full with foods' of all kinds', ranging from fruits', to fishes', to the finest meat dishes'.

" Elena, eat and feast well. We will start fresh, and discuss the meaning of you quest tomorrow, my child. " He said, as he took a large leg of roasted chicken, from a silver-plattered, oval - dish. The oil dripping down into his long - greying-beard, as he tucked away, at his beautifully prepared meal.

I was shy to eat alongside the King, and with a delicate hand, picked at my food gently. Though I was very hungry, I didn't seem to eat much that night.

I could hear the roar of music and dancing, from celebrating, in the adjoining hall, the excitement buzzed all around me, the amusement filling the air. I could hear much chanting and cheering of the people, as they declared,

" She is here, she is here, freedom will come at last, she is here " .

Dagan entered, approaching the table, with hesitation. He stopped before the King, and looked at him, with his head lowered out of respect. He waited for the King, to call to him, before he continued to approach . The King gave one nod for Dagan to continue to drew close to him. Dagan whispered into the King's ear, and with that the King rose from his feasting.

" Excuse me ". He said, as he proceeded to get up from his oak chair, and hurried away, disappearing into the next hall.

The maids' shimmied in, grasping me by both arms', as they escorted me up off my chair with haste, they rushed me towards the back of the entrance, back along the winding corridors', towards my room.


Wednesday 4 March 2009

I looked down towards the marble floor, feeling very tired, I lifted my pearl-lined-shoes' off the ground, and continued to lay down for a rest. I closed my eyes' and must have fell to sleep.

I heard a faint sound, a distant calling, that slowly awakened me from my slumber. And there, standing before me was, Corcoran. I tried to raise my head from my silk pillow, but Corcoran's actions spoke louder.

" Shh ", he whispered faintly into my ear.

" You shouldn't be here ", he said softly. " I told you to return home, now you have no choice but fulfill the legend of the book. "

" What's this all about ? ". I asked, in a returned whisper. I was unable to see his face clearly, in the dim light of the room, and with that he backed away slowly into the darkness, and was gone.

I heard the calling of my name and I knew it was time for me to enter upon the evening banquet. I was hurried down the twisting staircase; with small excited, Giggles', next to me. Down through long- backward, leading corridors', to the banqueting rooms'. I stood before a large number of the cities people, who had been invited to the grand feast.

As I entered the room, all fell silent, not a voice could be heard. I had to walk down the central stairwell that faced directly onto the people of the city. The stairs' led me down into another breath taking room, feeling nervous and unaccompanied, I entered. After all that day's events', it was a seemingly, easy task.


Tuesday 3 March 2009

As I stood there, not knowing what to say, the King ushered towards' his maids', and with a wave of his hand, he ordered them to take me up to the chamber- rooms', above. To prepare me for the banquet that the King was going to be host that night.

The maids' created a huge fuss. They proceeded to dress me in the most amazing garments'. Of all the dresses' that I had ever seen, the one they chose for me, must have been the most beautiful garment from them all.

With that of the finest silk array, layer upon layer, draped over my body. Figure fitting from the top and rounding with the most elegant trail. When the dressing was concluded, I was told to await the calling of my name.

I was led into a magnificent bedroom, with lace entailed bedding, and with that of the best furniture. I sat down upon the bedding, as I waited to be called. I had relaxed into my new surrounding's very well, as I began to imagine what the legends', spoke of. All I could piece together, in my thoughts, was, that I was here on a quest and that quest needed to be fulfilled, at the pleasure of the legends'.

Dagan could hardly stand still, he became more restless in his movements'. King Eros, stood-up, from his magnificent, gold - encrusted-throne. Heavy in stature, he came slowly towards myself, and Dagan.

Dagan stepped away, leaving me in full view of the King.

" Name yourself, my child . " He said, with a deep embroiled voice.

I felt afraid to answer, for I had never stood before a king, before. I had lost my courage .

Dagan interrupted with a small fidgety sound , moving again with signs' of agitation.

" She call's herself Georgie, Sir ". He said.

" She is without doubt, the girl of the legend, Sir ". He said, raising his voice, higher as he spoke.

As I stood there, I felt the King's glare, he studied me from top to bottom, leaving no trace of my appearance unturned. The King spoke,

" From this day, you will be addressed as, Elena " .

He moved back across the transparent floor, up to the steps' that were embedded with rose petals', and seated himself, once again, on his throne.

" Dagan ", he proceeded to speak,

" Call for a banquet, the biggest we shell hold, in my Kingdom, of Abdon. "

Dagan hurried away, leaving me standing before the king. With uncertainty, I stood as still as I could, trying not to move.

" You are Princess Elena, your quest is to redeem our city ". He said.

Still unable to raise my voice any higher than that of a breaking branch, I spoke.

" I am sure your wrong ".

" I am never wrong, I am King Eros!. Remember this, if you are to remember nothing more " .

I stood there with a terrible feeling of awkwardness, as I fell silent.


Sunday 1 March 2009

As I made my steps', up-towards the entrance, I felt a sudden gush of cold air upon my body. Just at that moment, I thought about turning back. Knowing however; that the entire city was behind my every step, I feared for my safety and continued in, and towards the unfriendly looking, stone -framed entrance, of the ancient building.

Once inside, I was amazed at what I saw. Many huge, sand- stoned-pillows', lining the magnificent room, towering above. Almost, not being able to see where they ended at the top. I felt very small and insignificant, I really wished to retreat. However; my courage edged me on further into the depths' of the grand hall.

The floor was astonishing, the way it shone out from the rest of the setting, it was as if I was walking on water, how transparent. I had the urge to lift my trouser's up from the edge of the floor. I walked with a gentle pace, trying not to make any sound, for surely, this room itself, was a room that deserved respect.

I didn't know where I was heading, or who I was going to meet, once I had reached the destination that Dagan was ushering me in too. I was more eager, now than ever before. My nerves' had settled down, and I drew my stride up alongside Dagan.

" I have entered in upon you, King Eros. Can I step forward ? ", said Degan.

As I stood next to him; a voice came back.

" What do you enter for ?, my entrusted friend " .

The King said, with a deep, harsh-sounding-bellow.

" I have brought for you, here this day, I very special gift, Sir . " He said, his voice, raising higher into the air, with sounds' of excitement, increasing in his speech.
