Wednesday 11 March 2009

The box slowly opened and before my eyes' was an amazing gold encrypted scroll. Ageless of time. Upon opening the scroll, I felt a powering feeling of knowledge sweep over my entire body and with a shudder, I started to read from the encryption.

" Here in your hands' Princess Elena, are the very words' that will redeem the kingdom of Abdon. Your quest Elena begins here and now." I read the words' with a slow methodical sounding. As I continued to read, I started to feel myself being pulled into the encryption.

" You shell begin your journey, Elena, with the key to the garden of the courtyard. The garden of the courtyard has not been entered upon since the curse of Ryon befell the city of Abdon". The city of Ryon is buried deep beneath the garden of the courtyard. You Elena, will enter upon the city of Ryon and retrieve the lost stone of Abdon. Upon doing this, the kingdom of Abdon will return to it's full glory and the Kingdom of Ryon will be banished for all eternity." I stopped and placed the scroll down, gently on my lap.

" Where will I find the key " , I asked Eros. The King looked across at me and replied, " Only you know the answer to that my child ", and with that, the King stood up and walked slowly over to the heavy loaded bookshelves'. He placed his hands' on one of the book's, entitled ' The Maps' Of Ryon'. " You will need this; Elena, if you are to return. All our hopes' of freedom our in your hands'. Good luck on your quest, my child ". He said as he handed me over The Maps' Of Ryon and then without any warning he vanished from the room, back down the corridor that I had previously entered , in-from.


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