Sunday 15 March 2009

Down the corridors', I ran, following the windows' round, on-towards the gardens'. I didn't know the way to the courtyards', but I found the windows' gave me good- direction. I came to a small set of stair's, and standing before me, at the bottom of the steps', was what appeared to be a backdoor. I placed the text down onto a small, side-table, next to the darkened polished grain of the wood as I reached out to turn the brass handle. It was far to big for gripping. The door opened revealing a footpath of overgrown wild flowers'. I stood there for a minute enjoying the sunshine beaming upon my face, before I decided to take my first steps', out onto the path.

I picked up the book along with the scroll and began to walk out through the door. The path was stoney ,and the prickles' of overgrown nettles', stung-me on my walk. I had to tread carefully around broken glass and old pieces' of clay pottery. The breeze was more gentle this day and the smell of the flowers' blossomed in the air. The sun was extremely high, as I continued through the flowers', along the broken path. The path followed around to a clear patch of grass; as the path, was becoming more solid. I found myself standing outside the high; white- walls' of the courtyard.

The walls' towered above, with a little touch of dusty; sand-stone in the appearance. I walked alongside the walls', as I approached the first golden-gate -entrance. The path widened, leaving a smooth walkway for passers' by. Though it appeared that nobody had ventured upon this ground, for a very long while.

I came before the gates'. The gates' had been laced with the most beautifully decorative golden flowers' of all shapes' and sizes', with small golden rails', running down towards the ground. The beauty of the gates' was incomparable to what I had ever visioned before. I rolled my eyes' up towards the top of the gates', with my head following. The gates' had a great mesmerising-hypnotising, feel. I walked slowly over to them, ready with courage to embrace my quest....


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