Sunday 8 March 2009

Noam was staring at me, into the shinning reflection of the mirror, casting her eyes' down upon my hair. As she started to speak, " You don't know what lays beneath the unseen screen of this city ". She said, as she gently lifted my hair up into her delicate hands, running the brush through it, bringing the brush down, towards the straggly ends of my tangled hair. She lowered her face down next to mine, pulling her arms' around my shoulder, and rested her hand upon my cheek, as she began to speak again, of the cities' whispers'.

" In the deep heart of the woods', lies' a cold-well, abandoned by the many people of the city. When I was a small child, smaller then you are now ", she said, placing the brush down onto the table, she started to part my hair into sections', before continuing.

" All the children knew that it was forbidden to tread the path down towards the water-well. But the temptation of our curious feet, took us, eventually, towards it. A little further each day, we would edge nearer to the accursed attraction.

Than the day came, when we, as free as the wind, took to the path, like birds in the sky, we stretched out our hands to fly, into the cool air of the woodlands', straight down towards the forbidden area. Dancing as we sped into the forest, listening to the crunching sounds' of the brittle leafs', as we stamped, speeding over them, with our fast and furious, bare-feet. Then, of a sudden, I came to a stop, with my hands' stretched forth, nearly toppling over, into the deep darkness of the water- well.

We all stood at the top of the brick well, in deep silence, peering into what could have been a disastrous fate, for all of us.

Akkad, shouted down the well.

" Whispers' ", the echo, sounding up and outwards " Whispers', whispers... ", said the well, reversing Akkad's voice.

Akkad shouted again, " Water ", the well, again, reversing his voice, " Water, water... ".
" No water ", he shouted back at his own voice, " No water, no water ", echoed the well.

Silence fell again, looming over us, as we stood, staring down into the cold, dark- shaft of the abandoned well.

Scrambling down onto his knees', grabbing the crumbling top, of the bricks' that lined the well, he pushed his head, down into the shadowy darkness, stretching his body into the emptiness of the echoing well, all the while, holding on as tight as he could.

There was a great bang of exploding light; that sped out from the top of the well, knocking us back off our feet. We shot across the scattering floor of the woods'. The woodland darkening all around us, as we landed with a thud into the hard surface of the ground.

Akkad slowly raised up; leaning on one hand, brushing the dusty accumulation of broken brash that smothered him, down onto the barely visible floor. Choking; and coughing as we all followed in pursuit to rid ourselves' of the dust and dried dirt. Standing- up, Akkad was the first to approach the water-well, once again.

" Akkad; whats' it you doing ? ". Noam, called across the circle of friends' that had been scattered into the, not so faring distance.

Peering over the top of the well again, Akkad listened carefully, as he bowed his head back into the depths' of the well. Lifting his head up, looking-over, towards' us, he beckoned us with his hand.

We all approached the water-well, again, but this time with extreme caution. Standing above, not as brave as Akkad, Noam peered slightly over into the depths' of the well.

From below; in the depths' of the well , came a noise, of tapping, pattering feet,

" Theres' is, something down there ". Noam whispered, looking-down, towards' the crouching Akkad. " Cans' you hear that. " Noam suggested.

Akkad nodded.

The City Of The Elves, another book, first film, aka the maps of ryon

Meanwhile; deep inside the depths of he water-well, resided the city of the elves', unbeknown to the young warriors, the footsteps of scattering sounds could be heard faintly from the top of the well. There was a sudden beam of light, that came shooting out of the water-well, Akkad and the group shot back into the forest clearing, a hard invisible force, forcing them off the ground. They landed spruced-out and dis-orientated. The walls' of the well crumbling back into the well, as they lay dazed at the bright beams' of light that was flooding the sky line.

There was a strong wind blowing up, into the rest of the darkened forestry. A snow storm lurking in the midst's of the wilderness. The young warriors' scrambled together, to keep warm, keeping well clear of the crumbling well.

They waited patiently, huddling together, in a circle of no choice, as the intensity of the atmosphere, passed through the evading prescents of time. The wind moving in through the brittle trees, like the whirling of a cold chill.

The snow began falling in increasing amounts around the circle of friends', higher it rose, within minutes the snow had reached their shins'.

In just minutes, they would have frozen to death, when all was looking bleak, Phoenix bird came shooting down from no-where at all.

The Warriors' were even more dismayed at this huge bird's arrival. There was no other option, but to attempt a flight, the gathering warriors jumped onto the bird, and held on with all their powers of inner strength, not knowing what their future would hold, in taking such a risk of unprecedented measures'.

Shadow was the last one to board, as Phoenix flew into the air, gaining height, and flying off into the unknown darkness.

There was a pause......

" Ahh ", said Noam, " Maybes' I'll frighten you if I continue. You will find out soon enough, my child. " She said as she finished the pleating of my hair, she gently let the plate fall down, tapping my back, as it was dropped from her gripping hands'. She turned, walking slowly towards' the door, " Giggles', will be up shortly to call down to the banquet, dear ". She said, as she disappeared out of the huge wooden door.

When I was ready, Giggles' escorted me back down the corridor, once more. I was able to view the courtyard, at the back of the king's palace, through the small narrow windows' that lined the bleak long- winding, corridors'. The daylight shone in with trickles, through the narrowness of the iron frames'.

The courtyard was enriched with the most well manicured flowers', of what was enormous in size. I noticed several entrances' to the courtyard, none appeared to be unlocked. I didn't pay much attention to this and carried on, down towards the King.

Breakfast was prepared , with Noam standing at the side of the table, awaiting for me, she eased the chair out, as I seated myself down. King Eros was no-where to be seen. I was in a small petite breakfast room. After I ate a little, I was invited to join the King.

Moving slowly around the maze like building, I came upon King Eros. He was seated in a relaxed manner upon leather enriched chairs'. In the middle of the King's Library was a table, upon it was a well crafted, ancient looking box, it appeared to be the one I saw early.

" This box can only be opened by one " . He said.

" My child, it is you. Proceed to open it ". With caution, I walked over to the beautiful looking box. My hands' were trembling in the most profound manner, as I reached over to pick it up. I sat down to open it, and with a strange feeling of anticipation, I slowly lifted the catch.


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