Friday 27 March 2009

As I stood above the ledge, I felt faint from the height and nearly lost my balance. Corcoran grasped hold of my arm, and in a rough-manner, pulled me back from the edge. With his long arms', he hooked in the rope-ladder and swung around onto it. As he got some swing in motion, he grabbed me from the ledge and pulled me into him; close. It all happened so fast that I couldn't even catch my breath.

Now, holding onto Corcoran and the ladder, I eased myself down onto the rope. Below him, moving over the back of his body, easing down gently. The dust was flying around and I could hear the snaps of breaking rope and creaking noises from the age of the old ladder. It must have been hanging there for years'. I was in a hurry to get down and at the same time, fearful of the height, not knowing what to expect; once we hit the floor, if we hit the floor, safely.

" Move-down, Now !! " . He said, as I hung onto the rope, with dear life. I was unable to move or even answer him, stunned with fear.

He began to get agitated with me, " Move- down, move -down, move -Down " . He said.

I inhaled a deep breath and with a very small movement, I lowered my left foot down onto the rope.

" You will have to move faster then that." He said, shouting-slightly.

" I 'm trying my best, let me get my balance first ", I said to him. With a return tone of agitation.

I began the journey downwards. Scared of falling; as he was pushing me, by quickening me, with his pace, nearly treading on my fingers'. Annoyed at him, I lost my temper and shouted in a bust of heat, " SLOW DOWN, Will you !! " . And with that, he replied, " You will bring attention to yourself; now quite down, before we find ourselves' in a place that we don't wish to be ".


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