Wednesday 4 March 2009

I looked down towards the marble floor, feeling very tired, I lifted my pearl-lined-shoes' off the ground, and continued to lay down for a rest. I closed my eyes' and must have fell to sleep.

I heard a faint sound, a distant calling, that slowly awakened me from my slumber. And there, standing before me was, Corcoran. I tried to raise my head from my silk pillow, but Corcoran's actions spoke louder.

" Shh ", he whispered faintly into my ear.

" You shouldn't be here ", he said softly. " I told you to return home, now you have no choice but fulfill the legend of the book. "

" What's this all about ? ". I asked, in a returned whisper. I was unable to see his face clearly, in the dim light of the room, and with that he backed away slowly into the darkness, and was gone.

I heard the calling of my name and I knew it was time for me to enter upon the evening banquet. I was hurried down the twisting staircase; with small excited, Giggles', next to me. Down through long- backward, leading corridors', to the banqueting rooms'. I stood before a large number of the cities people, who had been invited to the grand feast.

As I entered the room, all fell silent, not a voice could be heard. I had to walk down the central stairwell that faced directly onto the people of the city. The stairs' led me down into another breath taking room, feeling nervous and unaccompanied, I entered. After all that day's events', it was a seemingly, easy task.


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