Thursday 24 February 2011

" Tilda ", Larry said, " take this number ", pealing off his memo paper, and handing it over his desk. " Its a re-call request ". He said, as Tilda collected the paper from Larry's hand. " Umm", Tilda murmured as she took the paper, not looking very happy about receiving such a work request, walking right back out of the office, the automatic doors closing behind her.

Back At Nasa

The housing units were on automatic shut down, no one was allowed to participate in any world work and or other programmes and or any other pending activities', the emergency lights went on automatic dimming mode, and most employees were residing in sleep mode.

Official higher powers, started, without further delay, the rights of contract confidentiality-profile searches' of employees, short listing credentials that would otherwise be seen and or otherwise be implying further characteristics that may show signs of empathy and or other such attributes.

After five hours of scrutiny, several employees had been selected from the data base as possible matches for over sensitivities'.

The files were scanned, printed and taken for further reviewing at the pleasures of higher-powers controls'.

" There will be an announcement shortly ", said the automated intercom, a familiar recording of voice activations'.

" Maybe we will be returning to our posts' soon ", Dr Hasim, said, directing his question at his room mate.

" I sure hope so, I am getting bored with this internal confinement of affairs', it is prolonging detention, before long, tempers will rise, if this lock down continues' ".

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" OK, I got that, " He said, " I'll get back to you as soon as I am able to ". And with that, Larry ended the call.

Larry looked down at his memo pad, and started dialing, following up his recent case......" NASA is on high alert, and will not be......." . Before the answer phone was able to finish the activated statement, Larry put the phone down.

Pausing again......looking at his office phone, while he was deciding what to do next.

" Oh sod it ", he said, " I'll have to leave a message ", mumbling to himself, in distastes at NASA'S answer services'.

Picking up the phone again, and redialing, the service picked up the call.

Beep beep beep " NASA is on high alert, and will not be taking any calls', in light of the confidential leak, a breach of high security-relation matter, please leave a message after the tone, and will get back to you, as soon as we are given clearance, beep, beep, beep..........

" FBI'S investigations unit, please see to clearance for state record up-dates' and concerning-high priority status of new disclosures' made in recent publications of national news broadcasting' "

Again, putting the phone down.

Re-dialing was something quite normal in such a department, and so, as part of Larry called Tilda in, pressing the button on the phone, " Tilda, I need you in my office for minute, please ". He said.

Tilda, putting her work down, pushing her chair out, brushing her hair back in a sweeping motion, walked in.

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Taking a report from in front of him, he began to read it, as he was swaying on his office chair, back and forward, in a so often, familiar Larry - motion, his lips moving in silent reading, as he skewed through the literature.

Throwing the report back down onto the office desk, Larry reached over, just about to pick up the phone, as it started to ring.

" FIB ", Larry bellowed down the other end.

" This is Press Media 1 : I am phoning in response to the latest disclosures involving NASA ".....

" Just one minute ", Larry said, talking over her, stumbling voice. " Sorry for cutting you short, but I haven't been able to get any direct contact with them myself, and any information thereafter, will have to go straight through to head office, before I am able to submit any furthering statements to the press ".

" I was wondering," she said, trying to hold onto the call, " is there a number for head office, for future reference ".

Larry, drew his chair into his desk, leaning his head onto his hand, " I will have to obtain clearance first. Give me your contact details', and I'll get back to you as soon as am able too ". He said, taking his digi note pad from in front of him. A small sound could be heard, as he tapped in the codes, to issue entry into his notes'.

Page 8.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

" This is Press Media 1 ", as she lent down over a piece of paper, " I was wondering ", she said, " Do you have any furthering information about the Venus-Project ".

" The best thing for you to do Mam, is to contact the FBI'S investigations unit, they might be able to help you out there. Really, as we keep telling all media responses', when we have time to answer your calls', is that NASA is being very secretive about the latest disclosures', and not even the closest of departments have had any briefing about this project ".

Disappointed, she said, " Thank you, I'll get onto the FBI as soon as ".

" Your very welcome ", the man at the other end, said.

And with that the phones went down.

Back At The Office

Larry was just getting back from an over-extended lunch, the time was nearing Three O' Clock.

Tilda typing up all latest notes', looked over the edge of her glasses', " Back so soon, Larry, what kept you ?, she said, " Sarcastically.

He looked at her with a half smile, " have you finished those notes' yet, Tilda, how's your mum these days'?, he said, wittingly.

Tilda, didn't appear amused at all, she put her head down, and started her write-ups', with out further delay, muttering to herself, " One day I'll leave this Job ", she said to herself, " And then he'll be sorry " as she sat there, tap, tap, tapping, into her monologue of computer work loads'.

Larry strolled into his office, with an easy step, hanging his jacket on the back of his chair, pushing it out, and slumping into it, as he seated himself down.

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Monday 21 February 2011

Larry slammed down the phone, " A typical reaction from the top, no manners at all " , he said to him-self in silent distaste, as he reached for his jacket, heading straight for the door.

" I'm off for an early lunch, Tilda , call me on my cell, if you need me, I'll be back after two ", and with that he left the office.

The public was going about their everyday business, as usual, with nothing to relay home about, it was a normal occurrence to have breaking news', issued, almost on a daily bases', and so daily routine continued.

The Press Office

The newspaper companies and magazine editors saw an open opportunity for press release and stories, the phones began to ring, and a busy flurry of investigative news reporters started their quest for further information's'.

Busy-already writing small articles about the little information that they had already obtained, they started to issue questions about what this would mean for mankind, all departments of other science fields' picking up calls' from the hounding medias'.

The Science Department

" WE KEEP TELLING YOU, THIS IS NOT OUR DEPARTMENT, WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE ISSUES " irate at the continuing nuisance calls', tempers were high.

Answer phones' went on immediate usage, disturbing the natural sequence of the work place.

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Sunday 20 February 2011

Getting-up out of his chair, Larry reached over, pulling the string to open the office-blinds as he continued to peer through, looking down at the general public as they went about their everyday business.

The phone rang behind him, Larry let go of the blinds', and turned around, heading straight back to his desk, reaching over, as he seated him self down, picking up the hand unit, he answered the call.

" FBI's district office ", he said ".

" Larry, get onto NASA'S state department, about this recent, undisclosed information leak ", the voice called back, from down the other end .

Larry, recognising the voice immediately, replied, " I am sorry Sir, NASA has shut down all communications' and operations', until further notice of clearance ", he said, while chewing his gum, discretely.

" I have filled out all administration forms ready for installments of updating the computer data base, and will run up an immediate investigatiopn as soon as any furthering communications' from NASA, are restored. I will further all downloaded documentations' onto your department as soon as I am able to, Sir ". He said.

There was a stiffled silence, " I'll call you later, Larry ". The phone went dead, as the voice on the other end, hung-up.

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Above the surface of the Earth, people were just waking-up to this odd news', about massive developing researches' into the possibilities of sustainable life on Venus, disclosures' made from a un-known locations' and a un-known source of informative', at a NASA base of research department.

People not in any state of awareness, of what these disclosures and or what impact these disclosures would have on their lives or if these disclosures would have any impact at all, oblivious to any furthering NASA plans'.

There was an immediate response from the FBI unit, a call directly to the administrations department, at NASA'S over-seeing body of controls', a inquiry began.

" This is the state department at the Federal Bureau of Investigations', united states of America, we need immediate details' of a undisclosed nature, in relation to this breaking news' alert, issued by CNN, this morning ".

An answer phone picked up the call... there was a pause.....a gap, after , beep, beep,beep ...." NASA is on high alert, and will not be taking any calls' in light of the confidential leak, a breach of high security-relation matter, please leave a message after the tone, and will get back to you, as soon as we are given clearance, beep, beep, beep.......

" Shit, bloody answer phones', ", he said, as he slammed down the hand unit, taking a piece of gum out of his pocket and throwing it up in the air and catching it in his mouth, as he swung around on his chair. Reaching over the table while taking a administrations form, signing it, filling it out, stamping it, for further investigations', leaving it in a memo tray, ready for the Secretary to pick up all his extra work load for download-ment onto the Internet system, ready for a review later in the afternoon.

Page 4.
The official fell silent, before scanning the room-fully and its members', as they stood before him, as he went onto say, " Highly-Unprofessional and very disappointing, you was all briefed on the consequences' of such actions at the very beginning of this entry into our work placements', subject availability confidential and sensitive, in light of all knowledge and researches of awareness's about the Earth's current position. Further discussion will be arranged, as of now, you will all return to your housing units', whereby, if necessary, you will be issued an exit route, if any more advances and or concerns are raised in relation to these un-folding events', of the latest disclosures'".

The spot light dimmed as he stepped away from the stand and headed back towards the room that he had emerged from, pressing a shut-down-button to stop all activated emergency alarm systems', that were still being heard, with minimal effect, out-side the conference room of gatherings'. The doors raised, opening slowly, to allow the staff easy return to their housing units', there was scuffles' of shuffling feet, as all staff members left the room, emptying it of its occupants'.

There was no talking, there was not even an utterance of any personnel, all disappointed in awe of the breach, the whole work force feeling the pressures', not knowing how much information had been exposed to the out-side world and if any of their projects and or researches would continue thereafter.

The disappointment and atmosphere of grudges could be felt, heavy and somber, years of research could be jeopardized in one hit of public awareness.

They all awaited in anticipations', not knowing what to except, in light of the uncoverings' of this unexpected news'.

It was a heated situation , with tensions rising-high.....years of experience , lost at the hands of irresponsibility's'.

Page 3.
The hologramic news bulletin, retreated into automatic Lazar shut down mode, before all the standing room, of congress.

As a top official approached the main speaking-stand, walking with steady pace, he stopped, as if to address all staff members', there was a slight pause.

Tap, tap, the top official banged down with his silver-pen, on the micro-phones', that appeared just over the top of the stand, making sure all audio sounding equipment was working sufficiently, before addressing all staff members '.

" It has come to our notice, that one member of this top security coded institution, has leaked vital information out-into the public domain, relating to all our institutional working top secret projects'. As of now, we do not know the consequences of such an action, we will be monitoring the situation of the public outside awareness, closely. This leak has put us all at high-risk of seek, find and or attack in regards to this under-ground location. This leak, has jeopardized the whole institution of affairs and our projects', to sustain all future entries', to ensure the human survival plan/project."

" The person and or personnel' involved in this high breach of security codes, will be sort out from among you, in an intensive investigation, and disciplined appropriately in accordance with regulations'. If and when we find and or apprehend the person and or personnel, who took it upon themselves to leak this vital information out, into the public domain, we will be issuing an ultimate dismissal of all involved, from this institutional premises and a termination of all entries of work employments'. The over-all damage to this project, is yet to be known".

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