Sunday 20 February 2011

The official fell silent, before scanning the room-fully and its members', as they stood before him, as he went onto say, " Highly-Unprofessional and very disappointing, you was all briefed on the consequences' of such actions at the very beginning of this entry into our work placements', subject availability confidential and sensitive, in light of all knowledge and researches of awareness's about the Earth's current position. Further discussion will be arranged, as of now, you will all return to your housing units', whereby, if necessary, you will be issued an exit route, if any more advances and or concerns are raised in relation to these un-folding events', of the latest disclosures'".

The spot light dimmed as he stepped away from the stand and headed back towards the room that he had emerged from, pressing a shut-down-button to stop all activated emergency alarm systems', that were still being heard, with minimal effect, out-side the conference room of gatherings'. The doors raised, opening slowly, to allow the staff easy return to their housing units', there was scuffles' of shuffling feet, as all staff members left the room, emptying it of its occupants'.

There was no talking, there was not even an utterance of any personnel, all disappointed in awe of the breach, the whole work force feeling the pressures', not knowing how much information had been exposed to the out-side world and if any of their projects and or researches would continue thereafter.

The disappointment and atmosphere of grudges could be felt, heavy and somber, years of research could be jeopardized in one hit of public awareness.

They all awaited in anticipations', not knowing what to except, in light of the uncoverings' of this unexpected news'.

It was a heated situation , with tensions rising-high.....years of experience , lost at the hands of irresponsibility's'.

Page 3.

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