Tuesday 22 February 2011

" This is Press Media 1 ", as she lent down over a piece of paper, " I was wondering ", she said, " Do you have any furthering information about the Venus-Project ".

" The best thing for you to do Mam, is to contact the FBI'S investigations unit, they might be able to help you out there. Really, as we keep telling all media responses', when we have time to answer your calls', is that NASA is being very secretive about the latest disclosures', and not even the closest of departments have had any briefing about this project ".

Disappointed, she said, " Thank you, I'll get onto the FBI as soon as ".

" Your very welcome ", the man at the other end, said.

And with that the phones went down.

Back At The Office

Larry was just getting back from an over-extended lunch, the time was nearing Three O' Clock.

Tilda typing up all latest notes', looked over the edge of her glasses', " Back so soon, Larry, what kept you ?, she said, " Sarcastically.

He looked at her with a half smile, " have you finished those notes' yet, Tilda, how's your mum these days'?, he said, wittingly.

Tilda, didn't appear amused at all, she put her head down, and started her write-ups', with out further delay, muttering to herself, " One day I'll leave this Job ", she said to herself, " And then he'll be sorry " as she sat there, tap, tap, tapping, into her monologue of computer work loads'.

Larry strolled into his office, with an easy step, hanging his jacket on the back of his chair, pushing it out, and slumping into it, as he seated himself down.

Page 7.

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