Sunday 20 February 2011

Getting-up out of his chair, Larry reached over, pulling the string to open the office-blinds as he continued to peer through, looking down at the general public as they went about their everyday business.

The phone rang behind him, Larry let go of the blinds', and turned around, heading straight back to his desk, reaching over, as he seated him self down, picking up the hand unit, he answered the call.

" FBI's district office ", he said ".

" Larry, get onto NASA'S state department, about this recent, undisclosed information leak ", the voice called back, from down the other end .

Larry, recognising the voice immediately, replied, " I am sorry Sir, NASA has shut down all communications' and operations', until further notice of clearance ", he said, while chewing his gum, discretely.

" I have filled out all administration forms ready for installments of updating the computer data base, and will run up an immediate investigatiopn as soon as any furthering communications' from NASA, are restored. I will further all downloaded documentations' onto your department as soon as I am able to, Sir ". He said.

There was a stiffled silence, " I'll call you later, Larry ". The phone went dead, as the voice on the other end, hung-up.

Page 5.

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