Wednesday 29 July 2009

With both legs', Corcoran pushed up against the flowing force of the newly formed waterfall. Swimming with as much strength as he could, we surfaced. As we emerged together, he exploded with an exhalation of breath, gasping for life in his efforts to save me from my own fate.

Fledgling, being some what smaller than Corcoran, swam over. Fledgling reached out and hosted one of my dragging arms', as Corcoran held me on the other side. They swam with speed, to bring me up on to the waters' ledge. Not moving and stiffly cold from the freezing water, Corcoran began to pump the engulfed water from my body. I spattered and coughed heavy amounts of water, leaning over, half on my side, I was sick. I fell back on to a dusty bed of sand that lined the cave's floor. Floating between life and death, Fledgling began to shake my shoulders' gently to prevent me from sleeping, I might never have awakened.

I rolled my eyes' slowly open, to see Cocoran and Fledgling leaning over me, staring at me, frantically, looking for signs' of life. I reached up and pulled at Corcoran's soaking leather strap, that encased ' The Maps' Of Ryon'. I pulled with as much strength as I could physically manage then. I managed to get myself into a seating position, still coughing, with my head down, shaking with the force of violent shock, I couldn't do much, though I knew that time was of the essence. I had no choice but to sit it out.

Fledgling was up on his feet, looking around at the new environment that we found ourselves in, " I haven't been in here before. " He said, as he looked up towards the surrounding cave.
Dripping wet and cold, they hung their heavy clothes', on the rocks' to dry. Corcoran came close to me and lowered himself down next to me , rolling over in the sandy floor to dry himself and keep warm. He stopped, laying flat on his back with exhaustion. Fledgling wasn't far behind him and followed his lead.

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