Wednesday 29 July 2009

Trembling with fear , I turned my head towards the back of me, to see what the others' were doing, not that I could see much. It wasn't the best position for us to be in. The trickles' of water from the embedded cracks', fell upon my head, making me nervous, with an itch. I knew I couldn't stay still for much longer, I tried my best, but the irritation got the better of me and as I reached up to address my itch amongst the rumbling vibrations', the cracks' in the side walls' began to widen and water came dashing in from all around us. The surface that I was resting upon, started to push away at the foot of my hands', to reveal a very deep wide drop. The water pushed me over the new edge and I was dangling with Corcoran and Fledgling beside me.

The water was bitter cold and I couldn't hold my grip for long, with that, we was forced off the edge, slipping into the drop, not knowing our own fate. Screaming as we fell. We didn't fall for long, as we landed, bumping down on to a vertical slope, being roughly plunged forward, with force, into a water pool.

The force of the landing, pushed us into the depths of the water and I found myself struggling to swim up against the current. Not being able to feel the bottom or push up towards the surface, I began to fade away, slowly letting go of life, as the air was being pushed out of my lungs' and with a tight opening of my mouth, I felt a huge amount of water engulf my body.

Corcoran had reached the surface with Fledgling beside him, treading water, Corcoran soon realised, I hadn't made it to the top. With that he inhaled as much air as possible and came after me, my heavy sinking body, drifting deeper. Swimming in haste, to look for me. He was swirling around, almost dazed. Than, with a sudden downward dive, he grabbed the neck of my dress and pulled as hard as he could.


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