Sunday 22 February 2009

I crept out slowly, through the rigidness of the hollow tree. Scratching the sides' of my arms' on the sharpness of the bark, as I did so. I cut myself a little, here and there, but not enough to kill me though. I stood up and dusted myself down, choking on the bits' of crumpled dried leafs' that had became stuck to me, the like of, dust and static. I looked around, back towards' the entrance of the forest, though I had been down this route, many-times', before, with my aunt May, it seemed very different this time. Sort of scary and bewildering; I hesitated,

" Um ", I thought. Should I continue on, towards, what could be an adventure of a lifetime, or should I turn back ".

I decided, with slight hesitation, that I would continue onwards' , into the creeping -forestry. Not knowing, what I would encounter on my way through the forest, or even if I would encounter anything at all.

The day wasn't the best of days', though there was some signs' of spring . When I left the house the air felt good and it gave me the full- inspiration to go. As I stood there, in the surroundings' of the wild brash, at that very moment, withou another second, I felt the wind shift and the clouds' turn, they took on a cold appearance, and things' started to seem more wintry then spring.

I picked up my sack of food, looked at the tree-cramped -path, ahead; gathered my thoughts' and inhaled a deep breath. A quick look around, once more, as I started heading deeper into the earring-woods'. I heard every single footstep, and the sound echoed again, twice in my ears'. It was truly the first time that I had experienced, any kind of fear. All I could think to myself was, that fear had to be better then boredom. So fear it was, and the forest it was too.

As I walked along the path of thorn trees' and rough bushes', I started to feel like I wasn't alone. Things' started to appear as if they were alive, I mean not the creatures', of the forest, but more like the shadows' of the trees' and the wind the way it whirled around in the air.

I walked faster and faster, stepping up the pace, heading straight down the middle of the forest. It was hard for me to recognise the wooded area, and then I realised that I wasn't standing in a place that I could remember from past tracks'. I sat down and opened my sack, pulling out the fruit that I had gathered from the house. I felt like I needed to take a good rest, before continuing. I was a bit tired after travelling into the forest. I looked back, straight down, into the path. It appeared to merge with the scenery, at that point, I thought maybe I was lost. Only one way left to go and that was forward. I sat there for a while, rubbing my arms', to keep warm.


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