Sunday 22 February 2009

After sitting there for sometime; I noticed someone hiding behind, a not so tall, but quite wide, tree. I called out to the boyish figure,

" Who is it ?".

No answer came my way, so I called out again,

" Who are you ? ".

Still, no answer came my way. I announced, myself,

" I am Georgina, but everyone call's me Georgie ".

I got up from my seat, and walked over to where I had just seen, the darkish- figure ,of a proposed boy. As I moved closer towards him, he seemed to flicker from behind one tree, to the next. I didn't feel fear of him, actually I was pleased to have company, amongst the trees' of the darkened forest.

I followed his flickered movements' across the stream of heavy branches', I became increasingly aware that this darkish figure of a boy, was pushing for me to follow him further and deeper into the depths' of the woodland.

Before I was aware, I was in a place, unrecognisable from the route taken by myself and May. I was surrounded by thorns' and prickles' of all kinds'. My clothes' tangling amongst them. In a panic, I tried to release myself from the thorns' and prickles' of the heavy branches'. I looked up, and realised that I could no longer see, the boy that had been following me.

Where had he disappeared too ?. Who was he ?, and why had he led me to such a horrid place ?. I felt panic, slowly creeping up on me, as I began to twirl and twist, in a daze, amongst the thorns'' and bushes' of the gathering forest.


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