Monday 23 February 2009

I felt the branches', of the old -brittle -trees', come to life. I felt the tough outer edges' of the branches', engulfing me from head to toe, without compassion. I thought I was going to die.

All was quite, no sound could be heard.

After all the screeching and scratching of my panic driven voice, I fell silent, as silence fell, into the, muffled - excitement of the woodland. As everything settled down around me, I saw the shadow of the strange boy again , as he was peering out from behind the trees', at me. I saw him looking, shyly across the leaf-scattered, dusty -woodland- floor.

" What do you, call for ? ", he said, as he shouted, roughly at me. I was bewildered by his remark. What was this boy asking me ?. He spoke in a way that wasn't familiar, even though I understood his tone. He spoke with strength, almost king like, as his voice echoed across the wind-stricken-air.

Again he asked me the same question,

" What do you call for ?. "

I was still dazed, and traumatised by the whole event, and I felt like, I didnt have enough strength to utter any more words', from my quivering lips'. I simply replied, in the quietest of voices',

" I am, Georgie ".

At that moment, out of a shock like state, I must have passed out.


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