Tuesday 27 October 2009

They stood facing each other, looking across the overcasting - brash, that surrounded them both.

Dropsical brought forth the spear, with one hand, he lifted it out, before him. He clasped his fists' around the shinning pole of the spear's body, as he thudded it down upon the ground. The whole earth shook beneath the forestry - surroundings, as they stood facing each other across the small space of land, that divided them. White beams' of, rippling- glowing- light, ascended, upwards', and outwards' disappearing into the depths' of the shadowy branches'. Flowers' crumpling to dust, as the evil- darkness of Dropsicals touch, entered the very essence of nature, itself.

Ample; having been touched by the beauty of the stone, ascended into the air, above the quaking landscape. Before; Dropsical had time to move, Ample raised his fists' behind his head, dashing them forward, stretching his hands' out, and then with an overpowering might, he released red rays' of what appeared to be a form of electric light, from his outstretched fingers'. The red rays' of light, clasped the spear, pulling onto it, with an almighty force, hard, as the goodness of the stone's power, descended around the spear itself.

Dropsical had a firm grip on the spear, and the force of his evil clasp, fought against the goodness of the stone's powers'. The white light entangled amongst the red light, as Dropsical was pushed back with force, from the grip of the spear. He forced his hands' into the beaming rays', of the spear's light, the light disappearing into Drpsical's body, as he vanished into thin air.

The light from the stone, brought the spear forth, before Ample. The spear descended into the hands' of Ample. As Ample stood in the air, he gently drew the spear into himself. Then descended with grace, onto the ground.


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