Friday 16 October 2009

Chapter 27 : AMPLE, come's face to face with DROPSICAL

Meanwhile; Ample descended before the large lake. Facing Dropsical, who had already raised the beast from his peaceful tranquility. Handing the spell over to the beast, the beast disappeared back into the shimmering depths' of the water. Dropsical turned; and to his surprise, Ample stood facing him, with an outlandish- courage.

Dropsical paced the edge of the lake, turning his head from under his, down-turned chin, to face him. Staring at him through his big, white-gleaming eyes'. He spoke, as he held the spear, with both of his hands', behind his back.

" ELF !, he exclaimed, " What brings you before me ? ". He turned around on his toes', facing directly towards Ample, as he came to a complete hault.

" I have come for the spear ". He said, almost defiant in his undertones'.

" And what makes' you so sure, that I will relinquish the spear ? ". He said, blinking as the light shut down across his vision.

" I am not here to argue with you. I will claim the spear from you today, and I will take it back into the compound with me. I will watch over it, until the time comes', when a great force will appear, to defeat you, and your darkness ".

Dropsical, laughed out load, echoing over the woodlands', touching the ears' of every tree, as he did so. The echo returning, and rotating into the forestry behind him.


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