Tuesday 27 October 2009

Before Ample could move, the spear shone across the barren forest, bringing life to every branch and flower that surrounded him, standing there alone.

The lake, returning to it's formal colour, of translucent blue. The beast had crawled, up high, into the cave beneath the lake, just missing the touches' of the spear's powerful rays'.

Ample looked before him, realising he was holding the key to, Descales' kingdom. Having seen visions' through the power of the stone, he bowed his head in respect, making his way back, towards' the compound of the Elves'.

Upon entering the compound; Ample was greeted by almost everyone. The children approached him, looking for answers'. Ample pushed past the crowd, on his return. He retreated into himself, leaving everyone wondering about his condition. It took him many days' to approach me, and even then he restricted himself in his speech.

Murcle looked up into the seated crowd, I tried many ways' to get him to tell me about the spear and it's powers', but each time I approached him, he rebuked my invitation. And so, we have forbidden him to join us in our community ".

Murcle stood up, stretching. " Anyway ", he said. " It's another day tomorrow. We will start to make new plans'; immediately ". He turned, making his way towards' the door of the tent, just before, making his exit, he turned again, and said, " I suggest you get some sleep " . And with that, he disappeared out, into the darkness of the shadowy night.

They stood facing each other, looking across the overcasting - brash, that surrounded them both.

Dropsical brought forth the spear, with one hand, he lifted it out, before him. He clasped his fists' around the shinning pole of the spear's body, as he thudded it down upon the ground. The whole earth shook beneath the forestry - surroundings, as they stood facing each other across the small space of land, that divided them. White beams' of, rippling- glowing- light, ascended, upwards', and outwards' disappearing into the depths' of the shadowy branches'. Flowers' crumpling to dust, as the evil- darkness of Dropsicals touch, entered the very essence of nature, itself.

Ample; having been touched by the beauty of the stone, ascended into the air, above the quaking landscape. Before; Dropsical had time to move, Ample raised his fists' behind his head, dashing them forward, stretching his hands' out, and then with an overpowering might, he released red rays' of what appeared to be a form of electric light, from his outstretched fingers'. The red rays' of light, clasped the spear, pulling onto it, with an almighty force, hard, as the goodness of the stone's power, descended around the spear itself.

Dropsical had a firm grip on the spear, and the force of his evil clasp, fought against the goodness of the stone's powers'. The white light entangled amongst the red light, as Dropsical was pushed back with force, from the grip of the spear. He forced his hands' into the beaming rays', of the spear's light, the light disappearing into Drpsical's body, as he vanished into thin air.

The light from the stone, brought the spear forth, before Ample. The spear descended into the hands' of Ample. As Ample stood in the air, he gently drew the spear into himself. Then descended with grace, onto the ground.


Friday 16 October 2009

Chapter 27 : AMPLE, come's face to face with DROPSICAL

Meanwhile; Ample descended before the large lake. Facing Dropsical, who had already raised the beast from his peaceful tranquility. Handing the spell over to the beast, the beast disappeared back into the shimmering depths' of the water. Dropsical turned; and to his surprise, Ample stood facing him, with an outlandish- courage.

Dropsical paced the edge of the lake, turning his head from under his, down-turned chin, to face him. Staring at him through his big, white-gleaming eyes'. He spoke, as he held the spear, with both of his hands', behind his back.

" ELF !, he exclaimed, " What brings you before me ? ". He turned around on his toes', facing directly towards Ample, as he came to a complete hault.

" I have come for the spear ". He said, almost defiant in his undertones'.

" And what makes' you so sure, that I will relinquish the spear ? ". He said, blinking as the light shut down across his vision.

" I am not here to argue with you. I will claim the spear from you today, and I will take it back into the compound with me. I will watch over it, until the time comes', when a great force will appear, to defeat you, and your darkness ".

Dropsical, laughed out load, echoing over the woodlands', touching the ears' of every tree, as he did so. The echo returning, and rotating into the forestry behind him.


Friday 9 October 2009

The king pushed past Ample, dashing out into the courtyard, with Ample at his side, " The king looked out, onto his remaining kingdom. " What is this, you bring ? ", he said. " You have brought with you a curse ". " No ". Ample said, " I have brought for you today the release of your kingdom. For the stone has revealed a story to me, of a girl who will come to claim the book. She will be the only one, who will be able to read the maps', that are contained within its' sacred pages'. She will come to collect the stone, returning it to it's rightful place.

Once she returns' the stone, to your kingdom, the city that Dropsical has raised, will fall, lost to all eternity. I will not be able to leave the compound of the Elves', after this day. The stone calls' for princess Elena, she will free your people, unlocking the rift of past events'. You will know her by her strange look, she will not look like or speak like, that of your people. But her conduct of manners' will mark her identity . I must leave now ". He said, and with that he was gone.

The king dashed into his library, placing the book within his bookcase. Looking frantically for the golden lettered scroll that he hid earlier. After taking some books' down, he found it. He knew for the protection of the future princess, he would have to separate the book from the scroll. Taking the scroll, and hurrying back towards' his throne, he called for Degan.

Degan, came running in, " What have you called for ? ". He said, bowing his head in the presence of the king. " Degan , I call upon you in urgency . I need you to bring me my most entrusted knight. Go now, without delay ". And with that, Degan bowed his head and disappeared into the enormous shadows', of the king's presence.


Thursday 8 October 2009

Dropsical; wasn't impressed, having to retrace his steps', back to the shimmering waters' of the lake. Without further hesitation; Dropsical vanished, leaving Alvina behind.

Ample; hiding -deep down, onto the floor, caught some of the magnificence', that the stone released. He shrank in height, immediately, and gained an astonishing amount of speed. He cleared the floor within a few fleeting seconds'. Surpassing the glare of, Alvina. Alvina saw a fleeting shadow, flicker across the shiny surface of the marbled floor, too fast for her to catch sight of; Ample was gone.

Ample, wasn't ready to make his way back to the settlement, taking the book, he descended into the upper world. Taking himself out of all known reality, as he found himself standing before the king of Abdon.

" Here is the, Map's Of Ryon ', he said. Handing the book over to the king. The king took hold of the book , trying to open the delicate detailed cover. The book wouldn't budge. Within seconds' of descending, the curse beset itself upon the city, as a shimmering darkness fell over Abdon, eclipsing the entire kingdom. The city began shrinking into itself, leaving only a simmering taste of what was standing before.


Wednesday 7 October 2009


Here is an ancient spell, cast from the bounty of the stone. The stone will hold it's protective qualities', over your kingdom. The spell has been given to you, it must never be read. Upon any reading of the enchanted words', Alvina's voice, will seize, leaving the stone open, to any wondering thief.

The Words You Should Never Mutter.

Nor Should You Utter.

The Release Of The Stone.

Falling Of The Throne.

Alvina's Power,

Will Not Shower.

The Protective Stone.

Shanzan's Devour!!!
Dropsical, holding the scroll , let his hand fall gently down towards his side, as he thought about protecting the scroll. He made his decision, the beast would have to guard it, separating it from , both Alvina, and the stone. All the while, Ample was in the background; watching intently, learning all about the situation, his nation was facing.
He knew instantly that something had occurred. Without further hesitation; Dropsical used the power of the spear, to take himself back into the heart of he city. Alvina, turned around, quick on her toes'. Bending down, as she reached for the stone. " Leave it ", Dropsical's voice, came out of nowhere, descending down upon her. Standing up, hands' trembling with fear, she stood in awe of the dark king, as he summoned the stone to rise. The stone was beating with extreme rays', as it started to make it's way over to Dropsical; gently, gliding through the air.

Dropsical, looked deep within the stone, " Speak upon me with vision, dear stone of beauty ". He said. The stone was silent, refusing to respond to Dropsical's request. Dropsiacl became enraged, unable to control the stone's internal powers', he threw it with all his might. The stone shot back, coming to an abrupt stop, resting in mid-air. Rising up, came a scroll, the scroll glided over to Dropsical; clenching it, within both hands', he brought it forth before his eyes'.

Looking down upon the scroll, he started to read what was on the leathering paper.


Tuesday 6 October 2009

When he saw that the coast was clear, Ample resurfaced, heading back out into the realm. He started to make his way, straight into the heart of the city. Not looking back, he headed for the beautiful glow of the stone. Coming in from a different direction, it wasn't long before he found himself surrounded by the walls' of the protective maze.

Still confused about the changes', Ample knew that Dropsical must have been behind the altercations', of the realm. He came in closer, making his way, further towards the stone. On the approach; Ample, heard Alvina' s voice, singing out; silently in the background. Coming up from behind her, Ample, took the book, catching Alvina off guard, as she was pottering around, wasting time, with her voice.

Ample lent down, reaching out, as he picked up ' The Maps' Of Ryon', he disappeared back into the background of the maze. The stone fell towards the ground, hitting the surface of the floor, with a sharp, and hard sounding, almost shattering it.

The ground of the maze, was struck with profound beautification , almost immediately. Spreading to the very core of the new city. Dropsical felt a strange force, a sudden impact, flowing through the surface of the ground.


Monday 5 October 2009

He caught himself, picking himself up with both hands'. He stood overlooking the large step that he found himself standing on. He knelt down, turning around, as he eased himself off, jumping towards the ground, he hit the floor, landing on his two feet.

Standing up, Ample looked into the darkness, as he started to make his way into the foundations' of the city. Approaching the end of the corridor, he found himself faced with a junction.

Ample, looked in front of him, seeing a large door standing in the distance. He was bewildered at the new condition's of the realm. Slightly impressed with disorientation, he made his way towards the door. Pulling hard on the handle, he realised that the door was shut firm. Tugging as hard as he could, the door wouldn't budge.

Turning around, he walked towards the opposite corridor, not knowing what he would be faced with, he continued regardless. Coming towards the end, Ample entered into the city. He turned around on his feet, trying to get his barrings'. Not knowing his exact whereabouts; he soon discovered that he wasn't alone.

Upon hearing strange voices', Ample retraced his step's, back into the bleakness of the corridor. Taking shelter as he watched humans passing him.

Ample, ran back on foot, into the compound. " It's no use ", he said. " The beast is laying, awaiting and ready. I will try again in the morning ". And with that, he dumped down his supplies', and went to rest. The next morning, Ample was up early, just as the day was beginning. Picking up his weaponry, and other supplies', he headed off, exiting the compound.

Approaching the lake, he crept passed as quietly as he could. He hesitated, stopping several times', in the surrounding branches', of forestry. Before he made his way towards the towering cliffs', that Dropsical had planted with the spear.

Standing before the towering mountains', Ample looked up at the gigantic rockery, as he started to ascend. He found the climb difficult, but before long, he had reached the nearing top. Unable to see the doorway through, he continued, until he found himself, standing before a newly tiled, balcony.

There; before him was the doorway into the realm. He walked into the surrounding darkness, inhaling, as he did so. He couldn't see into the realm easily, and as he stepped out further, his foot slipped off a very large ledge, causing him to fall slightly from the surface, of the dusting floor.


Sunday 4 October 2009


Sabad turned towards me, with guilt stricken eyes', then turning her head back towards Murcle, she spoke, as she interrupted him. " You never relayed the full story to us before, Murcle, why ? ". She said, looking at him.

Murcle turned towards' Sabad; " My dear ", he said. " There's a time and place for everything, including, historical events' ". And with that, he took the sweet tea in his hand and drank, finishing the last drops'. He placed the cup down, taking his hand, as he wiped the remaining droplets', from his lips'.

" As days' turned into months', and months' turned into years', and years' grow into centuries', we became accustomed to our new environment.

It took us sometime to figure out, how to pass the beast, at first it wasn't easy. He awaited us, by night, when we thought he would be sleeping . We needed a volunteer to venture into the realm. Ample, was the first to go. Preparing several days' in advance, he left in the late hours of the night. He got as far as the lake, but the moment his foot touched the embankment's edge, the beast arose, shooting out of the water, after Ample.


Saturday 3 October 2009

Looking back down the corridor of his new home, he entered into the room. With a sudden gush of wind swept rain, he was gone.

Dropsical stood in the center of the maze, awaiting Myron's return. As Myron descended through a small mystical tornado. Myron; standing before him, handed him the book, reaching out as he did so. Myron tried at best to speak about the voice he had heard, but as he spoke; Descales' words', descended from his mouth, under no control. " Enjoy your kingdom, oh, master of this darkened realm ". He said, and with that, his gift of sudden movement, descended down upon him, and then he was gone.

Dropsical was happy to receive the book, turning around, as his face shone out, with ghastly over powering evil. He lifted the book down, onto a round, stone table. With the red stone, beaming it's protective glow, across the new foundation of the city, levitating above.

Dropsical stood in front of the stone, as Alvina moved towards' him. " Alvina, here is the stone; it's under your guard. You have been gifted with a voice that you will learn all about , as you grow. you will discover it's powerful qualities'. This is where you will remain, a binding home, of eternal bounty. Never let your guard down, Alvina. This is what you have been chosen for ". He said, as he rose above his new creation, looking out at the vast expanse of the cityscape. Happy with it's closed security, from any venturing elf.


Friday 2 October 2009

The book arose from Myron's hands', lifting before him, with a bright shining light, surrounding it . He reached out for it, as an over powering force, shot out, pushing him back towards the wall. He fell unconscious, with his head slightly, dropping to the side.

The book produced a key, forcing it, out, into the air. Myron, came around slowly, watching the events', unfold before his very eyes'. He heard a voice, that he didn't recognize before. " Myron, the creator of the book. I will tell you a secret, that you will not be able to utter. For I have set a seal upon you ! ". He exclaimed. Myron, was unable to speak; mesmerized, by the sudden power, that was cast out, from the book.

" A princess will come in search of the book, she will find it in the kingdom of Abdon, with pure heart, she will be able to read the maps'. Returning the stone to the kingdom it was stolen from. All that you see here now, will vanish, and the city of Ryon will be lost for all eternity . I will give you a choice, " Release the book, and obtain your freedom, or send the book to Dropsical. If you decide to hand the book to Dropsical, you will be banished for all eternity, along with Dropsical's kingdom ".

Myron; arose from the floor, taking hold of the book, shutting it hard, encasing the key into the pages'. He looked around the room, into the nothingness that surrounded him " , as he continued to make his way out into the corridor, down towards the darkened room.


Chapter 24 : The Creation Of; ' THE MAPS' OF RYON

Myron, releasing the gift that had descended upon him. Rose into the air, with a sudden gush of swirling wind, and rain, he was hurled out of center of the maze.

From nowhere, Myron came, hurling, wind swept into a strange darkened room; surprisingly, dry. A little dizzy and disorientated, Myron stepped out, with a new found confidence, into the semi - darkened corridor. When Myron was standing firm inside the corridor, he knew immediately, that this was his residence. Walking around the empty apartment, he started to touch, the surrounding environment, creating his home.

He sat down in the middle of his small living room, facing down towards a table, as he began to write, with his eye's, creating page after page, of ' The Maps' Of Ryon '. On completion, he sealed it, with part of his gift. Ascribing a legacy, upon the book. ' The Maps' Of Ryon ', encased in the deepest part of the city. No permission is given, that this book should be removed, by any who occupy the sacred grounds of the, City Of Ryon. And with that, he wiped his hands' over the book, besetting a curse, upon any kingdom, who managed to obtain the book.

Once his deployment had ceased, he was left with a select few, standing before him. " This here day, you will be the keepers' of the maze ". He said, as he lifted himself up from the ground, levitating, before the select few, pacing through the air. " From this day forth, no-one from outside this maze will be able to enter, you are my select few ". He stated. " It will be your job to, keep records' of all the events' that take place within the city of Ryon ". He said as he pointed out towards', a funny looking, oldish man. " You ! " He exclaimed. " You; you will be the drawer of the maps'. Come close to the stone, look deep within it's rays', you will know all the routes' of this kingdom ". He said.

The man came forward, as Dropsical lowered himself towards the ground, " And, you are ? " He spoke, directing his question towards the old man.

The old man looked up at him, " I am, Myron ", he said. Dropsical, studied him for a while, he moved his head slightly to the left and then slightly to the right, nodding, to himself, with a cunning smirk; as he said, " Look deep into the stone, you will find all your answers', there ". Dropsical, brought the stone before Myron's, eye's. Myron stared into the stone, as it began to relay the information, digitally; flickering through Myron's mind, page after page, while the stone was still creating and constructing the mazes' of Ryon.

On completion, the last maze was sealed. " Go now, and do not return here, until you bring for me; ' The Map's Of Ryon ' ". He said, as he stood in the core of the kingdom.

Dropsical, lifted the stone, out over the people. " Oh, stone of protective qualities, lift the ground, high from underneath you . Here, you will reside, within the mazes' of life. Alvina, will protect you, with her charming grace ".

The ground roared up, around the gathering people, with huge walls', towering above. The people moved further in, towards' Dropsical. " Oh, ye people, I will gift you, with the knowledge of the stone ". He threw the stone out into the crowd, clutching it, in both hands'. The people flung their heads', and hands'; back, with a mighty passion, as they embraced the knowledge of the stone.

Dropsical, spoke, " Many new cities' are unfolding as we speak. Go, ye people , who used to sow the wheat. Live your life, upon your gift of knowledge ". They rose up, bunching together, as they vanished, disappearing, into, what we now know; to be, the city of, golden wheat.

Dropical; pushed on, as he gave his instructions', to his new found kingdom. Some men, raced through the maze, grabbing new apartments' that had been created, from the miracle of the stone. Other members' of Dropsical's kingdom, had miracles' bestowed upon them, being able to move from one place to another, without the blinking of an eye.


Thursday 1 October 2009


Dropsical, was finally happy to get his hands', on the heart of the stone. Leading the way down into the depth's of the city. The city was still in disrepair, Dropsical; having spent most of his time, in search of us, the surviving elves', having lived through his ferocious attack. He marched his men over the accursed stream, passing, area dot, H, as he done so.

As he marched his new kingdom, down into the heart of the city. The heart of the stone, started to release it's protective love. Bringing the city to life, changing and transforming the very essence of death, that had befallen it, during the attack of, Dropsical's ascension. The city was reforming and restructuring, dramatically before them. Opening out, creating city, upon city. Layer, upon layer. All the while, Dropsical was leading the men, into the heart of the realm.

Once he had reached the heart of the realm, he halted all the men before him. The stone , still working it's magnificent qualities' . " O, men of the upper world; you are witnessing the creation of a new city, a city that will be unlike any other. We will exceed, and create new wonders', using the beautiful qualities'; of the stone ". He said.



The king, concerned with the protection of his remaining kingdom, took hold of the spear. He stood, overlooking the steps'; that drew down into the darkened passage, leading further away into the depths' of the earth. Mysterious and bewildering to the kings' eye, he drew up the spear, and thrust it down upon the opened earth. " You shell be banished for all eternity ". The king said, as he struck the underground stairway.

The rays', shone-out, so bright, they was blinding to the eye. The power of the spear, threw the King, back. Him and his, two entrusted guards', flew out of the gates' . The gates' shut, firm and hard, locking the courtyard - gardens'; down, before the very, King.

The gardens', twisted and turned, changing shape, becoming more enchanting than ever before. A beautiful - gold metal, spread; awakening golden flowers', that blossomed over the bars'; spreading fast and furiously, towards the top. The king sat up, upon the ground, as he and his guards', gathered themselves' together , watching in utter amazement. The paving folded it's self back into it's original condition. Rectangle ponds'; surfaced, and rose bushes' grow up, enriching the gardens', further.

Meanwhile, the palace and the separated earth, joined together, as if they had never been apart. The city fell silent, as the cloud of shadowy death, disappeared.

The Kings' men, picked themselves' up from the outskirts' of the city as they made their way back into the kingdom of Abdon. Leaving the men of Ryon, to stagger away, back towards' their own kingdom, to announce the news' to the Queen.
