Sunday 6 September 2009

There, under the cobble stone was a bronze key. Corcoran picking it up, said " Here catch this ". Throwing the key into the air, Fledgling reached out to catch it. Stretching out with both hands', as the key fell into his grasp. Bending down once again, he looked onto the rustic bars' in search for further instructions'. " It read's, ' place the key in the lock and turn ' ". Fledgling placed the key into the lock and turned, expecting the gate to open, but the gate remained firmly shut. Looking back into the inscription, he saw the bars rotating, quarterly clockwise.

" What else does it read ", I said as Fledgling looked puzzled. " Turn the key in the opposite direction and then wait for me, I'll be inside the gate so turn me in the lock three " He said, as he followed the instructions of the inscription. Click, click, click, the lock releasing itself as the gate opened slightly ajar. Taking hold of the handle, I pulled open the gate, peering my head slowly around it.

Corcoran came up behind me, he leaned right over the top of my head, to see in. I felt his heavy body pushing me down, as I complained at him. " Your hurting me ", I pushed back at him easing off, from behind me. Not being able to see right into the row of walls', we walked in slowly. As Fledgling came in from behind us, the gate shut banging hard with a thud. As we stood there, we heard the lock turn, the key being on the other side of the towering gate, we then found ourselves' trapped.


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