Monday 7 September 2009

Chapter 8 : THE BEAST

Corcoran paced forward as he came to a stand still. Turning around, his face now appearing in shadow, barley enough for us to see it. He spoke, " Well ", he said. Biting at his bottom lip, " What choice do we have ? . If we face Alvina alone, we will surly end up encased in one of her eternal cages', never to see daylight again. I have never been a prisoner and I don't intend on becoming one now ". He said, with his hands' resting upon his hips'.

Fledgling turned to look at me, " I have to agree with him ", he said with an expression of concern on his face. " We have to defeat the beast, its' the only chance we have of obtaining the stone without falling pray to the wicked elf witch ". I pouted my lips' tightly together, turning them in; to the right side of me. " That's it then, you guys' have already made your minds' up !". I said, half unhappy with the verdict. " So characteristic of the male ego ", I said, as I looked towards the louring shadowy exit on the left.

" I know that we are taking a chance, we could die doing this " , Corcoran said , looking down at his feet as he stroked the stone floor with his boot. " I just cant stand thinking about falling victim to internal imprisonment. Death would surly be better, die trying rather then facing certain death in a cage. To fight against paining odds', must be better than running into a trap of bewitchment. " He said, talking himself into a encouraging hypnotic trance.


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