Sunday 6 September 2009


Treading carefully around the sharp edges' of the protruding blades', me and Corcoran joined Fledgling , safely on the other side. Fledgling closing his eyes' and rubbing them tight with his fingers', scrunching up his face as he did so. It was clear that the pressure of the quest was getting to him.

" We have to keep moving, there is no time for feeling sorry for yourself ". I said, trying to keep his spirits' up, as he shook his head. " Was it you ", with a spiteful tone in his voice, he continued, " That just experienced near death ? ", he said, snapping back at me. " No ", I replied quietly lowering my voice.

" I cant see any sign of my parents' in this dreadful place. " He said, frowning, almost blaming me. Depleted and hanging his head down with despair, he continued, " If I don't find them, my fate will surely be at the mercy of Ryon ". He said, looking up at me with sad eyes'.

" Never give up, Fledgling " , I said humbly, we might still find them ", trying to ease his unspoken pain. " They could be encased in the eternal cages' of Alvina's poisonous musical etiquette's " . I said, patting him on the back, with a cheerful kind of hopefulness, as I tucked my mouth in shyly not really knowing what else to say....


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