Saturday 21 February 2009



In the field, at the end of our home, was a gate, leading down to our local-village. There was only one problem, my aunt May; she would never let me venture anywhere beyond our old wooden gate.

I swang on the gate many days', pondering about the village that lay down the valley path. If I was to go, I would have to pass through the scary- forest, across the muddyFont size-marsh- land, and onto the very busy road.

I wasn't sure about it. I thought I was too young, and without enough experience to take on such a challenge, it appeared to be, so daring. As the days' passed, I became increasingly bored with the little field at the end of our home. I started to think more about venturing across the gate. I knew it was beyond the boundaries' that had been set; but my curiosity got the better of me.

I planned my adventure for more than a week, stacking up on any spare food that I could get my hands' on. Storing the food in my sack. I had a small selection of fruits', a piece of apple-crumble; fresh-baked-pie, wrapped in an old cloth. I thought to myself, " That should be enough for the day. ", I had other bits' of food too, that I had gathered, together.

I put my rack sack under my bed; waiting for the new day to begin, I felt very excited about my plans'. I tried my best to keep still, not to show any excitement in the home, though I thought she suspected something.

I was more fidgety that morning than other mornings'. At breakfast time, I was more eager to get out of the house and into the field. I told my aunt that I wanted to pick apples', for her Sunday, apple- crumble-bake. Oh, my aunt May was delighted with my offer , and thought the very world of me. Little did she know, I was about to escape the narrow field....


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