Friday 28 January 2011

Earth Reborn -

Programme investigative : Venus 1.



Hard-Drive: System 1

Name: Dr

Recording events ': Descriptive-Analysis : Reporting of changes' in the environment and statistical-gatherings of graphical-data-inputs'.

The world was coming to it's ultimate end...

It was the year..... 3022

Science advances had progressed immensely, and a selective few were chosen to inhabit the new development plans for Venus.

As the Earth cooled, the atmosphere was becoming much like the moon's sources' of fragmentation's', dry, dusty and un-inhabitable, a few top engineered doctors and other members of NASA and the elite, obtained authoritarian codes to live and co-work in under-ground containment units' of further arrangements', in an un-known location, deep within the Earth's surface.

Venus, had been under-going extreme scientific-observations' for many years', under intensive programmes of a suitable match for the reproduction of life and other engineering that would fore-see the survival of the human-race.

As time progressed, Venus was developing an Earthly like environment, all the while, the Earth was depleting in substance and other source factors of vegetation's'.

The Earth, was hiding small pockets of Human resistance. Learning to live in the depths of the Earth's port holes of hidden air capsules', that lay - embedded deep inside the Earth.

The news' eventually broke out, a leak from a conscious-ridden-insider, passing un-official data out, into the un suspecting world, breaching all security codes of conducts'. There was an immediate shut down, systemic-alarms'-ringing-out, with red shut down emergency lighting flashing at a accelerated rate, within this high-priority-internal-institution.

A panic broke out within the depths of the building, filtering to the very core of the institution.

Doctors rushing from everywhere, heading straight to the emergency room, a out-letting-space, to be given the enlightenment of the news', from a high-security-encoded news room of entries'. A filtering of satellite and other source materials from the out-side world.

The News' Room

Gathering in a mass-congregation of scientists and other members of internal administrations; they awaited apprehensively, not knowing what had caused such a drastic shut down and a high-security breech of conduction mode.

The panic subsided, and quietness fell, as the largest room in the unit was jammed packed with officials from all coded departments'.

The hosting hologramic news, beamed in, across the restricted televised zone, the hologramic image of projection, unfolding before the institution of officials , as it ushered in, reining down, the news representatives in 3D images', into the center of the room.

It has been announced:
By intelligence officials', a programme has started, a project of un-announced proportions', the subject, NASA investigates Venus, for future possibilities of habitations and the ability to host the human-race to insure the co-foundations of humanities survivals'.

Informative: un-known source of enlightenment, from NASA's organisation of affairs'.

The furture of the Earth's security and life-occuapying standards of substance, unknown. Further news', awaiting to be revealed.

Page 1.

The people up-rose in mass wars', as their fate was being determined, the majority would be left behind, to burn from the cooling of the Earth's atmosphere, as the sun's heat decreased at a regulated pace.

Gradually, the wars subsided, with people dying everyday....

Death, destruction and dissolutes' of vegetation, surrounded the few thousands of people left behind, after the mass destruction's of the PEOPLES' war.

It was pointless, people had to find their own resolves of inhabitants of atmospheric standards', to keep in line with the changing of the Earth's environments'.....

All the while, Venus was developing Earthly standards of inhibitions'

Will the film begin with mass up-risings' of the people...after a televised documentary on the discovery of grass and water droplets on Venus, as the people realise the Earth's depletion's of surrounding environments', information leaking out, that there would be programmes of selective families' that would be chosen to carry the Human linage to the Earth's twin planet, Venus.

And flow into a following story....

I'll let you decide....

All admissions from CCTV footage of other ideas to co-enhance this new idea of film and story line will be considered......

You know what to do....

Use all selective retails that have be mentioned over the course of my dialogues with you all, to install your ideas'.....

Have fun....its' dusty outside....

In lewisham, there is a small company that retails in the VW-green and white, small compacted minibus.. I think its vw...see if you can find it out, all negotiations will be considered....we will use, in the film, if suggested.

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