Thursday 2 September 2010

Edgar Valdez Villarreal

It appears that a conspircay has been established against a legitimate businessman, who had worked his way out of small time poverty into a market of open opportunity.

With his rise to a successful career, came a pressing link of internal corruption, who were instigating a pier pressure to extract a contract of underground-linkage into a crime affiliated life, leaving the world, as he knew, a world of stability, behind.

With this infliction of pressure and corruption, Valdez sort a means to exit by fleeing his position. Without second thoughts to where he would go and what he would do next, as a trade of work.

Without any money and or help from any other official work source, the doors' of success had been closed in his face, with the internal links of a corrupted police force.

He continued to survive on small job outlets' until there was nothing further available.

In his current position of being ousted out by the internal links of criminality, he then found himself in a position of whereby he had no other alternative but to sell a substance of what he had originally despised.

With police corruption rife, and their inner links' into the drug trade, it wasn't long before they found his where-abouts', crediting him on accounts of drug trafficking. However; with his first steps into the drug world, the corrupted enforcements strove to pressure him further into a crime affiliated world.

This explains with evidence; of why, in some ports of resting, where he had been staying, would be surrounded by equipment that only the force itself would be able to supply.

With this; pier pressure of more deadly drugs', Valdez opted out of the trade, in the middle and unannounced, of this new drugs business, offered to him, having heard of the effects that this world can have on people, he fled.

The force; then sort after him, with an extreme accusation of drug trafficking that they implied that he was the sole perpetrator of a highly organised, wave of drug operations'. This can not be so, as there was nothing in between the two periods of a slight misdemeanor, to a heavy involvement of gang association, it doest have a link.

As for a sting on the police force, there would be little chance of that, but a release and new identity because of these special circumstances would be highly sort after in relation to Valdez. Thus the courts would have to sort a permit of broader enlightenment's and release him with sealed information, guarded under special controls', so that the inner linked enforcements do not strive after him for a hit, in relation to his well being. And that he isn't prepared to give any further information on grounds of life endangerment.

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