Friday 3 September 2010

Alfred Morales

Accused and convicted of a murder that took place two centuries ago, at then 20 years' of age and now currently 45 years of age, with no hope of a future at the beginning of his life and no hope of a future, after being sentence to a life term for aggravated murder, what chance did he have of ever obtaining success in the condition that he was in.

Just 20 years old, a young man, out reaching from his teenage years', dependent on drugs' and alcohol abuses', looking for his next hit of substance abuse and other relatively crime related small issues', it appears that Alfred Morales lost control under influenced substance abuse and by temper of outburst, left a 12 year old boy dead.

However; after serving almost 23 years of term, his action of repose in r elation to his crime can be identified to himself as a outburst of lost control under drug enhancements', and that had he been clean and free from substance abuse, this crime in effect wouldn't have taken place. And that it was a spur of the moment incident that left, the young boy, unfortunately lifeless' of what wasn't the intent.

Having served a relatively long sentence, and being in very good credit within the prison confinements of the Cleveland, it makes one wonder if such behaviour wouldn't earn such an individual his rights of freedom, and by allowed to be placed in a protection programme of a work based environment and have a chance to reestablish a new beginning, this time with hope of prospect and the family of the victim should not be informed. There seems' to be a fault in the families statements of accounts', why would such a man seek revenge on these people, if they had nothing to do with this individuals current position of cagement, other then they would be seeking revenge on him.... and that statements and happenings of the crime seem to have been misappropriated, and the Mr Morales' may have only pleaded guilty because his attainment level of IQ was at that time in poor sted, making him and creating him as the perfect alibi for another individual.... and we all know in the eighties, crime was at an all time high, and that evidences could have been tampered with to indite Mr Morales for an act that he never infact commit ed in the first instance. And that in all due respects' to all individuals', he should be released with a programme scheme of effect that will help him obtain a reasonably new life.
Vernall Jorden and

Deanthony wells

Both in their youth, 20 and 18 years',....knowing the reputation of the Cleveland-heights' police force, when the police approached the crowed as to disperse them from a unhealthy gathering, to apparently prevent trouble, the two young men panicked in the mist of confusion.

Having heard rumours', and knowing through accounts of enforced abuses by the state of law in Cleveland, they shot out, using a tool, that they would only carry as a means' of display without intent for usage.

However during their confusion and panick, an unsuspecting individual got caught in the panicked-driven-bullet, that fled across the air space, with a mild injury, the un-named victim, escaped relatively unharmed.

The possession of cocaine was a one off package and that they were just experiencing the highs' of teenage years', and that they planned not to be in constant surroundings of such substances'.

If the charges' are dropped to community service, and they are relocated out of the area', into a work based programme, that can insure them a steady future, the chances are, these young men will not reoffend and that these young men, would not be carrying such weapons of displayment, in relation to the lack of control in the environment in which theses youn men, was and are still currently addressed at.

The charges seem so harsh, at such a young age, and that reprieve should be granted in addition that they stick to a schemed programme of release and work base, and that if they are wrepped for such crimes' in the future, more demanding punishments; will be given.
Martino Harris....21...ACCUSSED

It appears the Martino Harris was involved in a basic street fight that had witness approval of encouragement, and standby viewers'.

After this incident, in and around the area of Cleveland-heights, it is a well-known and notorious for fly-by, gangland-warfare.

A relatively clean boy, who had slight misdemeanor offensive of mild criminality does not fit the bill, of a flimsy one-off shooting that would have been hit with target precision of stake-out and take-out the opponent.

The person involved in the fight was not the victim shot dead at a , and I state, different location of the original street basic dispute.

This puts the witness and other gang members', and or street occupants at a precedent risk of a hit-man, take-out, while a diversion of effect had quitened down with the calling of police.

The officers' at hand claim that Harris dumped the proposed weapon at a different location and sort for an escape route out of the back streets'.

The mere fact that the police were called to the fight, would have instigated a flee amongst all spectators' and would have given anyone a chance to revenge a dispute with another gang revival.

The evidence put forward is a mere accusation and gathering of links', that quite frankly could be anyone of the members who were present at the scene, anyone experienced in a hit and target programme, it appears this isn't your man.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Edgar Valdez Villarreal

It appears that a conspircay has been established against a legitimate businessman, who had worked his way out of small time poverty into a market of open opportunity.

With his rise to a successful career, came a pressing link of internal corruption, who were instigating a pier pressure to extract a contract of underground-linkage into a crime affiliated life, leaving the world, as he knew, a world of stability, behind.

With this infliction of pressure and corruption, Valdez sort a means to exit by fleeing his position. Without second thoughts to where he would go and what he would do next, as a trade of work.

Without any money and or help from any other official work source, the doors' of success had been closed in his face, with the internal links of a corrupted police force.

He continued to survive on small job outlets' until there was nothing further available.

In his current position of being ousted out by the internal links of criminality, he then found himself in a position of whereby he had no other alternative but to sell a substance of what he had originally despised.

With police corruption rife, and their inner links' into the drug trade, it wasn't long before they found his where-abouts', crediting him on accounts of drug trafficking. However; with his first steps into the drug world, the corrupted enforcements strove to pressure him further into a crime affiliated world.

This explains with evidence; of why, in some ports of resting, where he had been staying, would be surrounded by equipment that only the force itself would be able to supply.

With this; pier pressure of more deadly drugs', Valdez opted out of the trade, in the middle and unannounced, of this new drugs business, offered to him, having heard of the effects that this world can have on people, he fled.

The force; then sort after him, with an extreme accusation of drug trafficking that they implied that he was the sole perpetrator of a highly organised, wave of drug operations'. This can not be so, as there was nothing in between the two periods of a slight misdemeanor, to a heavy involvement of gang association, it doest have a link.

As for a sting on the police force, there would be little chance of that, but a release and new identity because of these special circumstances would be highly sort after in relation to Valdez. Thus the courts would have to sort a permit of broader enlightenment's and release him with sealed information, guarded under special controls', so that the inner linked enforcements do not strive after him for a hit, in relation to his well being. And that he isn't prepared to give any further information on grounds of life endangerment.